Friday, 24 October 2014

Just Found Out...

I am so snoopy dancing right now... luckily you can't see me as I really suck at dancing, so it isn't pretty.

Okay, onto what has me so excited. I've just found out that my editor at Fireborn Publishing is the wonderfully amazing Jamie D Rose.

This has been the highlight of my day seeing as I'm having trouble with the online banking because the New Zealand Bank I'm dealing with doesn't have a BSB number, which just means to pay INV 1309 I'll have to get out of my pj's and make a trip into town to get it all sorted out.

Other than that, my break from writing is going great - instead of starting something new I'm going through all my notes for other stories and getting then into the right files for when I will eventually need them again.

Thursday, 23 October 2014

Crazy-Arsed Weather

One day it's hot the next it's cold as a witch's tit... No wonder everyone is getting bloody ill.

In the morning it's jumpers and jeans and then by mid-arvo we've stripped down to shorts and singlets.

The cats are all snuggled in so damn cute because they love me and then as soon as the heat arrives I've been dumped.

Okay, I have to head out and meet the guy bringing an industrial container (carrying our tools) to our construction yard... it's the only bad thing about Emily leaving construction to pursue another career. I get to deal with all the little jobs when no one else is around.

Wednesday, 22 October 2014

I'm Taking A Break

Between now and NaNoWriMo starting I am taking a break from writing. I will poke my head out every now and again to give you updates on my life and what's happening.

Okay, maybe that is a bit of a fib... I'll work on the beta edits on The Diamond Rose 1: Gateway To Kalethia when it gets back and submit it... I'm basically taking a break from starting anything new.

Besides, Vlad has decided to go on vacation with Michael Marsden. he promises to return him to me by December 1st when I start back on The Lines Of Marsden 3: You Make Me Die In Pieces.

Monday, 20 October 2014

ALMOST DONE: Gateway To Kalethia

I'm almost finished with The Diamond Rose 1: Gateway To Kalethia... I hope to have it finished by today and sent to the Beta reader before it goes off for submission to Fireborn Publishing. It started out that I wanted it to roll in at around 40K, but at 45K it's not quite finished I still have one scene to write.

Friday, 17 October 2014

Em's Turn

4 songs that are stuck in my head
So I thought I'd share

Thursday, 16 October 2014

Wednesday, 15 October 2014


Well, my headache turned into a migraine which had me out for the count for the last four days... My world had become dark grey and extremely blurry -- nauseating came to mind.

Today is the first day I've managed to get back onto the computer so I'm behind in everything once again... but what else is new for me.

I've had to squash quite a few of my planned writing projects (new) to concentrate on the series I already have out or coming out in the near future... I think I have 8 current series on the go and that's not including my blog story (which I will continue with).

I promise to let everyone know what is going on when I fully work out what I'm going to do. I still have full intentions of finishing at least 3 more books for 2014 even if some aren't released until some tome in 2015.