Friday, 20 December 2019

The Name Game

Character's names are sometimes the hardest things to come by in any given story... It's sometimes even harder trying to find their perfect counter match in the love interest.

I've taken to every time I think of a name I'd like to use on a character or future character. I write them in down in a book. and then when I'm stuck for a name I can always come back to my name book and see if I have anything that fits the situation. Usually, I do.

I think the name has to really suit the character... Or be so opposite their nature that it's ironic in a way. But It's not just character names that have to be perfect. it could be anything in the story... The name of a bar... The name of the corner store... The name of a country inn... the name of a space station... Or maybe even just a beloved pet. I like to keep lots of possibilities marked down for such occasions as they might be needed.

The inspiration can come from anywhere things going on in my life... E.G: Louella's Family Restuarant in the Toowoomba Boys series is named after one of my nieces. I've named a lot of my characters after my family members. But that's okay, they don't seem to mind.

Thursday, 19 December 2019

Beautiful According to Me

I'd really like to hear this story━ What happened here?

Who lives here━What is their story?

There's got to be a story here━What is it?

Just makes me think demon hiding in the shadows━what do you think?

I love abandoned buildings━who doesn't want to hear their story?

Wednesday, 18 December 2019


Sometimes it sucks not being able to sleep, but other times it's when I get all my best story ideas.

I usually have to keep a spiral notebook handy, so I can jot down anything I think of. When I get up the next morning I have to try and make sense of all my notes. Sometimes it isn't always possible. Other times I'm thinking I'm the most brilliant person in the world. Until I realise how many WIPS I already have in the works and then grumble a bit and type up the notes and put them safely away in my back-burner file.

The weird thing is the longer I go without sleep the less tired I seem to be. And the more intricate my story ideas become. Hence the reason I have been keeping better records of all my characters. Keeping track of all the important things in the stories. 

The bad thing about insomnia is, eventually I'm going to have to crash. And when I do, it's going to be ugly. I'll end up with the mother of all headaches. Damn, I'm really not looking forward to this, but as a famous bushranger (Ned Kelly) once said━such  is life.

Tuesday, 17 December 2019

Getting older sucks.

Life is catching up with me, and I think my poor old body is shutting down on me. I'll be turning 51 in 47 days. But I have promised myself that I'm only allowing myself to down and out for the rest of 2019... Once 2020 starts, I have to be on my A-game again.

I'm going to be far too busy to get worn out again. Well hopefully I'll take better care of myself and I won't get run down again. I've been out of it for so long, I'm just grateful I have the energy and need to write again.

Let's make a deal. If I start to slack off. you can let me know and I'll up my game and get back on track... and I'll promise to give regular updates on what's going on... both in my writing and my health.

I have to believe 2020 is going to be a better year, it's gotta be better than the year just gone. I think there will be a lot of people out there who are hoping for the very same thing.

Monday, 16 December 2019

Looking into the future

Okay, so maybe it's just the future inside my head or cleaning up the clutter in there. Since being sick, the abundance of new story ideas has multiplied. I really think Vlad is trying to lead me down the garden path where they are concerned and hiding the series I should be busy working on. He thinks he's hilarious when he does crap like that to me.

This year I meant to finish two more stories:
  • The Connelly Chronicles 3: Because of You
  • Wardens of the Guild 3: Heartstrings
The next couple of weeks will be telling of how much I can catch up as I think I actually have 87, 474 words left to write. If I crackdown I could probably still make it I'd at least 5.4K a day until the end of the month. That's with taking Christmas day off to spend with family. I think I'll give it a shot. If I don't make it then I'll let you know on December 31st and tell you how much time I'll need to play catch up next year. Because I'm due to start edits on The Lines of Marsden 4: The Trail of Red Roses soon.

Sunday, 15 December 2019

Happy Birthday, Max.

Leigh 'Max' Walker
Happy birthday you old fart.
I hope the kids spoil you rotten.

Saturday, 14 December 2019

I can't believe it━where did it go?

I can't believe how fast this year has flown by in the blink of an eye. It seems like only yesterday we were all telling each other Merry Christmas/ Happy Hanukkah/ Seasons Greetings (however you want to say it) & Happy New Year, and here it rolling around again... 

Q> Where the hell did the year go, and how did I miss so much of it?

It's like I only woke up and it was already November. I'm not happy about it. I know it's my own damn fault. I know I was sick at the beginning of the year.

Q> But what the hell was my excuse for somehow missing the whole middle of the year?

I can't even seem to recall what was so damn interesting that it kept me so preoccupied and away from my computer. Hence the reason I need to sort out the schedule for next year.

Wish me luck━I'm going to need it.