Saturday 30 October 2021

Today I Am...


Today I am still trying to sort out the mess my Dropbox has become. I have no clue how I let it become so messed up. But over today and tomorrow, I need to get it cleared out and set up for next year. I don't want to find myself in this position again. I feel like I'm losing my mind while going through everything as I sometimes have the same thing saved multiple times. why the hell would I do that? now I'm reading through everything to see if they are different. I know I can tell by the date which is the latest version, but not which is the best version. I must have kept them all for a reason, right?

Also still doing yard work with my brother, and sister-in-law, I think we still have at least one more ute load of dirt to unload before the sod arrives this week. I can tell you my armpits are sore from shoveling it all and for some reason the backs of my thighs. It will be well worth it once it is all done.

Today I'm cooking Silverside, sloppy peas, mashed potatoes, cauliflower, broccoli, and white sauce for lunch. I can't wait it's going to be delicious. It already smells wonderful, and I've only just started cooking it.

I'm tired today. I've been having crappy nights of sleep of late. we've had a few thunderstorms. I've also had restless cats who think nighttime is the best time to wrestle in the middle of my bed. It has also been freaking hot as Hades here.

I also have to find the time this week to mend my granddaughter's toy dog. Each of them has a replica of the same toy dog I had as a child. They are probably the same age as mine (50 years old), but Gracie needs it to take to her other nana's house. So it looks like I will need to track down my sewing kit and fix poor MD3 up for her.

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