Tuesday 12 March 2019

Oh Wow!

I've recently received an email from my editor that she has both my submitted novels in her hands, but as yet I haven't been offered contracts for either of the stories:

The Lines of Marsden 4
The Trail of Red Roses
Admetus Gaea 1
The Gaean Prophecy

I guess I'll have to keep you in the loop. so as soon as I find out for sure what's going on, then I'll let you all know what's going on. Until then I'll just keep working on my to-do list on the left side of my blog.

Monday 11 March 2019

Working On...

Okay, So until I hear back about the two books I've recently submitted I'm keeping myself busy by writing a mixture of books. I've decided that I need to write a variety so I don't get mired down in one story for the whole time and it lets my brain tick over and keep on going.

You can see the list on the side of my blog what I'll be working on and we all know purple is MLRPress, and green is Pride Publishing, and pink is needs to find a publisher. Most of these stories I hope to have finished by the end of May.

Now Writing List

Destiny House 1
Saving Shane
(Spin-off from The Connelly Chronicles)
Experimentals 3
Messages from the Dead
Lancasters Way 3
Sons of Evenmore 3
Fear the Scarlet Moon
The Connelly Chronicles 3
Because of You
Toowoomba Boys 4
Securing the Heart
Wardens of the Guild 3
Heart Strings

Friday 8 March 2019

Wish Me Luck...

You will be happy to know I have just subbed two books. 

The Lines of Marsden 4: 
The Trail of Red Roses


Admetus Gaea 1: 
The Gaean Prophecies

Now I just have wait to see if they've been accepted or not. Did I mention I'm not good at waiting? Luckily for me, I have something to keep me busy.

The Connelly Chronicles 3: Because of You

Thursday 7 March 2019

The End...

I finally reached the end of book 4: The Trail of Red Roses... and I can say for once I stuck mostly to my plot plan... that is until I got right to the last 4 chapters and then it all derailed on me and went in a different direction entirely. 

I guess I have the whole of the next book (5) which is only an offshoot 50K Christmas novella (On the 12th Day) to get it back on track. I'm pretty sure I can do it.

So for right now, I'm typing up the synopsis and getting it ready to submit to MLRPress. this story has been a long time coming.

The next body of works on my agenda is The Connelly Chronicles: Because of You, I'm hoping to get it finished by the end of May.

Wednesday 27 February 2019

Just A Quickie...

I finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. Why is it when you have something that has to be done life decides to fuck you over?

The Lines of Marsden 4: The Trail of Red Roses... it was supposed to be done by now, and then I got bronchial asthma that lasted for months... and then I got visitors... and now it's supposed to be finished by tomorrow... and I've put my back out. I just can't win for losing. I still have 20K to write, which will take me 4 to 5 days... a week at most before I can even think about submitting. so I'm not happy.

On the other hand, I do have three of my other books ready for rehousing so I can submit them when I get the chance:

  • Admetus Gaea 1: The Gaean Prophecy
  • Moon Runners 1: Heart-mate, Mine! (though this is set at Christmas)
  • Moon Runners 2: I Won't Let You Go

Tuesday 19 February 2019

Update Time...

Okay, so a lot has happened since last time I was on here. I finally got my rights back from Fireborn for Moon Runners series, but not just Moon Runners, I got them back for all the books I had with Fireborn Publishing. so now I have been getting them ready to try and rehouse them.

Mainly writing up a synopsis for each story to send in so Publishers have a gist of what they're about. I hate writing Synopsis. I never had to do them at Fireborn, but lesson learned now I'll just do them for all books for just in case scenarios.

My rehousing list is as follows:

  • Admetus Gaea 1: The Gaean Prophecy
  • Hidden Hearts 1: Harder & Harder to Breathe
  • Hidden Hearts 2: One Last Kiss Goodbye
  • Moon Runners 1: Heart-mate, Mine!
  • Moon Runners 2: I Won't Let You Go
  • The Diamond Rose 1: Gateway to Kalethia
  • The Freedomers 1: Zephania's Chance

I'm still working on The Lines of Marsden 4: The Trail of Red Roses, but have to do a bit of a back read as I have mixed up a couple of my chapters and need to figure out my storyline again to finish. To get done by the end of the month I have to write 4,400 words per day... Wish me luck.