Today I am deep cleaning my room. Well, as much as mu shoulder allows me to. I swapped out my wardrobe for a set of chest of drawers. I realised I only had three things that needed hanging, the rest could be folded. So, I pulled out my inner Marie Kondo and folded the shit out of everything and it all fit into the drawers and looks much tidier.
The other win is now my three-year-old granddaughter (Monsoon) won't be climbing the open-faced wardrobe like her very own jungle gym anymore.
I still have a couple of things to find homes for tomorrow, but I need to actually get my writing in today if I want to stay on track of having three books finished by my birthday (Feb 2). As long as I don't let Miss Marple distract me on Brit Box I should be okay. Okay, I'll talk to you all tomorrow.