Monday 28 December 2020

Can't wait for this year to be over


I feel that this year has just plain wor me the hell out. I'm so very thankful that Covid never touched me or mine (yet)... and hopefully, it never will. though it seems this year I was screwed over in the health department. I know I shouldn't complain because so many people who have been touched by Covid have had it much worse than I have.

Seriously though, my back/spine has been sorer than hell. So, in 2021 I'll definitely have to take better care of it and try and finish losing the weight that I need to, just to try and relieve the stress there. I also seem to have caught ever fricken virus that was going around, which then would kick in a bout of my Ross River Fever.

So I'll have to change my dietary habits for the upcoming year and eat foods that don't clash with my ailments, such as my thyroid etc. I'm not going to diet per se, but I will weigh in every week. So if there is anyone out there who wants to join me then please feel free to drop me a line and we can start this journey together. Sometimes all you need is someone there keeping you motivated. whether it be a friend or a perfect stranger like me. I'll be weighing in each Friday, so for all you Americans that will be a Thursday so we are inputting on the same day. This should be fun.

I've been trying to sort a few things out before I start writing again in 2021, but I have a massive headache today. I think I'm going to have to take a couple of pain killers to try and get it under control. I might even do a bit of reading to catch me up to date on one of the stories I have to get back into writing come 2021.

Talk to you all later.

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