Sunday, 25 March 2012

Out of Time...

Okay I have run out of time to do my blog story today - Real life has a way of taking over when I think I have enough hours - then poof! They are gone.

I have been a busy little person trying to catch up on everything but something had to give and today it is the Blog Story Wind Walkers I will have to get it done for tomorrow.

We have had a full on day of doing yard work and washing so I am completely bloody knackered. Not as much as the poor Hubs and Emily though - as they got most of the outside chores.

I am off now to fold up the mountain of washing and watch a DVD while I do it not sure what yet - Em says I have to watch Part 1 of Breaking Dawn... if she is helping me than I guess that is what it will be.


  1. It is ok..I think we all get lost in life..Sometimes we need to give oneself a break..Have fun with laundry...Breaking Dawn was not bad...

    1. Okay,laundry done... Breaking Dawn watched - I still say the wolves are way better than the vamps...Em never helped folding the washing she snuggled into bed reading - apparently she was up to a good part.

  2. Ah, the mundane has a way of intruding on life as we want it. I will be attacking laundry tomorrow when the grandsons go back to school. We got the pool clean today and the youngest could not resist a dip. While it's in the 80s today the water was not, resulting in shivering and blue lips. He is now wrapped in a blankie and drinking hot chocolate. Kids, gotta love 'em.
