Tuesday 7 January 2020


Okay, so I've already fallen behind, but it's not my fault... no excuses... and I'm not really behind. I'll still be all caught up by the end of January...

I spent all of last Saturday sitting at the hospital with my daughter. She had bad cramps... she is 16 weeks pregnant (it's okay to tell everyone now, Julie). Everything is going to be okay... so no need to panic just yet. Tomorrow, I'll be back at the doctor and god knows how long I'll be sitting in the waiting room there before I get to see a doctor.

Other than that I'm doing okay... I'm 12K behind, but like I said that is nothing as I have plenty of extra days where I can nake that loss up. The hardest part is for me to try and remember where the hell I was headed with Experimentals 3: Messages from the Dead. I need to find where the hell I put my story synopsis... though I did note 4 chapters in I had already named one of the main characters by the wong fricken name. So I had to change it to what it should be. Now that just annoyed the crap out of me. Seriously how could I mix up the names Syndey Morrison and Giles McManus and for some strange reason I had added an e to Delany's  (Delaneyname that I had to take out...

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