Friday 14 July 2017

Just When...

Just when... I get back into the writing swing my real life decides to get in the road... mainly my next two weeks are filled up with family errands (Dr appointments, 2 eye tests, Emily's car has three different services to be done, and I have my Kitchen hutch turning up on the last day) so it extends the finish of The Lines of Marsden 4: The Trail Of Red Roses by two weeks.... Sorry 2 weeks.

I also gave my bird Hector away to a very nice family, who will give her a lot more attention then I was able to give her. Honestly to me she was just a chore, but this family just lost their bird and where going to get another one so it seemed like the right decision for me. I think Hector will be happier, because she will get a lot more attention then she ever got at my house... I should say that I inherited Hector who at the time we thought was a boy and later found out was female. I never bonded with the bird because she bites even after 5 years she attacked me every time I went near the cage. Weirdly when the guy caught her for transport she never even bit him... Must have been just me. Hector was a peach face... a very beautiful bird. It's very quiet without out her on the front veranda, but in saying that my front veranda now looks huge without the cage taking up space.

I had a very early wake up call this morning. Willow thought it would be a great idea to jump up on my bed, crawl under my blankets and up-chuck a fur-ball down near my feet... mind you it was more spit than anything else... but still means I have to wash my sheets━thanks Willow.

I have a Dr appointment this morning to find out the results of my blood tests... So you don't take your medication for 6 months and everyone gets cranky at you because your body decides to shut down... Lesson learned... don't quit taking your medicine no matter how stressful and busy life gets, it's so not worth the hassle of trying to get everything back on track again.

This morning is the first time that I've felt the cold. My fingers are cold. The rest of me not so much, but my fingers are freezing. Even the cats are sticking close to catch as much body heat as they can. I might even have to to have a hot Milo this morning just to warm up. Actually a hot Milo sounds good so I'm outa here... I'll catch you all tomorrow, or in a couple of days.

Saturday 1 July 2017


I didn't realise how hard it was going to be to go back through a book and add people's points of view... but it truly is... So the first six chapters of The Lines of Marsden 4: The Trail of Red Roses is very busy, but after that it will slow down and be more of the real main characters... if that makes sense.

I have been busy around the house and I finally feel like I have everything under control. I paid off the last of my debts last week (credit card)... so that is a huge relief off of my shoulders. I still have a little bit to do around the house, but now I'm not worried that I'm going to get into trouble because I can't pay for things... I love being debt free because now I can actually start saving money for a rainy day (or the next time the cats need to go to the vet).

Speaking of cats→ Droogie news: He is walking a lot better than he has been and now only has a slight limp. I'm still keeping an eye on him. at least his appetite has picked up again.

I'm still waiting for my beta reader to get back to me with Moon Runners 2: I Won't Let You Go... so as yet it still has't been subbed. It shouldn't be too much longer. I will keep you updated as things go along.

Friday 30 June 2017


So this is is what's been going on inside my head for the last couple of days... well, actually, there hasn't been a great deal going on to tell the truth.

1→ I've been looking after Droogie (my male cat) who is feeling better, but still not 100%... I hope he picks up soon. mind you he is 16.5 years old so he's getting up there in age.

2→ I have to stop Willow (my female cat) from thinking that every time I set my cup of tea down that it gives her free rein to drink it while I'm distracted.

3→ I've been going back through the start of book 4 in The Lines of Marsden: The Trail of Red Roses and adding in perspective from one of the main characters as I realised I left him out of the first six chapters... Yes, and don't I just feel like a drongo.

4→ Emily's eye specialist appointment went well... no change from the last time we were there so all is good on that front. At least it was a quick visit this time, and all the staff working there were really lovely.

5→ We got a lovely bit of rain last night. it would have made for a great backdrop for sleeping if the damn cats hadn't have been restless and wanted to go in and out of the house so much. I will be glad when it's warm enough for them to spend the whole evening out on the front veranda. they keep me awake all bloody night scratching at the door. Oh to have the life of a cat... they sleep all day and play all freaking night long.

Wednesday 28 June 2017

Update Time...

I finally finished re reading The Lines of Marsden, and I can tell you that the 30K of book 4: The Trail of Red Roses will need some re writes... sad but true... because I have no clue where I was headed with the damn thing... but after re reading the whole series I think I'm back on track. But you never know what will happen once I stop writing again. Let's just hope that I stay on the right path and get the damn story finished.

I've also been busy around the house just trying to get things in order. There's not actually much to do here now. It's hard to believe, but I've been living in this place for nearly 7 months. Where has the time gone? I can't believe how fast this year has flown by.

My car went in for a service last Monday and cost me nearly $800, mainly because I needed new break pads as well as my main service... I can't believe how well it drives now. I didn't think it was driving bad before, but I can sure tell the difference since I've had the service.

I've not been feeling 100% over the last couple of days. Nothing to serious I think. I hope it's just a bug of some sort. I go back to the doctor for a checkup on the 10th of July... If I'm still feeling off I'll let the doctor know and he can do some tests. It's more that I have the feeling of an upset tummy, but I don't want to throw up━if that makes sense.

I've had a few new story ideas pop into my head over the last few days. I'm trying to see if I can work them into existing series, or if I need to write completely new stories. I hope not. As I'd really like to finish up some of my existing series for you, my readers. I will have to think on it for a bit longer, but I promise when I know... you'll all know, because basically I'll probably need to talk it all out with everyone to see if it makes sense.

Saturday 24 June 2017

The Lines Of Marsden

It's been awhile since I've last been on. Time just seems to have flown by and I've got absolutely nothing done. Aside from dealing with everyday life I've been re reading The Lines of Marsden series to see if I can figure out where the hell I was going with book 4: The Trail of Red Roses, and  4.5: On the 12th Day (which may have a title change) because right now the story just isn't making sense to me.

I must admit that I hate re reading my own work as I see all small mistakes that I would like to go back and change... but then I think if I'm forever going back and fixing old books up then I'll never get new work out for my readers. So for now I'll just leave it sit.

hopefully by doing the re read I'll be able to answer anything that I left open in other books. I hate it when I do that. though most times I don't even realise that I'm doing it.

In book 4 and 4.5 I'm moving away from the main characters of the last three books and giving the readers more of and insight into other secondary characters that I find just as interesting, and I hope that the readers will as well. I mean Michael and Doyle will always be in the continuing story line, and will play big parts, but the sole focus of these stories won't be on them... if that makes sense.

I'm honestly hoping that I can bring the story back around to the path where it's meant to be on. I only have basically books 4, 5, and 6 to end the first line and have it all make sense. I want to be able to go into the second line without leaving questions about the first line. I don't mind if the characters from the first line make a reappearance in the second line, but I don't want them to be the main feature of any given story.

So book 4 is mainly going to be about Christian and Benj... also about Maffa and someone (no clue who yet) 4.5 is a novella about (Asher) I think I might set it around Christmas. Well, it will be if everything in book 4 goes to plan... knowing me it'll all go way of track halfway through the damn story. I guess I'll have to keep you updated.

Tuesday 13 June 2017