Showing posts with label Family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Family. Show all posts

Wednesday, 26 February 2025

Day 57: Sore Finger and other stuff

Don't you just hate it when you hurt yourself and you have no clue at all of how it happened. Today I realized the tip of my right index finger is as sore as hell. And why is it when you have something like that you are always bumping, and or, touching it and making it feel worse than it already is... Yeah, well that's my life today. Well, actually, it started hurting late yesterday afternoon.

I'm going to go and see about new tyres for my car while I'm downtown today... That's my big chore. The ones I have now are wearing out fast.

I also have to Pick up mum's medication from the chemist and fit in a bit of grocery shopping somewhere. Full agenda. I'm trying to get it all done today, because on Friday I have Cyclone sleeping over, and then on Saturday I have Hurricane sleeping over. Monsoon is going to sleep over at her favourite Aunt's (Second cousin) house. Friday I will be either watching Wednesday, or Stranger Things... and on Saturday; it will more than likely be Captain Underpants, or Buzz Lightyear. I'll have to make sure my Kindle is fully charged.

I'm not sure I'll get any writing done on either of those days... But that's okay as it will give me more time to read Sherrilyn Kenyon.

Monday, 24 February 2025

Day 55: Happy Birthday Lacey


Happy birthday, Lacey. I may have forgotten how old you are, but at least I remembered your birthday.

In other news I'm still working on Iron Horse MC 1: Just this side of crazy. though at some point I may swap back to Dark Frost 1: Accidentally Yours. I'll see how I'm faring. 

My cold is coming back, and this time around I have the cough to go with it, which in turn makes my ribs as sore as hell; and has brought my headache back.

My big chore for today is to fold up all the laundry and put it away, and wash whatever is in the basket. I'm trying not to let it all build up again. because it's so exhausting when I have to do laundry all day long.

I probably won't get any yardwork done. Not when I'm feeling like crap. My yard is such an odd shape that it makes it so hard to keep tidy; and parts are on so much of a tilt that I have fallen down embankments way more than I should. Pain in the ar*e. in saying that though, I'm slowly getting it down.

Tuesday, 18 February 2025

Day 49: Yard Work


I tried to get a little bit of whipper snipping done, because it's too long to mow the house yards. My shoulder/arm wasn't too happy about it. I've decided that I'll just have to take it slowly and just do a little bit every day. It'll all get done eventually.

My eldest sister Saff, and her second youngest daughter (who's a grown woman in her own right); came around and brought Mum Chinese for a belated lunch. I made myself fish and salad. because I knew what was in it.

I was freezing today, which is weird in itself seeing as that we're still in the hot months of our year. Everyone else was all dressed for the summer months while I was all rugged up. I hope I'm not coming down with the same cold my granddaughter's all have.

I had both Hurricane and Monsoon today, while Cyclone went for her swimming lesson. So, today we watch Rise of the Guardians... twice.

Monday, 17 February 2025

Day 48: Happy Birthday Mum & Other Stuff


  1.  My wonderful mother turns 93 today. It's her day to be spoiled so whatever she wants for lunch that is what I'm making her... Apparently, its honey, soy, and garlic chicken.
  2. At 7:30 am they started slashing our paddock. the guy says it will take three hours... but it only ended up taking two.
  3. Telstra is working on some tower in our area, so I have no internet; and I won't have for the next five days. I'll have to write the posts out in a notebook so I can type them up once I get back online.
  4. I had Hurricane while Cyclone was at dance practice. Hurricane is so congested it's not funny. Monsoon is spending the arvo with her favourite Aunty (second cousin). So at least there won't be any fighting.
  5. I have a mad headache today. I'm trying to do as little as possible. At least my back is almost back to normal. It's only twinging every now and then, now.
  6. Today's big chore was untangling all the wire behind the TV... Zip ties are a wonderous invention. At least I have no worries about Robson (youngest cat) won't get all tripped up as he's going through the space between the TV and the wall.

Friday, 14 February 2025

Day 45: Babysitting Again

I have to look after my granddaughters again, while their mum is working. Both Hurricane and Cyclone are ill, so they are home from school. If I'm honest, I think Monsoon might be a tad sick as well. They all have colds in varying degrees.

Today, I'm bribing them with screen time. If it keeps them all quiet, I'm all for that. at least their mum is only working until lunch time, and then they get to go home, and I can rest.

I have a damn headache. I love my granddaughters, but some days they do my head in; and while they're sick it's one of those days. it also doesn't help that one has ADHD and likes to make weird high-pitched noises.

I'm finding it harder and harder to recover after each visit. But they only have to smile and my heart melts. It's then that I completely forget what little terrors they have been. Because they are my little angels.

I don't get any writing done while they are here. Hurricane and Monsoon always want to help. I've made that mistake before. I've left my current WIP open and one of the girls has either added a heap of gibberish of deleting big chunks of my story that I'll never get back. It's just easier not to have the computer on.

Tuesday, 11 February 2025

Day 42: I Have Monsoon Today.


Yesterday, my back went out... so I basically ended up sleeping the afternoon away. I could hardly move. I woke up and it's still really tender. So, I won't be doing much again, because I can't sit up for long periods of time.

Though, I did have to get up and take Hurricane and Cyclone to school. I also have Monsoon while Emily is at work this morning. I'm hoping Monsoon is going to just want to have a quite morning watching my phone or TV. Knowing her as I do, she'll want to eat me out of house and home.

I need to sort out the cords behind my TV. They look like a jumbled mess, and It's doing my freaking head in. Yet, that will be a job when I don't have Monsoon here trying to help me.

It looks like we might get some rain today. unless the clouds all disappear on us.

Writing wise: I'm not sure I'm up to getting any done, seeing as I'll have to be lying down mostly for my back. That, and I can't write while Monsoon is here. I have her this morning and again this arvo when Hurricane and Cyclone go swimming.

Sunday, 9 February 2025

Day 40: Little Things


Today I need to do all the little things, or rather 5 little chores. The ones I hate doing like:
  1. Cleaning the microwave.
  2. Cleaning the air fryer.
  3. Wiping all the spills off the kitchen cupboards - I thought I got them all yesterday after the kids left, but this morning I realized I had missed a few.
  4. Cleaning the shower glass.
  5. Changing all the bedding.
At least I have all day to get them done. I also have to fold the Laundry today; but I don't mind doing that one.

I don't want to overexert myself, because I don't want to be too sore to go to physio tomorrow.

I also need to try and get a bit of writing done. On that note I will away and get started. Right after I clean up the furball my cat Robson decided to just leave at my feet. Yay, what fun it is to be a pet owner. I'm kidding, I love my cats... most of the time. 

Saturday, 8 February 2025

Day 39: Decluttering & Other Things

 Today I've been decluttering all of my writing files. Making sure that when I'm actually working on something, all the clutter in the files is gone and I'm only left with what I need.

I've been having a bad headache today. Not a blinder, but a slow dull thump. I think I may have forgotten to take my medication this morning.

I finished watching both versions of Ghosts. I liked different characters in both the English and the American versions... Basement ghosts were funny in both.

It was a freaking warm day again today. Yes, I know it's summer, and it's meant to be hot. I must obviously be a winter person; I really do like the cooler weather.

Today I tried to work on Dark Frost 1: Accidentally Yours. It's been good getting to know the characters again. In the end I decided to stop and try again tomorrow. Hard to work on anything when you have two of the granddaughters visiting. Today I had Cyclone and Monsoon... while Hurricane went and got her new glasses.

Friday, 7 February 2025

Day 38: Babysitting Duty


Okay, I have Monsoon again today. I know she gets fed at home. I just don't understand as soon as she walks through Mar-Mar's (me) door she starts demanding food. I don't know where she fits it all she is a tiny little thing (3).

I'm also washing all the bedding today. I forgot how hard it is trying to remake a bed with two cats walking all over it and thinking I'm playing every time shake out a sheet or the doona.

I'm also trying to get some writing done. Not sure how much I'll manage with Monsoon here. Right now, I'm bribing her with screen time. She's watching kids YouTube; better than me having to sit through one of her movies again. Her favourites at the moment are:

  1. Despicable Me 4
  2. Luca
  3. Moana
  4. Raya
  5. Encanto
  6. Inside out 1 & 2
  7. Bluey (TV show)

Tuesday, 4 February 2025

Day 35: Really starting to hate technology


Why is it, that every time my computer or phone needs to update something, everything freaking changes. It takes me so long to learn the new crap only for it to update again and screw me over once more. It's a total pain in the arse.

I have Monsoon this afternoon while the other two are at their swimming lessons. So, it looks like I will be watching Despicable Me 4 at some stage.

I have a twinge in my arm/shoulder today. I may have over did the exercises a little yesterday. I really need to get my cobweb broom back and get all the webs around the moulding on the roof down. They've seemed to only come inside since we've had non-stop rain.

I'm reaching 30K on Woden's Wolves 3: When Everything Shatters. I'm coming to the point in the story where it starts to turn, and head for the light at the end of the tunnel. Dare & Krush have been taking me on an adventure, and least I know some of the things to write about in books 1: Stronger Than She Looks & 2: There & Back Again.

Monday, 3 February 2025

Day 34: Thank You

I just want to say a big thank you to everyone who sent me so many lovely birthday wishes. In case you're wondering I had a nice quiet day with my mother.

I did manage to get my chores, and all the writing done that I needed to; so that was a plus.

Today it's a tad on the windy side, so my internet keeps going in and out. My cat Ollie has been very clingy. He is laying right beside me and has to have some part of him touching me.

It's been a hot one today. Thank God for aircon.  I'm tired today. I wish I could say it was from having a drink or two on my birthday. Sadly, it's just from lack of sleep. I have a small touch of insomnia.

Saturday, 1 February 2025

Day 32: One Tired Night


My night started out with me agreeing to babysit my three granddaughters. They were great right up until the point when they weren't. There were tears and fighting over who got to sleep on the air mattress. There was pushing and shoving until in the end I assigned their sleeping spots.

I went to change Monsoon's nappy. As I sat on the side of the air mattress I fell/bounced off and landed on the floor, cracking the back of my head on the little wooded stool.

The girls decided they were having so much fun; they didn't go to sleep until a fraction before midnight. Turned out me and Monsoon got the air mattress, and the two other kids ended up in my bed with the two cats.

Then if that wasn't fun enough, at about 2am, the 13-year-old cat decided to throw up all over the bed. So, I had had to get up and deal with that, while trying not to wake the sleeping kids. I managed to get it done and fell back to sleep. Only to be woken a short time later by the cats wanting to get out.

I finally drifted back off to sleep and the three little terrors woke up wanting breakfast. Yes, I had to get up and see to them. I'm hoping tonight I get to go to bed at a decent hour.

On other news: I started typing up the longhand notes on Woden's Wolves 3: When Everything Shatters.

Friday, 31 January 2025

Day 31: One Month Down


I can't believe it's the end of January already. the month has seemed to have flown by. One minute it's Happy New Year, and the next it What the f*ck? my writing got thrown off kilter just a tad, but I'm sure by the end of February I should be back on track with everything. I kept up on wordage, just not the story I was planning on doing... but as Hurricane would say, "That's okay though." It just means I have one less story to write further in the year seeing as I did it now.

My foot is still hurting... as is everything else in my body. Growing older sucks.

I'm getting someone in to slash most of my yard. My shoulder and back won't let me do it at the moment. The real estate ladies helped me organise it. Which is nice of them.

My big chore today is clearing out my kitchen drawers and cupboards. I don't know how they get so messy. Plus, I need to read the expiration dates on everything. I hate it when there are items out of date. It also gives me a chance to move the newer stock to the back and the older stock forward.

So, on that note I will away and get my day started. If I'm feeling adventurous, I might even throw on a load of washing.

Wednesday, 29 January 2025

Day 29: Little Things


Today I had to run errands after school drop off. The important thing was going to the doctor and getting all of my mother's scripts refilled. She can't go without her medication.

I also did the grocery shopping... there was hardly anything on the shelves. but I got a majority of what I needed. I'm not feeling the best today. Not sick exactly, just off. I'll have to take it easy for a while. when I got home, I noticed one of my feet is starting to hurt.

Decided to try Kiev Balls for lunch. I'm not sure I liked them, but mum did, so I daresay we'll have them again at some stage. Luckily, for me they are just a sometimes food. I always try and figure out what I want to cook for the fortnight before I go shopping. So, I know what I need to buy food wise. I'm trying to shop smarter this year.

Other than that: I'm working in longhand on a Woden's Wolves MC story I have to go where my Muse takes me.

Tuesday, 28 January 2025

Day 28: School Begins Today

School begins again today for another year. We have one off to prep and one starting in Grade two. Our Preppy (Hurricane) got off to a bad start even before school started... (Monsoon) pushed her out of the house door and she fell over. So, at drop off time, she screamed the freaking school down... Fingers crossed tomorrow is much better.

I had a house inspection today from the real estate. I'd forgotten all about it. Luckily, for me the house was spotless. My yard on the other hand needs some work. but I've already organised through the real estate to get someone in to slash it for me.

I'm still writing in longhand for the moment; and seriously I don't know why I haven't switched to the computer. I think I will stick with what's working for me; especially when the story is freely flowing.

Monday, 27 January 2025

Day 27: My Muse


Yes, I know this is a picture of Jonathan Rhys Meyers; but this is kind of how I see Vlad; my muse. He's come back from wherever the hell he was hiding. Vlad is pushing me to write the story that he wants done. Where the characters need to be written. I swear to God, that they must pay him off; just so he annoys the hell out of me to swap projects halfway through.

So, in saying that I'll be working on my Woden's Wolves MC for the next week or so while I complete the task given to me. I started writing it in longhand. When it comes time to type it up. I'll then add in all the fluff/descriptive bits.

Public holiday here today for Australia Day. So, I'm just pottering around the house getting a few odd chores done. The ones I put off until the need doing... like cleaning the stove, or the air fryer, or microwave. The ones that I do at least once a fortnight... though, I do wipe my stove over every time I use it. It doesn't get as messy then. I'm also thinking I need to do another declutter of my kitchen crap. Get rid of the things I don't use, as they are just taking up the space of the things I do use.

Saturday, 25 January 2025

Day 25: Plastic Plants


My mum loves her plastic plants. The good thing is they never die, and I don't have to water them. The problem is I have to dust them and wipe them over all the time. This is my task for today. Clean all the plastic plants in the house. Sadly, my mum has a lot.

I have them and the blinds to try and get washed. I have about 8 venetian blinds that need doing.

So, today is a busy day, unless I get sidetracked and none of it gets done. I'm still on track with my writing. so that might be what distracts me from my chores

Friday, 24 January 2025

Day 24: Randomness #3


Today I have my granddaughters while their mum takes the eldest to swimming lessons and then comes back and swaps the eldest out for the middle one; and takes her for her second eye test = today they are working out what strength she needs. she has already picked out spiderman frames.

I feel like this picture today... I have so much to do, and all I want to do is sleep, but sadly the household chores won't get done by themselves. The biggest chore today is folding up all the washing. 

I got more exercises added to the ones I already have from the physio when I went on Wednesday. This time some of them are for my back. Jared showed me a different way of doing the shoulder/arm exercises that will put less stress on my back/spine.

I'm on the last season of Marple on Brit Box... It's been pretty good. I'm not sure which lady I preferred better as Miss Marple. I'll probably watch the series again to see all the bits that I've missed. Sometimes I can pick the killer and sometimes I can't.

Sunday, 12 January 2025

Day 12: Raining Again


It's another one of those days when the weather is a total pain in the ass. As by today's title, you can guess that it is raining again. Before you know it, the grass will be up around our ears. The bad part is I love the rain. I just hate that the ground never has a chance to fully dry our and I can't get the mowing done. Looks like I will have to get the brush cutter out... okay, I'll have to buy a brush cutter first and then get stuck into the yard once it fully stops raining.

I have my eldest grandchild visiting today. They came over to pick up something and she refused to go home. Apparently, she needed a break from her sisters. Her mum will come and pick her up later.

I'm well on track for getting my first book finished for 2025 today. I have 4K more to write on The Halloways 1: Blood Ties, and then one final read through. Just to make sure it all makes sense to me. I have enjoyed writing this one.

I also have a mad headache today. My arm and shoulder are tender. My back is aching. My feet are burning. My hands are aching; and my ears are ringing. Oh, the joys of getting old.

Thursday, 9 January 2025

Day 9: Birthday Wishes


Happy 35th birthday to my daughter. 

Glad you survived this long.

Even happier your three girls - give you a taste of what you put me through,

Love you to death - even if you do drive me crazy sometimes.

2025 is going to be a great year.