Saturday 6 December 2014

Guest Blogger ~ Ofelia Gränd: From All Of Us To All Of You

Release Date: December 1, 2014
A story from Boughs of Evergreen: A Holiday Anthology.
Simon hates the Holidays. It’s the same every year—awaiting the dreaded Christmas Eve, when his father gets drunk, while the family fake Christmas spirit and strain to hear the TV over Dad’s snoring. This year, Simon’s sister is celebrating Christmas elsewhere, leaving him to deal with their parents on his own. But there’s a glimmer of hope. A work colleague introduces Simon to her son Hannes at the Lucia Day celebrations, the trouble being that Simon mistakenly believes it’s a blind date, and as if that isn’t embarrassing enough, Hannes wants them to be friends, and Simon’s starting to see signals that aren’t there. He’s beginning to wonder if he’ll make it through Christmas with his sanity intact.

Message From Author:
I’m Ofelia Gränd, and I thought I’d come here today to talk a little about a Swedish tradition called Lucia—it might be good to mention that I am Swedish.   
I’m not really sure if anyone outside Scandinavia and Italy knows anything about Saint Lucia of Syracuse. I’ve got the feeling that she isn’t one of the most well-known saints out there. Long story short, she was a martyr who was tortured and killed in 304 for her Christian believes. But our celebration isn’t really about that. Every Swedish kid learns about Saint Lucia in school, but when someone says Lucia we think of girls in white dresses with candles in their hair, and we think of glögg (sort of like mulled wine) and sweet saffron buns.
This time of year is dark in Scandinavia and Saint Lucia day is a festival of light. Before the reforming of the calendar the celebrations coincided with the Winter Solstice, the darkest day of the year. Due to the dark and cold both people and animals needed extra nourishment. So when Lucia came the celebration of Christmas began, and everyone got to eat a little extra.  
It was believed, being the longest night of the year and all, that there were a lot of supernatural beings present. It was also believed that animals could talk during this one night. To protect yourself from evil you had to stay awake, which often ended up with people being up all night partying. This was also the night when you slaughtered the “Christmas pig”—Swedes eat baked ham on Christmas. Seems a bit strange to kill an animal on the one night a year it’s supposed to be able to talk, but what do I know?
Nowadays people don’t run around killing pigs in the dead of the night, and they don’t believe they need to stay awake to protect themselves from evil spirits. Partying is still a tradition though, but mostly among young people.   
I’m one of the authors behind Boughs of Evergreen: A Holiday Anthology and my story, From All of Us to All of You, starts with the Saint Lucia celebrations in church. I could continue this post by talking about another bizarre tradition we have which would explain the title of my story, but I’m not going to…or maybe I should? Okay, on Christmas Eve (we celebrate on the 24th not on the 25th as people do in many other parts of the world) at three p.m. about 40% of the Swedish population sit down in front of the telly to watch Walt Disney’s From All of Us to All of You and has done so since 1960. If you want to know what role that movie plays in my story, you’ll just have to read it.
But back to the Saint Lucia celebrations. Simon is in church to see his niece perform in the Lucia procession. He hates this time of year, he hates holidays, but Lucia is beautiful and he doesn’t want to miss out on seeing little Annie walking down the aisle with candles in her hair. He is there together with one of his colleagues, Monica, and she introduces him to her son. Simon misunderstands her intentions, though.  
“Well, dear,” she said, turning to me, “this is my son Hannes. Hannes this is Simon.” We shook hands like good little gentlemen, and added a polite nod. “Good, now you two talk, while I go and get us some more glögg.”
“Eh—” I began as she walked away.
“I’m sorry,” he blurted out. “She means well, she really does, but…you know.”
“Yeah, I’m not your type.”
“What?” Hannes looked alarmed.
“The blind-date thing, I’m not what you’re looking for.”
“Blind date?”
I pointed discreetly back and forth between us. “It’s okay, no hard feelings. It wasn’t like I asked her to set us up,” I said with a smile, even though it hurt a little to see him that taken aback by the thought of dating me.
“I’m not…she didn’t…it’s not…I’m not gay! It’s not a date…She just wants me to make some friends. Last week she arranged for me to help a young lady change over to snow tires in hopes of us getting along.”
Shit! I wished the ground would open and swallow me whole.

About Ofelia:
Ofelia Gränd is Swedish through and through. She lives in a small west coast town with her husband and their three children. She has absolutely no time to write, so, naturally, that’s what she wants to do. Have you ever tried to write something with one child in your lap and two more standing around wanting attention? Ofelia does all the time—try, that is. She could give up her glamorous life as a stay-at-home mom, and go back to her work as a teacher. But why not take advantage of the situation when she’s living in a parental leave utopia? Enough about her being a parent, you think, and you’re quite right. Ofelia is a No ‘Poo practiser, a pescatarian who bakes her own bread and makes her own soap—now, you wished that we’d stuck to the children, don’t you?

Find Ofelia Here

About Anthology

Boughs of Evergreen is a two-volume collection of short stories celebrating the holiday season in all its diversity. Penned by authors from the UK, the USA, Scandinavia and Eastern Europe, these are tales of the young and the not-so-young from many different walks of life.

Themes of family, friendship and romance take readers on a journey through some of the major holidays, both past and present, including Thanksgiving, Advent, St. Lucia Day, Hanukkah, Eid, Saturnalia, Winter Solstice, Yule, Christmas and New Year. In each we find at the very least hope, and often love, peace and happiness.

Each story will also be published individually as ebooks on 1st December, 2014.

Proceeds from sales of this anthology will be donated to The Trevor Project. The Trevor Project is the leading national organization [USA] providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning (LGBTQ) young people ages 13-24. For more information, visit: The Trevor Project.

THE STORIES: (links go to samples and author biographies)

Volume One

Volume Two 

Video trailers

Friday 5 December 2014

Guest Blogger ~ Lee Ann Sontheimer Murphy

Christmas has always been a magical time for me. When I was growing up in St. Joseph, Missouri, the elements for the stereotypical holiday were present, snow on the ground, a sweet smelling Douglas Fir decked with tinsel and pretties, holly on the mantelpiece, and family filling the house. The sounds of the season were always important to me, too, from the carols we learned at school or heard in church, the ringing bells from churches downtown, or the occasional caroler. I’ve always wanted to write Christmas fiction and I now have two works to offer, both published this year. The longer work is a love story and it takes place from one holiday season to the next. Events in between threaten the happiness and future of newlyweds Johnny and Jessica. The title, Tidings of Comfort and Joy, comes from one of my favorite carols, the traditional God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen.

The second is a short work but it too pays homage to the English Christmas traditions. Charles Dickens’ classic tale, A Christmas Carol, captured my fancy as a child and I enjoy watching the many film versions of the story, from my favorite starring Patrick Stewart as Scrooge to the 1940’s versions and even one with Henry Winkler. The Courtship of Ebenezer Scrooge is not just a Christmas tale, however, it’s also a sweet romance.

Merry Christmas and happy holidays from my home and heart to yours!

Btw, I live just east of Oklahoma in far southwestern Missouri and in the second of the two Christmas stories, Tidings of Comfort and Joy, my hero has an Oklahoma twang!

~Lee Ann.

The Courtship of Ebenezer Scrooge
Release Date: February 2014

Ebenezer Scrooge changed for the better after three Christmas ghosts impacted his life and heart. His miserly ways vanished as he gained happiness and his family ties with nephew Fred have improved. There’s something missing, however, and when Ebenezer meets Widow Abigail Collins, he realizes what he lacks. He sets out to court Abigail, object marriage and learns the many ways love can further improve his disposition and life!

Short excerpt:
He watched her descend the steps with graceful movements, her bell-shaped skirts swirling in a way he found appealing. Ebenezer caught a brief glimpse of her many petticoats and hid a sly grin. He’d seen a flash of her ankles too and liked it. Before his wicked imagination could get the best of him, he stepped forward, top hat in his hand.
Tidings of Comfort and Joy
Release Date: November 2014

Buy Links

They met during the holiday season and married in May. Jessica savored every moment of happiness with her beloved husband Johnny but their newlywed bliss is shattered when he’s caught in a storm on the lake on the Fourth of July. First missing, then presumed dead, Johnny Devereaux appears to be gone and everyone mourns him except his wife. Jessica refuses to believe he could be dead and she steadfastly refuses to give up hope that he is alive and will return.

As the months pass, each holiday is another reminder of his absence and it becomes harder to believe but she refuses to yield to despair. As his family, especially his brother Tad, struggles to accept Johnny’s death, only his great-grandmother and bride hang onto their hope. Jessica comes to believe he’ll return to her at Christmas so the holiday takes on new significance as she waits for tidings of comfort and joy.

That first time he came to her old apartment, Jessica had her Christmas decorations out. That slender but elegant tree she'd had since college stood against one wall, decked with all the beautiful and unique ornaments she'd collected. Each one had a special meaning, a memory of someone or something. Twinkling little multi-colored lights framed the mirror on the wall, and a silk bouquet of poinsettias graced her tiny dining table. Five or six Christmas cards hung from a ribbon she put up beside the door, and even to her jaded eyes, it felt festive. The scent of evergreen and holly berry potpourri wafted from a crystal bowl beside the lamp. Even that plastic Santa figure her grandmother bought her when she was about six stood in a place of honor.

She waited, wondering what he might say. In the past, men she dated called it "cute," or "too much," or even labeled it some way that ended up sarcastic. Johnny, still wearing that black-and-red plaid hunting coat, stood looking at it with wonder, and then he smiled.

"It gives me the Christmas spirit just looking at it," he said in that countrified voice she loved so much. "It's pretty, honey, almost as beautiful as you."

Delight as light as champagne bubbles rushed over her. "There's one thing I think you missed."

"What's that?" he asked, looking around, and she pointed up to where she'd hung a little bough of mistletoe, tied with a red bow. He grinned. "Oh, that. Even a country boy like me knows what to do under the mistletoe."

She touched his lips with one finger. "Then do it."

Johnny nestled her against him tightly and, soft as a snowflake, touched his lips to hers. Their lips devoured with yearning, not greed. His kiss became the flame for her inner candle, the trimming for her tree, and the joy of the season wove around them like a benediction, cozy as a flannel blanket on a cold winter's night and as lasting as the stars that spangled the winter night.

Author Bio:
Growing up in historic St. Joseph, Missouri, Lee Ann Sontheimer Murphy scribbled her stories from an early age. Her first publicationa poem on the children’s page of the local newspaper – seems to have set her fate. As a full time author, she has more than two dozen full length novels published along with assorted novellas and short fiction. Her publishers include Astraea Press. A contributor to more than two dozen anthologies, her credits include Chicken Soup For The Soul among many collections of short fiction. She is a member of Romance Writers of America, Missouri Writers Guild, and the Ozark Writers League. Lee Ann earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from Missouri Southern State University as well as an Associate Degree from Crowder College. She has worked in broadcasting, retail, and other fields including education. As a wife and mother of three, she spends her days penning stories, cooking, reading, and other daily duties. She currently makes her home in the Missouri Ozarks, living in what passes for suburbs in a small town and works as a substitute teacher in the local school district.

Thursday 4 December 2014

Guest Blogger ~ Pelaam: The Magic Of Christmas

Release Date: December 5, 2014

One thing I miss living in New Zealand is a winter Christmas. Down here, December is the first month of summer. The days are lengthening, the temperature is rising, and it's time to dust off the barbeque. As much as I'm adapting to all of that, I miss being able to put my Christmas lights on early to appreciate them.  I love Christmas lights and decorating the tree.

To get the best of both worlds for my book "The Magic of Christmas" I've actually set it in mid-September. At this time of year down on the South Island there would still be snow, skiers, and sledding.  Having a mid-winter Christmas, where there is a tree and full dinner done in June, is also growing in popularity.

Despite the summer sun, at least we hope we get a sunny day, a lot of people still hold out for the full blown turkey or a glazed ham dinner, with all the usual accompaniments. This year I'm opting for ham, with some baby potatoes made into a salad, as well as a watermelon and feta cheese salad. For dessert, pavlova decorated with strawberries and blueberries I'll have picked myself. YUM!!

I don't want to give too much away about my book, but I enjoyed focusing on the magical elements of Christmas as you might guess from the title.  My main characters have loved each other for years, but naturally-shy Jared has never had the courage to speak out, and although Casey appears to be a natural extrovert, behind the gregarious mask, there hides an insecure and needy Casey.

All that changes and Casey is forced to find his inner courage when Jared mysteriously vanishes after going to get more firewood for the cabin. In his search for Jared, Casey discovers that something very dark has entered our world. He gets help from some very familiar characters, but in very unfamiliar ways.

On a friends' getaway in a winter wonderland, Jared and Casey discover real Christmas magic.

Jared joins his four best friends on an early Christmas holiday in a beautiful winter wonderland. He's been in love with the talented and extroverted Casey for years, but lacked the courage to say anything.

Casey loves Jared, but despite his gregarious exterior, inside lurks someone shy and insecure and so he's never spoken up.

Both men are about to experience real Christmas magic.

The sounds of his friends chatter and laughter made him smile, and there was a steady stream of visitors into the kitchen area as he prepared the fondue. He loved to cook, so he was more than happy to do this for them.

He snuck a quick look over at Casey. His friend was wearing a T-shirt, and boxers, and Jared's cock reacted. He quickly looked away. Sarah and Amber were in flannel pyjamas, and Chase wore just pyjama bottoms. He glanced down at his sweat shorts. They didn't leave much to the imagination if his dick misbehaved. His T-shirt wasn't long enough to hide a give-away erection.

They didn't need to wear anything more. The cabin was gloriously warm, and Casey kept the real fire burning merrily away. Jared looked over at the wood pile and pursed his lips. The supply was running low, so he'd need to get some from the pile at the back of the cabin in the morning before starting breakfast.

His gaze shifted to the merrily-twinkling tree standing next to the fire. That had been Amber and Sarah's idea. Since Casey never seemed to be home at Christmas, and they knew he never bothered for just himself, they'd decided to make sure that even though it was mid-September, they would have their own Christmas while in the cabin. It was a very sweet idea.

He tasted the fondue, and grinned widely. Perfect. Pouring it into his serving bowl, he carried it through to the table to an impromptu fanfare from his friends. Laughing he headed back to the kitchen to collect the basket of bread, and the bottle of wine.

"Right." Jared picked up a fondue fork, and waved it like a conductor's baton. "You all know the drill, grab yourself some bread, and dig in. There's salad if you want. Just yell out."

He sat down, and caught Casey's eye. Something made him cock his head quizzically. "What?"

"Nothing." Casey shook his head. "You're just…amazing. This is incredible. I'd pile on so much weight if we— Well, I'd pile on the weight. Thank you."

"You're welcome." Jared stared at Casey for a moment, but his friend just smiled and began to dig into the fondue with abandonment. Jared speared his own piece of bread, and dipped it in the fondue. He'd been so sure Casey had been about to say something else.

Author Bio:
Living in clean, green New Zealand, Pelaam is a best-selling, multi-published author of gay romance and erotic books. When not busy writing she can be found indulging in her other passions of cookery and wine appreciation.

Pelaam’s book "Breath of the Feathered Serpent" is a finalist for the 2014 Rainbow Awards in Gay futuristic/sci-fi .“Bedazzled” and “Firebird” were a combined finalist for the Rainbow Awards in Gay futuristic/sci-fi 2013.

Find Pelaam Here

Guest Blogger ~ Missy Welsh: Wonderful Life

Re-releasing: December 5, 2014 
See Missy Welsh for eventual buy links.

Every Time a Bell Rings

Brian dropped everything last year when his mother became ill so he could take care of her until the day she died. People he thought were friends didn't stick with him and he's somehow become kind of a recluse without meaning to be. Only Mike, his best friend since they were kids, has stuck by him and is now saving him from homelessness after a fire destroys Brian's apartment building days before Christmas. Though Mike has to go down South for the holiday, Brian stays in Mike's apartment with his slightly singed kitten Oreo. Brian's only goal is to set his affairs back in order before everything shuts down for the holidays and then make it through those holidays in one piece. He's lost so much—his only real possession is a photo album of his mom that he risked death to save from the fire—and he's feeling lost and very alone... until Mike, his hot neighbor Trent, and even little Oreo conspire to give Brian the best Christmas possible and a future that looks a lot brighter.

An Angel Gets His Wings

Mike Sharp is in Little Rock, Arkansas, visiting his family for Christmas while his best friend Brian Bailey's up north walking right into Mike's plans to hook him up with his neighbor Trent. Unfortunately, it seems like someone's conspiring to get Mike panting after his third cousin, twice removed (or something like that) named George Whitlock. George who keeps sneaking up on him, being all shy and cute, and then having the audacity to give Mike great big calf eyes that are just begging Mike to drop to his knees. Mike will not give in because, if he does, he could lose his entire family when they discover he's gay.

Mike’s apartment building was two floors with four units on the quiet, family-oriented Casterton Avenue. The structure was old and brick with high ceilings and original oak woodwork throughout. I’d always loved the balcony because he had plants all over it. The plants were gone now, but he had replaced them with an abundance of kitschy, lighted Christmas decorations. His electric bill must be outrageous.

He carried the album like the precious cargo it was all the way from the car to the hallway outside his apartment door. The whole neighborhood seemed fast asleep, so it rattled me when the door opposite Mike’s suddenly opened. Then there was this hunk of divinity standing there, and my libido kicked in with a flash of heat that sizzled through me because my every wet dream was embodied in this man.

And I was covered in soot and probably had tear tracks on my face. Not to mention the fact I hadn’t been with a man in over a year. At least the plumbing hadn’t forgotten how to work. That was nice.

“Hey,” he said, his voice deep and scratchy. “Mike told me what happened, man. Glad to see you’re okay.”

“When?” I asked. It was practically morning. Oh wow. Had they been together when Mike got the call from the ER nurse? I stared at him, unable to believe he was involved with his neighbor and hadn’t told me.

“Oh, well.” Mike looked a little sheepish. “I kind of freaked out when they called me. I accidentally woke Trent up while I was trying to get the door locked to leave. He helped.”

Suspicions gone, I mumbled, “I’m really sorry,” and meant it to both of them.

“Jeez, Brian,” Mike said. “There’s nothing for you to be sorry about.”

“We got through it,” Trent said and smiled as he patted Mike’s shoulder. The gesture and his expression didn’t look like anything more than friendship to me.

“Okay,” I said lamely.

“Oh!” Mike said, making me jerk. “Forgot all my manners! Brian, this is Trent Stewart. Trent, Brian Bailey.”

Trent’s big paw came out to grasp my hand, making mine look delicate. All of me felt delicate around this guy despite the fact we were about the same six-foot height. Probably because he had about fifty pounds of hard muscle on me. I really loved that.

The rumpled, just-woke-up thing worked in his favor too. His dark blond hair stuck up in the back and his face was pink on one side. I tried to keep my eyes above his neck because he wore only a pair of black sweatpants that barely hung onto his slim hips and showed off his rippled abs like a frame. But I was too tired to get any of my body parts to obey me now, and couldn’t resist sliding a glance up the trail of blond past his navel and over the pelt covering the center of his mounded chest. His nipples were pink and peaked, and I had a momentary fantasy of suckling them while I played in all that golden hair. To let the world fall away and give into sensation while wrapped in his arms and—

Oreo dug a few claws into my gut, making me flinch, and Trent dropped my hand.

“Damn,” he chuckled. “That looks like something out of Alien.”

“It’s Oreo.” I fished her out. “My kitten.”

Trent reached over and patted her back. He could’ve palmed her entire body. “Both of you were really lucky.”

I nodded. We were, sure. Maybe tomorrow it would feel that way.

“Look, Mike said he was going out of town tomorrow,” Trent said, brown eyes looking right at me, “so if you need anything, you just come to me.”

I nodded at his sincerity. “Thanks.”

He smiled again. It was a really sweet smile. “Well, I’ll let you go. Just wanted to make sure you were okay.”

He moved back into his apartment and shut the door with one more glance back.

I turned to Mike and found him grinning knowingly at me. “Shut up.”

He giggled, then let us into his place. Whispering, he said, “Did you just pick out your Christmas present?”

About Missy:
Missy Welsh stares into space a lot, has conversations with cats, takes notes while people-watching, records conversations (not the ones with cats), named her laptop Norbert and her phone Pushkin, has backups of her backups’ backups, faints at the sight of a misused semi-colon, and will often ask socially unacceptable questions of strangers. Basically, she’s a writer.

Find Missy Here

Wednesday 3 December 2014

Guest Blogger ~ Lucy Felthouse: Cupid

Release Date: December 2012
As a postman by day, and one of Santa’s reindeer on a single very special night, Cassius Cupid eats, sleeps, and breathes deliveries. He doesn’t mind, but sometimes wishes that someone would send him something more exciting than bills and junk mail.
One cold January morning, Cassius gets his wish. A young woman arrives with a parcel. Turns out it’s for his housemate – but Cassius doesn’t care. All he’s interested in is Carina – the beautiful female courier.
Has Cupid finally met his match?
Cassius Cupid woke with a start, and then sat bolt upright in his bed. Shit, I’m going to be late! was his first thought.
Milliseconds later his brain switched on, and he remembered. He was on holiday. Flopping back onto the warm mattress and pillows with a contented sigh, he smiled. No work for fourteen whole days—it was going to be utter bliss. He stretched, relishing the feeling it created in his sleep-softened muscles. Ahhh…this is the life.
He knew he wouldn’t go back to sleep—hell, it was eight o’clock, which was practically the middle of the day for someone in his profession—so Cassius fell to thinking about how he was going to spend his day, not to mention the several others in front of him. God knew he deserved to relax and have some fun. He’d just emerged from the busiest part of his year, and he was more than ready to do some chilling out.
He enjoyed his job as a postman—he really did—but the Christmas period was a total killer. He idly wondered how many cards and presents he’d delivered over the past few weeks. It didn’t bear thinking about. Once you factored in the festive period itself, the weird few days between Christmas and New Year, and then the flurry of mail that got sent when everyone went back to work properly at the beginning of January, he’d racked up some serious deliveries. And that was before you even thought about his other job—which was for just one day a year, but was arguably more important than the other 364 put together.
Cassius—or Cupid, as he was known to his boss and colleagues in his second, but most important job—was not only a regular postman for the Royal Mail, but also a reindeer. For a single day of the year, Cassius had the supernatural power to transform into one of Santa’s faithful steeds and help pull that famous magical sleigh, delivering presents to excited children the world over.
Therefore, it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that Cassius really did eat, sleep and breathe deliveries, but not for the next fourteen days. All he planned to do was watch some TV, read some books, maybe go out hiking, meet some friends… basically anything that wasn’t delivering something to someone. Hey, he might even receive something through the post himself—preferably not the usual crap; bills and junk mail. He didn’t hold out much hope.
He lounged in bed for another ten minutes before realising he was lying there just for the sake of it. Being on holiday didn’t have to equal staying in bed all day—and certainly not for someone as active as him. He reached over to his bedside table, grabbed his glasses and put them on. Throwing off his thick duvet, he walked to his bedroom window and peeked out through the curtains, immediately glad of the effective central heating he and his housemate had forked out to have installed the previous year.
The outside world was covered in a thick layer of snow, and Cassius was mightily glad that he wasn’t out delivering letters and parcels. The stuff was treacherous enough without having to carry a heavy bag up and down driveways, paths, and pavements — most of which either hadn’t been cleared, or had been cleared badly, leaving incredibly slippery patches of ground for an unsuspecting postie to come across. God knows he’d gone down enough times, but, much to his relief, nobody had ever seen him do it. He’d always been relatively unharmed—excerpt for his pride, of course—and had been able to scramble back to his feet and carry on.
The eerie silence outside was broken by the rumble of an engine, and Cassius turned his head to look up the street—he lived in a cul-de-sac, so he knew that’s where the vehicle would come from—and watched as a delivery van made its way slowly and carefully down the road. He hoped the driver was sensible enough to try and steer over the thickest parts of the snow—the more people went over and over the same patches, packing it down, the more the road surface resembled an ice rink. And since the cul-de-sac was on a slight hill, it was easy enough to get stuck. He’d seen it so many times—even going outside one time last winter to suggest the driver go down to the bottom of the road, turn around and try reversing up the hill—an almost foolproof plan for vans with rear-wheel drive. He’d gotten a big thumbs-up for that suggestion as the driver finally got to the junction where the road became flat, and went on his merry way.
As the van drew closer to his house, he saw that the driver was a woman. That would explain her cautious driving—he’d never admit it to one of his drinking buddies, but women were far superior when it came to driving in adverse weather conditions. He even thought he’d seen some survey containing statistics that proved it.

Author bio:
Lucy Felthouse is a very busy woman! She writes erotica and erotic romance in a variety of subgenres and pairings, and has over 100 publications to her name, with many more in the pipeline. These include several editions of Best Bondage Erotica, Best Women's Erotica 2013 and Best Erotic Romance 2014. Another string to her bow is editing, and she has edited and co-edited a number of anthologies, and also edits for a small publishing house. She owns Erotica For All, is book editor for Cliterati, and is one eighth of The Brit Babes. Find out more at Join her on Facebook and Twitter, and subscribe to her newsletter at:
Find Lucy Here