Wednesday 13 August 2014

Right Now & Coming Up...

Well that damn irritating cough seems to be well on its way to turning into the flu... I feel like crap, and we all know that when I feel this way I have a tendency to ramble... a lot.

But on the upside... we also know that being sick is when I'll get a bunch of new story ideas.

Right now... I'm working on: A Moon-Runner Story: Carlo's Christmas Wish. Which I have to admit that even though it basically follows the same story line as the original (A Moon-Runner Christmas) there are some big changes and a whole lot of added wordage happening. I'm also working on The Diamond Rose 1: Undiscovered Hearts... Hoping to have both finished over the next couple of weeks.

Co-authoring... Bronwyn Heeley and I are still hashing out the basis of The Hunted... we are having weekly meetings until we are satisfied that we both know what the hell is going on. As soon as we have something concrete we may let you in on what's happening.

Also in talks with some fellow MLR authors about a new secret project. Well at least I think it's a secret. I'll let you know more on that one when I'm able. I won't really talk about it until I get the go ahead.

Tuesday 12 August 2014

In No Particular Order: 12 Of My Favourite Books & Characters

These are some of my favourite books/series to reread numerous times.
 So I thought I would share their covers with you all.

Love it when a book can move me to tears. Noah Anderson is one of the best characters.

Len Parker - do I have to say any more.

Rory Delaplaines stole my heart in the first chapter. Then Ran Yamane just made the story that much better.

Lost Shifters: Too many to say which, but Shane is my favourite character.

Who doesn't love Brier Blackstone... All I'm saying is: "I found a bug."

All the characters in this book call to me in different ways. Cole Winters just has a way of pulling them all together.

Isaac Dragos - At first I hated him and then I loved him... So awesome when that happens.

Julian Hallowell... My husband banned me from ever reading this book in bed.

Piper (Charles Sylvester Piper, III): Jambi, I'm still waiting in book two.

Rand Holloway... I don't know why I love him so much - I just know that I do.

Kaden James... he just breaks my heart. I just want to hug him all better.

Julio Herendez & Paine Addison just work so well together... Awesome story.

Friday 8 August 2014

OUT NOW ~ Dancing With Demons (Toowoomba Boys 3)

When opposites attract the result can be life changing.

Graham Davenport is trying to better his life. His whole world crashes the day he’s told Damon's missing, and he’s the main suspect—could life get any worse?

Damon Malone was kidnapped, he has no clue why, and his captor isn’t talking. Beaten and bruised he waits to be rescued—fearing he might die.

Working together with detectives, Graham realises there’s more to the story than a simple kidnapping. Will they find the answers in time or will everything be too late? Graham changes his whole life to help Damon fight his demons—in the process will he conquer his own?

Things To Ponder...

Why is it - Just when you finally think you have everything under control you realise how mistaken you are?

Why is it - When you have your new writing schedule written up something comes along to screw it up? I should add that it was totally my fault because  I forgot something I was meant to do.

Why is it - When you have so many books to catch up on for series you are writing new story ideas seem to be screaming to be heard?

Why is it - Winter seems to keep coming back just to annoy the hell out of me? I swear my fingers feel like icicles today.

Why is it - When you desperately need that sip of coffee you find your cup is empty?

Thursday 7 August 2014

Chilly Weather & Writing Thoughts

It would seem that winter has decided to make another reappearance in my little piece of the world. Not that I'm complaining as I love the cooler weather. But, it turns my cats into great big sooks who need the heater in the office turned on and their chairs pushed up as close as can be... Droogie and Toby think they own the place.

I've had to change my writing schedule I now write from 8 am until 3pm... to fit in with the school timetable. Weekends are now solely family time (though, I've been doing that one for the last couple of months).

I'm still deciding what's to come next in my writing world. I'm actually waiting to see if a planned anthology with MLRPress goes ahead... if so than that will jump to the head of the line.

Mind you right now I need to finish:
1) The Diamond Rose 1: Undiscovered Hearts.
2) The Gaean Prophecies 1: Admetus Gaea.
3) ??? (no clue).

Wednesday 6 August 2014

I'm Back...

Even though I have only been absent for four days it seems like a life time ago that I was last here. But I'm finally back on track... I think. We'll find out in a few days whether I am or not...LOL.

What have I been up to? Well I spent the weekend getting Ethan settled in. Then Monday and Tuesday I was running around getting Ethan enrolled in high school and a new sim card so he can get in contact with his mum - only certain phone companies work where we live as we live in a bit of a dead spot.

Now I'm finally back in front of the computer, and I'll hopefully get some writing done. I'm not sure what I'm going to be working on just yet so I'll sort that out today.  I have a few ideas rattling around inside my head... some new -- some old... Though to be honest I'd prefer to wok on something that just needs finishing. Whenever I start on something new it takes me away from something I need to get done and subbed. And we all know what I'm like when I get sidetracked... so not good!