I've decided to break through my barriers and smile at a stranger each time I leave the house, (not in a creepy kind of way), but you never know what someone else is going through and a smile might be just what they need.
I've also thinking I'm going to have to do a rewatch of Wednesday and Stranger Things before the release the next seasons in each show. At the moment I'm watching Vera on Brit Box, I'm up to season ten, so I only have a couple more seasons to go. I've really been enjoying it. I like to watch a couple of episodes of something after I'm done writing for the day... it just helps me unwind.
You'll all be happy to know that I'm almost at the end of my washing. Who knew having a few extra people in the house for a couple of days would create so much. It wouldn't have taken me half as long if it hadn't rained like nearly every day since they left, and I've mostly had to hang everything inside. Luckily, yesterday the sun stayed out and I managed to use the outside line for that lot of washing.
I need to have a haircut today. It's getting to the length where it's starting to annoy me. So, I guess I'll be pulling the clippers out this afternoon and crossing that job off my list. During my stocktake of the pantry yesterday. I realized I had four bottles of salad dressing. I guess I can cross that off the shopping list. I'm going to have to teach myself to go through the pantry in the couple of days leading up to grocery shopping to know what I need and what I don't. Right now, I'm trying a method of having everything on a list and I cross it off when it's used and add it on when I buy new to replace. I'm going to try the same method with my freezer foods as well. I'll let you all know how it goes
On that note I'll say goodbye as I have to go downtown and buy some water, (we can't drink our tank water) when I get home, I'm getting stuck back into my write for today.