Thursday, 30 August 2012

Looking Back.

Today I have been looking back at old stories I started years ago and was having a gander through them. What shocked me was how badly they were written after working with editors for the past year I realise I know so much more now. Thank God no one has to see the crappy first attempts which I thought were so bloody good when I first started out - for those of you who were subject to my work in the beginning I can only apologise.

The worst thing in all of my earlier works that I am guilty of is HEAD HOPPING. Why I felt the need to be inside everyone's head all  at the same time I have no clue as it makes re-tweaking a nightmare. But if I ever want these stories to see the light of day I have a lot of re-tweaking ahead of me.

Seriously I need a good critique group. I have two wonderful beta readers (Sue & Yoda) who put up with all my weirdness, and I have two great editors (Kimberly & Mark) who help me sort out the rest. Without them all I would still be a total mess.

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

One Of Those Weeks.

Have you ever had one of those weeks where you think to yourself - "What the fuck is going on?" In our household this week this is what we have been going through.

1) Emily and the hubs have decided it's fair game on their work jeans - they have each torn a couple of pairs so I will be replacing them and all down the back seam - mind you it has given me an abundance of sick jokes for the next six months or so.

2) Emily spilt curing oil all on the floor of the shed and down the leg of a pair of jeans she didn't rip. typical that is all I can say.

3) Emily went into the head office and left all the stuff she was meant to take sitting in the home office. If that wasn't bad enough she forgot to pick up the stuff from head office and bring it back out to home.

4) The hubs came home with a $330- fine from talking n his mobile phone while driving... and then gets cranky at me because of it - Hey, I wasn't the idiot talking on the phone - LOL. I am one of the good people who pull over or just don't answer the ringing phone.

5) The rego payment slip for the trailer goes missing so it takes me all day to get through all the departments just to pay $89.40 (I may have been the one to lose this but I am not owning up to it.)

Can anyone besides me see a pattern here? I think Em and the hubs should just stop touching things and writing themselves notes and my life would run a hell of a lot more smoothly.

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Lie To Me...

Today I have decided to work on something completely different to what I am supposed to be doing. so after cleaning out my drop box I went through and randomly picked a book to work on -  (pull a name out of a plastic container method).  Lie to Me is the story that I pulled out. So even though I have 30 K of the 45 K story written I am going through and making sure there are no really bad head hopping incidents, (believe me, there are a ton so I am dreading going through the rest of the story. This is one of those crazy-arse stories where I have like three story lines going on. So I have decided to separate them and turn it into three 45 K Novella's.

On A Moon-Runner Christmas I have worked my way through most of the stuff and am waiting for my first lot of Edits I think my editor is Mark Hopkins again, it will be good to argue with him again. Mind you since One Last Kiss Goodbye we have become old friends. I wonder if his favourite things to tell me are REDUNDANT-DELETE-SHOW DON'T TELL. I suppose I will find out soon enough.

Em is getting the last of her chest tattoo (the diamond rose) done today so it should be all good by the time we get to GRL in October. I really must finish writing  the damn book seeing as she has the title now tattooed across her chest. Well, at least it will be good pre- promoing for me, LOL.

Monday, 27 August 2012

AKM Miles & What's The Hap?

The goss for today is not much is going on in my life at the moment... (writing wise - personally wise my life is as crazy as a jumping castle).

I finally emailed someone and asked about the thing I was stuffing up in the Silver system... man it was so easy and I couldn't believe it was as simple as me misreading an email (actually we all know it could be that simple - I am blaming it on total lack of sleep).

Have I told you all how much I love AKM Miles Scarcity Sanctuary books? Well I love them, and I recently finished reading the latest one Trick's Dante, (I had to go back and start from book 1- which was okay by me as we all know how much I love Soldier & Dillon...) If you haven't read this series yet then you better get to it as it is bloody brilliant, and I'm in this one. I am Ms. Norma Nash... When I didn't think AKM could do any better than the last one, I found myself surprised again. So get yourself a copy and enjoy.

Available At:

Sunday, 26 August 2012

New Contract...

I just wanted to let you all know I just signed a new contract with Silver Publishing for my Christmas story: A Moon-Runner Christmas. I am so fricken stoked I am at a loss for words. This is just what I needed today.

Thursday, 23 August 2012

R.I.P Patric Michael.

We lost another generous and loving soul from our writing world recently, and I wanna honour Patric with a song. Patric will be sorely missed by many, he was a very talented author, and one of the nicest people I ever had the chance to know  - even just a little bit that I did.

Patric you were an amazing light show for us all.

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Playing Catch-Up & A Review

This is a picture of my family way back when my siblings were all young I am still a few years from even being a thought in my parents minds. (well the four on the left are my siblings I have no clue who the one on the right is. so that is Julie = blond, Brenda = curly, Ted = baby and Catherine (Saff) = holding Ted.

They will probably all wanna kill me when they see this, but I would like to point out I found it on Julie's Facebook first so blame her.

Okay, so now we are onto my other news, and what I have been up to for the past week in my absence.  I have spent most of the week spring cleaning my house, and let's just say I can't believe the crap I have kept since the last time I felt the urge to clean the whole house.

I have also been in meetings for our company where my name was yet again the cause of us having to resign paper work but at least now it is all sorted out - I hope.

Last night some mongrel decide to decimate our wheelie bin, so we are now trying to get a new one because not even reliable old duct tape is going to be able to help this one. she is split on all four sides and I am not eve sure the bottom is attached. I hope the fucker that hit it with their car has a huge dent in their bonnet this morning.

I am not saying this review on One last Kiss Goodbye is good or bad, I will let you decide for yourselves.

Review by:  The Romance Reviews

On that note I will away as I have got to finish going through 5 days of emails that I have let slide. Oh what fun - NOT!!!