Monday 19 September 2011

This Is Fricken Awesome!!!

This is so fricken awesome that I just had to share.

What Is Up With The World Today.

Well all my electronics seem to be playing up today... My lap top has gotten even crazier than it usually is... Face book is rejecting posts... Twitter has been hacked and I keep getting the same message off different people. And I have heard say that Blogger is refusing to post, I suppose I will find out when I try and post this. So I will have to spend most of my time trying to fix this damn mess.
Other than that I am still trying to catch up on my edits... My beta reader is probably ready to kick my arse as I told Sue I would have them to her three days ago... So on that note I am out of here to try and do something... I just haven't worked out what yet... LMAO.

Sunday 18 September 2011

Em's Turn

I'm posting this song for the main reason that the chorus has been stuck in my head for like a week.

Thursday 15 September 2011

Short & Sweet

  Okay, my tattoo is a tad sore due to smashing it on the bedroom door handle... Seriously... why do doors need handles to be at the same height as my fricken tattoo...LMAO. Actually at the time it was more like swearing my head off (really loudly). Today I may fall behind on my SSP as I have had to do edits for my contracted book for MLR... but I hope to make it up later. Honestly and this is a secret so don't tell anyone... it took me a while to work out how to do my edits... I had to email my beta reader and find out about tracking, but now I am clued it it seems to be running fine... Though my poor editor might be pulling her hair out.

  I will be away again tomorrow as I have to take my daughter to the chiropractor to have her leg and hips stretched... so that will put me further behind in my work... so it looks like the SSP will get dragged out to the three weeks. I just sent the first 15k to my beta reader to see what she thinks. Hopefully she will like it. I will let you all know on another day what Sue thinks... mind you she is probably pulling her hair out as well due to the punctuation she will have to fix.

  Oh damn I still have to write tomorrows blog story so that I can post it tonight so that you guys will have it for the morning... well on that note I better away so that I can get cracking on everything that I have to do. 

  I will talk to you all later.

Tuesday 13 September 2011

What's Up!!!

Well I thought I would give you all a heads up on what is happening in my life this week. Today I am going to try and do more then the 5k of my writing plan as tomorrow I will be absent getting the next instalment of my tattoo sleeve... I will be getting a touch up on the pink zombie girl and I think he is starting on the evil and fugly cat... but know Ted Saddo (Sink the Ink Tattoo & Body Piercing) I could end up with anything. Just because he is my brother doesn't mean I get what I want. LMAO. No seriously, Ted has a mind of his own... I will have to let you all know after lunch Aussie time tomorrow.

  I am keeping on track with my Super Secret Project... not that it is super, or secret, that title just kinda has a cool ring to it... by the first week in October I will probably tell you all what it is... unless of course I screw it up and toss it out.

  I was supposed to get my first lot of edits back over the weekend but they never turned up... so it means a little more waiting... I shot my wonderful editor a note letting her know they have gone AWOL... my email likes to screw with me... I am sure it eats half the emails that I receive. I swear my computer has something against Americans as they are the only ones I seem to lose... my poor editor must get frustrated when she has to send things twice... lucky I have a nice one.

  I ditched the super (Flexible & waterproof keyboard). I swear honest to god, that thing hated me... it would never put in the spacing... drove me insane... so in the end I dragged back out old faithful... the coffee has dried and it seems to be working again... and I can type on it.

  My blog story is getting out of hand... I need ideas on how to rescue Brayden and his father Thayer... I only write it like ten minutes before I post it, so if anyone has any thoughts on When The Walls Come Tumbling Down... let me know so that I can work them in before the end of the story. I think The Freedomers will be my next Blog story... if you don't know what that is go back through and check when I did that week of snippets... I know I did one for The Freedomers. Or if there is something you would like to hear about send me some thoughts and I will see what I can do... but be warned... I am mainly a preternatural/paranormal writer...

Sunday 11 September 2011

Super Secret Project!!!

 Today I started on my super secret project, and I hope to have it completed in two weeks... three tops. I won't go into it too much just yet... Well not until I work it out in my own head first... so keep you fingers crossed that I can pull it off. At this stage I plan on writing 5K every day until it is complete... all depending on how snowed under I get with my edits on my contracted book.

  I am actually fairly excited about this project, and it all come about by a simple comment my friend Taylor V Donovan said about one of her own brilliant works. So thanks Tay. Okay, so on that note I must away as I have work calling out to me...

Em's Turn

  I am posting this song for two reasons 1- she has green hair and, 2 - one of the characters in Mum's book is based on her, (the drunk Scottish vampire named Kallan McGreggor). It is in her series The Lines of Marsden.