Character's names are sometimes the hardest things to come by in any given story... It's sometimes even harder trying to find their perfect counter match in the love interest.
I've taken to every time I think of a name I'd like to use on a character or future character. I write them in down in a book. and then when I'm stuck for a name I can always come back to my name book and see if I have anything that fits the situation. Usually, I do.
I think the name has to really suit the character... Or be so opposite their nature that it's ironic in a way. But It's not just character names that have to be perfect. it could be anything in the story... The name of a bar... The name of the corner store... The name of a country inn... the name of a space station... Or maybe even just a beloved pet. I like to keep lots of possibilities marked down for such occasions as they might be needed.
The inspiration can come from anywhere things going on in my life... E.G: Louella's Family Restuarant in the Toowoomba Boys series is named after one of my nieces. I've named a lot of my characters after my family members. But that's okay, they don't seem to mind.