Lancatser's Way: A Different Way of Seeing... Well low and behold I threw away the first version and started from scratch. I made it to just over 2K yesterday so I am happy with that progress.
Mixed Tape: I Should Have Known Better... I am happy because yesterday I passed the 10K mark and now I have an inkling of where I am heading with this story. It's truly like a fog has been lifted as my mind has been caught up in other story lines.
The Lines of Marsden: Living in Shadows... I'm not really sure how much I have actually done on this one as I have a few different docs. (Shhh, don't tell Embry as I made fun of her for doing the same thing) any way so whichever perspective you want to look at it I am somewhere between 0 and 85K... I just need to put them all in the same place.
The Diamond Rose: Undercover Hearts... to be honest this book is at a standstill unless one of you lovely people can tell me where the hell I have put my spiral notebook with all my info and story ideas in it. You think I would have it in one of my filing cabinets, or maybe in the office somewhere... but alas I have put it in a safe place - I just have no clue where that safe place is at the moment. (But the tattoo Em has across her sternum of this title is almost finished just one more pass-over to do touch-ups) I think I'm just under 4K on this one.
Jettermane... even though this started as a blog story I have been revising it and expanding it and I will try and get it subbed somewhere so that Cinders and everyone else can find out the rest of the story. I was slack and just stopped mid story at a time when my real life seemed to get hectic as hell... about 18K
But who's life doesn't get busy at times... and why do I separate the two... because writing to me is just as real as breathing or cooking for my family.