I'm really into cooking at home... mainly because I know exactly what goes into each meal. I'm not talking about calorie counting or anything like that. I think I've mentioned before I have a thyroid problem and some food groups don't always agree with me. The good thing about cooking for myself is I can usually avoid those food groups. Though I have a bad habit of occasionally sneaking one into my diet and then suffering for it later.
The other good thing about cooking at home is, personally I think it's a hell of a lot cheaper than eating out. And if you're with other people not everyone can always agree on where to eat, and when we have fussy eaters (yes, I'm that person) it's just not worth the hassle.
My biggest problem at the moment is learning to cook a meal for just two people without having an abundance of leftovers. After having cooked for a family for so many years it's hard to cut back on the cooking styles.
At the moment I'm in love with lentils... I prefer them to meat on most days. If you have any great lentil recipes send them my way... just remember I can't have cream in my food (that whole thyroid thing). Not even coconut cream.