Sunday 15 September 2019

Headache Today...

I can't concentrate today to do anything today so My word quota isn't getting met. I'm lucky if the rest of my household chores are even going to be done on time.

At least I managed to get the washing done. I finally got some of the clothes back that my daughter borrowed off of me when she was pregnant━my granddaughter is now 18 months old. I wonder how old she'll be when I get the rest back.

I spent 8 hours yesterday over at my daughter's place moving stuff around and sorting through clothes = keeping some and donating others. Emily is moving a bookcase into her spare room. It's where they keep all their DVD's. They want to be able to shut the door and keep them out of Grace's hands.

My sister came around to pick up some stuff and ended up taking home two bags of clothes that no longer fit me. At least that gets them out of my closet. I'm trying to simplify my wardrobe so it's making it easier to match my clothing when I need to get dressed.

One of the big lessons I've learned since losing the weight that I have 18kg (39.68 lbs) besides the obvious of my clothes not fitting me. Is that now none of my shoes seem to fit me either. I hate looking for new shoes because it takes me forever to find ones I like that are comfortable as well.

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