Wednesday 10 May 2017

Cloudy With A Chance Of Rain

It's a quarter to 9am and it is sill really dark outside, but I bet the rain misses us. Or because I need to go out and finish in the garden later it will piss down with rain. (I'm taken one of our garden beds back to lawn━neither I, nor my brother want to look after it). I got most of the work done yesterday, but hurt my back on the last wheelbarrow load that I moved. Today I just have to flatten out the bed itself to make it level with the existing lawn. Then hopefully the grass will start growing over it in no time at all.

Emily is off to Toowoomba today, and I thought I'd spend the morning playing catch up on my computer while I have the chance... Hopefully by the time I'm done my back will be feeling a little better.

It really feels like a day where I should just curl up on the couch and snuggle in and read a book━by the way, in case your interested I'm currently reading Ally Blue's series: Bay City Paranormal Investigations... I'm also reading Alexis Morgan's series: Paladins of Darkness... these are two series I read quite often, and every time I do I find something that I missed.

I'll also have to take time out to catch up on the housework that I didn't do yesterday, but at least their isn't a lot of that. mainly just dusting and tidying up and folding up the washing. My mum thought she would be smart and put stuff on the seat of her recliner so that cat wouldn't jump up and lie on it while she wasn't their... Yeah, that so didn't work. Droogie just jumped up and pushed the stuff out of the way and mad himself right at home... Sadly to say Mum better think of something else. I don't know why he's taken a liking to her chair but he has.

Quite frankly, something else I could do today is sit here and think of new story ideas. this is the sort of weather that seems to generate the best ideas. The near darkness brings the creative juices to the forefront of the mind so to speak. But coming up with the ideas and actually transferring said ideas onto the page are two totally different things. I have a shitload of story ideas that will probably never see the light of day as I don't know how to translate what I see inside my mind, into the written word for you all to enjoy. Inside my head it makes perfect sense. On the page however it doesn't. Every now and again I reread through them all and toss the ones that I think aren't worth saving.

Tuesday 9 May 2017

Justified Or Not ~ Words Hurt.

← I honestly have to believe that statement is true, because if I don't then I could possibly become very depressed with life. It has recently been pointed out to me that I share too much of my private life at the most inappropriate moments in time... so I'll have to work on that. Honestly I hardly go anywhere so I don't see that happening at all, but it must be true or else this person wouldn't have said it... and in case you're wondering, I do trust this person. They wouldn't have said it out of spite. Sometimes I just have no brain to mouth buffer.

→ Reviews I think are what hurt me the most, because people's opinions sometimes can be very scathing. I always figured even if you don't like the story you could always say it in a nice way instead of just ripping the author to shreds. You have to remember the author poured their hearts and souls into the stories they produce and it hurts to see the way people sometimes ruthlessly tear them apart. I've had some particularly bad ones in the past, so much so that I really hate to read my reviews. a few have brought me to tears. most just leave that big old ball of lead in the guts feeling, where you are sure that the reader didn't even understand what you were trying to say in your story... and if they couldn't get it, then how crap of a writer must I be? They worse ones are the ones that call my work sugary sweet, which is never my intention while writing a story.

→ Don't ask questions if you don't want the truth. Some people don't know how to soften the bluntness. I am one of those people. I'm also one of those where if I ask a question I expect the truth and not some convoluted version of the truth. I don't get hints. So it's best to tell me straight out what you mean.

→ I'm not the sort of person who will sulk about things for days, or weeks on end. because that's just not me. I'll go away and think about it for a day or two and figure out how to make myself a better person, or a better writer. I don't think I can please 100% of the people/readers 100% of the time, because if I could it would be a miracle. Just know that when I do return I will be stronger for having done so.

Monday 8 May 2017

What's The Story?

I've not been getting much sleep lately. I keep having this niggling of a story idea in the back of my head. It must be a new one that's not quite ready to show itself just yet... I can tell you it's going to drive me nuts until it does... But here the gist of what I have so far.

→ There's this guy. I think he might be a soldier, because he seems to be away from home a lot and people are afraid of him... but he has two kids (not sure on ages yet). 

→ I don't know what happened to his wife, but she is no longer in the picture... she may have died, or she may have run off with someone else.

→ The guy is due to come home again and the adults in the house all take off this is mainly the sister and her friends. One of the sisters friends turns up late for the party/gathering after everyone else has taken off and the Nanny/house keeper quits.

→ This friend finds himself stuck at the house looking after the two kids... the sister refuses to come back and the guy gets delayed for some reason... they friend is supposed to hire a new nanny, but instead takes the job himself, as he can do his day job from anywhere.

→ This friend finds he likes the kids and they aren't the pains in the arse everyone made them out to be. I want to say he's there for almost a year looking after them before the guy finally makes it home for good.

→ The kids don't want the friend to leave because they don't know how to relate to the dad who also doesn't know how to relate to them either so the friend is like a barrier/buffer for them. The friend is also the bridge between the guy and the rest of his family.

→ When some crazy shit follows the guy home from the war they have to band together to keep their world and new found family from falling apart. Through the ups and down they have to learn to rely on each other and the kids for the world to make sense again.

Does that sound like a good story?

Sunday 7 May 2017


Some days I definitely need a do over. You guessed it today's post is basically just going to be one big rant, so please bear with me... I say to the kiddo (who is 27) we are going to clean the house today. So she takes off to go swimming. Isn't that always the way, but at least this time she took her own car.

So now I'm cleaning the house all by myself, so I'm doing it slowly, because if I rush I'll only succeed in wearing myself out and making myself cranking, or giving myself a headache... and that's definitely something I want to avoid at all costs.

I'm also doing a little rearranging around the place. though I took a break to make a cuppa, while I did a quick blog post to let you all know what I'm up to. Not Much else is really happening around the house. I have to buy some more shelving for the kitchen and have some doors made, but I want my brother to organise them so that I don't stuff them up and order the wrong things.

I started the day off by vacuuming the whole house and was pissed to find that the kiddo hadn't emptied the vacuum from the last time she did it. That is one of my pet peeves. I always like to have the vacuum emptied after every use, then it is clean and ready for the next run through. How hard is that to understand.

I wish I had a magic wand that I could wave and it would instantly finish setting up mu house exactly the way i want it to be. where nothing is out of place... and there isn't excess amounts of shit everywhere for me to trip over. I like to look under beds and see nothing. I'm tired of the clutter. Okay my rant is now over... and thank you all for listening to me.

Saturday 6 May 2017

I'm Having One Of Those Days...

I get the feeling that I've forgotten to do something important, and for the life of me I can't remember what it is. It's been gnawing at my brain all morning and I still can't figure out what the hell it is━it's so damn frustrating... and when I do finally think of it... it probably won't have been important at all.

It's kind of a dreary day today. it's not overcast, but it's not exactly bright and summery either... or maybe I'm just in a shitty mood because this bout of Ross River seems to be hanging around. I hate being sick... especially when there isn't a damn thing I can do about it.

I know... I know... I'm bitching, but sometimes it happens and this is my blog so I feel like I get to have a free say here at least. Speaking of bitching who knew one 16 year old cat could be such a bed hog. he sleep right down the centre of the bed and I end up curled across the top against the pillows. Droogie thinks he's the bloody king of the castle... could be worse I suppose... Willow could want to sleep in there as well.

Tonight I'm thinking about attempting to cook meatloaf... well, my interpretation of it. I haven't actually cooked one in years, so I hope it works... Or Maybe I'll make meatballs instead. I might have better success with those. I can serve them with rice and greens. Mind you it is only 1 pm and by the time dinner rolls around I could have changed my mind a million times over.

Now you know what I mean when I say, "I'M HAVING ONE OF THOSE DAYS."

Friday 5 May 2017

Let's Play Catch Up

Seriously, sometimes I think that my life is never meat to run smoothly. Even after we've been to court and even though I think my ex-husband got the better deal, his lawyers is still dicking around and drawing thongs out. I just want the shit to be over and done with so that I can move on with the next part of my life, and I can't do that with this last bit hanging over my head.

I still haven't finished Moon Runners 2: I Won't Let You Go as I've had a savage bout of Ross River Fever that has knocked me on my arse for a bit.. Okay truthfully, it's just made me all achy and head-achy and I don't mean migraines I feel like my brain is shaking apart.

The weather here still doesn't know whether or not it wants to be cold or hot. Mind you that could just be me. I was doing the grocery shop today, and most people were in jumpers and I'm walking around in a singlet.

Willow seems to be doing okay after her dental surgery. At least it hasn't put her off her tucker. she has found a new favourite food━wheat biscuits(I mix them up with warm water and a little bit of milk... that way they are soft on her sore mouth).

Emily is looking for a place to live. she has been staying with Mum and I for the last couple of weeks, but she needs to be out on her own. She has a job interview on Monday at 4:30 pm so fingers crossed it all goes well for her. she feels cramped in our spare room as there really isn't enough space for her here.

I have been coffee and Coke Zero free for 32 days. I thought I would miss it, but I really haven't craved either. I found it harder to cut back on the salt. Not that I actually use a lot of salt in my cooking, but when you cut back you sure can tell.

Tuesday 25 April 2017

Fur babies & Other News

One of my poor fur babies has to go to the vet tomorrow─because today is a public holiday here for ANZAC DAY─anyhoo, Willow has apparently lost one of her top fangs. She jumped up on my lap yesterday and hissed at her brother, Droogie, when I noticed the damn thing was gone. It was there last week, but now it's not. I'm more making sure that all is okay and that there is no fragment of tooth left in the gum, or an infection hasn't set in. It hasn't put her off eating at all, which is a good thing. But really, other than the medicated cat biscuits to stop crystals from forming in their urine and bladder. my cats don't eat cat food they eat human food─tune in spring water, raw steak finely diced, cooked chicken finely shredded, cooked corned beef finely diced, and they love plain potato chips crumbled, but I don't let them have a lot of those as they have too much salt on them.

I have 5K left to write on Moon Runners 2: I Won't Let You Go. I was hoping to have had it finished by the end of the weekend just past, but as per usual life jumped right in my way  to stuff up my schedule. so now I have to try and finish it off today, because I have a busy day tomorrow. 

As not only do I have the vet, but we also have to go to the doctor for my migraine checkup, and then it's also flu needle time─yay, what fun. I don't like the new migraine medication as it makes me queasy, and I feel like shit, but at least I don't have a headache.

Thursday 20 April 2017

3:45 AM & I'm Wide Awake.

Those weird little sleep gremlins have decided it's time for me to get up. I must have had enough sleep for them for one night. The older I get the less sleep I seem to need─I thought the opposite was meant to be true. So here I sit another early morning in the house all by myself when everyone else is asleep. In some ways it's bloody brilliant, and in other ways it's a little creepy.

I'm happy to admit I think the new migraine medication is working (regardless of the freaky side effects) maybe it also has something to do with my weird sleep patterns now. I never sleep over eight hours. If like last night I fall asleep at 7:30pm then I'm up at 3:30am at least it's nice and quiet.

Last night I woke up at 4 am surrounded by flashing lights (no sirens) but a few houses down there were cop cars. I have no clue what happened. So I hope everything was okay, but they were there for at least an hour after I woke up. I don't know how long they were there before that.

Yesterday while writing Moon Runners 2: I won't Let You Go, I thought of the opening paragraph for book three (which I apparently still haven't named as yet) so I wrote it down so I wouldn't forget. I will tell you more as I know it. I'll work on it again today before Em goes to the doctor and then again when we get home.

The weather is finally starting to cool down here of a night time, but the days are still shorts and singlets weather. I can't wait for winter to set in. I'm sick of the heat. The times where I can cook a huge stew that can last for a couple of days. the cats are getting older now so they may spend the winter nights inside from here on out. I will have to see how they go. I have already been putting the blankets up on hector's cage so he doesn't freeze his little feathered arse off.

Okay, I think I've rambled on enough for one early morning... I'll catch you all again tomorrow... Later Gates.

Wednesday 19 April 2017

Moon Runners 2 & Other News

I Won't Let You Go...

I Had an idea in the last week so I have pulled apart the last half of this story, but I hope to have it all back together again before the end of the week. I don't even know what made me disassemble the story─all I can say at the time it felt like the right thing to do, and it gave me a clue as to where book 3 might be heading (will be heading─possibly, because we all know my mind has a tendency to go on many different paths on any given day). This week I think I'm heading in the right direction to hit those special words─THE END.


I think my new migraine medication may be working, but I have some pretty freaky side effects─at least I think they're side effects. If not, then I have something else wrong with me...LOL. Wouldn't that just be my luck.

I was driving along the highway yesterday when a car in one of the other lanes threw up a rock and it hot my windscreen and put a huge chip in it so now I have to get the windscreen guy out to see if it can be filled or it has to be replaced... I hope it can be filled. I don't want to have to get it replaced.

I've been working some more in my garden, which in itself is a bit of a shock, because I really don't like gardening. I don't like flowers, I prefer the plants that don't flower. So it has been strange that I have been getting out there planting, weeding, and watering nearly everyday. Once they are more established I'll have to water less as I have drought resistant plants. I have to try and find some grass seed that likes to grow in the shade (as there is shade cloth over the cat enclosure/greenhouse)... because all my grass is dying off. I can't put fake grass down as my cats still use it as their play area. Not that they really play as they are 15 years old. it's more their lay down and be lazy area.

Monday 17 April 2017

5 Updates On Life

Okay, so since last time I was on here and spoke with you all I have had a lot happen.

1) I've been going to the doctor and getting the medication sorted out fr my migraines... to try and head them off before I actually get them. the worse part is I also had to give up coffee... Coke Zero... and cut right back on my salt... that part was so not fun. I have been caffeine free for 2 weeks and still counting.

2) I have been preparing to go to court with my ex-husband (which was on the 13th) I had to make sure I had all my information correct and accounted for. So I spent a lot of time going back thorough old journals, receipts, and tax returns to show my side of the story. In the end my ex-husband still walked away with more possessions and net worth... but I think in the end I'll be a lot happier─mainly because it's all over and I won't have to think about it again. Well I won't once it finishes getting legalised through caught, which should take a couple of weeks.

3) From now until the end of the year I can finally start writing again without the stress of everything hanging over my head. I really need to get back into writing and for the first time in 2017─I actually feel energised enough to write. I just hope it lasts.

4) I still have a couple of reno jobs to do around the house... In the next couple of months:
  • I want to change out the carpet in our house.
  • Put up roll down blinds at the windows.
  • Put a hand rail on back steps.
  • Build back veranda & cupboard.
  • Install stair-lift for Mum.
  • Buy some more plants for the garden (will post photos when done).
5) My Easter was pretty quiet... we just went to my brother's house for a BBQ and we were home by 6pm when the mozzies came out. Thank God we only live across the street.

Thursday 30 March 2017

More News...

Okay... I had to end up having my antibiotics changed... the good news is my foot is mostly better... the bad news is I had to have a CT scan done so they can get a handle on my migraines... I'll find out the results on Monday when I go back to my doctor. I'm tired of having a constant headache.

I've received and done FLE's on Wardens of the Guild 2: All that Shimmers... I can't remember where it goes now.

Since I've been awake since 1:30 am and after I finished the above I started on Moon Runners 2: I won't Let You Go.

But that's not what had me awake. Cyclone Debbie is having our way and we are all having to get ready and prepare for the worst. We shouldn't get it as bad as Bowen  did... but I don't mind telling you Cyclones scare the crap out of me. I have to run out and get some tarps to cover the bird cage so poor Hector doesn't drown. if worse comes to worse I'll have to bring him inside out of the weather. I think all my animals may be sleeping inside tonight... As it was Droogie and Willow (our cats) came inside at 1:30 when the rain woke me up. Luckily before that they were on the front veranda so not too wet.

They've just closed all SE Queensland schools due to the weather here and the worse that's yet to come. Thank god I don't have school age kids. Emily and Elliot are looking after his sisters 13 year old twins... so they will be heading here this morning and do what they need and then they'll head home before the cyclonic weather gets here.

On that note I will away so that I can organise getting the blow-aways tied down in the yard. I'd hate for anything to do damage to other people property... mind you the stuff isn't mine. I will be back  to to you and tell you I'm alive after everything is over and done with.

Friday 24 March 2017

Today's Updates.

Today I finished and sent back second edits... they were really good because there was really only one thing I needed to address in it.... so it will be off to final line edits next.

Today I'm also going back to the Dr for my checkup... I'll have to ask if the antibiotics are supposed to make me feel so queasy. I also want to find out why tetanus shots hurt for days afterwards. Then I'll be back there next week for flu shots.

The rain clouds are still lingering around... my brother says we are supposed to get rain right through until the beginning of next week. we need the rain so I can't begrudge it.

Flu shot is coming up next week as well. I will make appointments for myself, Mum, and Emily... I swear by the flu shots and since I've been getting them I haven't had bronchitis.

I'm up to the third season of 'LOST', and I have to tell you that it's getting more confusing with each episode. I'm starting to think the whole thing is a dream and Hurley is still in the psych ward. I think all the characters are starting to lose their minds. I tried watching the vampire diaries, but didn't even make it through the first episode.

Why the hell do my cats, Droogie & Willow think it's okay to wake me up at the arse-crack of dawn to be let in, and then proceed sleep all bloody day long. I swear if I die and come back I hope it's as a much loved cat.

Monday 20 March 2017

Em's Turn

4 songs running through my head at the moment.


Talking Edits

I both love and hate doing edits...

+ Side: I get to revise my story where needed.

- Side: I have a tendency to over use words and phrases.

Which gets me to thinking in a 40-45K Novella how many times is too much? for example I use the word was 805 times is that a lot? Probably not, but why do I always seem to use the words a lot in the same pages/scenes? This is my dilemma.  It's driving me nuts because I have to go back through the manuscript and change quite a few of them. I think if they were scattered throughout it wouldn't matter as much.

my other big negative is I get so carried away with the story that I forget to add in descriptions and those pesky little details that the readers need so they can visualise everything the way that I do.

For me first edits suck, because it looks like so much work (where I've screwed up). Where in reality, it's probably the best thing, because when it comes to round two there is a much clearer picture of what actually needs to be done. and I start to see the light at the end of the editing tunnel.

Just so you know, I still suck at punctuation... I can't see myself ever getting the hang of it. I find it all confusing as hell, and I'm thankful everyday for my very patient Editors who have to wade through it all and take the time to correct everything.

Saturday 11 March 2017

Contract Signed.

Wardens of the Guild 2
All That Shimmers

Pre-order 18 April
Early Download 2 May
General Release 30 May

Thursday 9 March 2017

Rambling & Life Thoughts

I've been having the strangest feeling of late, as if I've been forgetting something important... and for the life of me I can't figure out what it is. I don't know how many times this has happened to me of late, and yet I never remember what it is I've forgotten.

So instead, I decided to watch the next episode in The Shadow Hunters on Netflix... it's different from the books, yet so much better than the movie. I've been enjoying it so far.

I still have some clearing out to do until my house is the way I want it to be. Actually it's only minor surplus stuff that I need to go through. I didn't realise just how much office supplies I really had until I moved. So many blank notebooks and loose leaf paper. I guess I'm lucky that I don't have to buy any for at least the next two years. That's even with Emily coming in and permanently borrowing supplies.

At least for the last two days the weather has cooled down a tad. Even though the heat related illness is still running rampant in my little bit of Australia, we at last have a reprieve. I can't wait for it to be cleared up completely. I hate watching it run through the family.

I've spent most of the morning catching up on household chores. Weird just how much satisfaction one can get by doing something so mundane. Yet lately I've been taking so much pleasure in cleaning the house.

Even cooking has become fun again. I like trying new recipes, just seeing if I like the food or not. So much of the preparation is so calming to me. The only downside is my cat, Willow thinks that she needs to be fed every time I walk into the kitchen. I've also spent time cleaning the pantry out and only stocking things I actually use. I get sick of having to get rid of stuff that goes out of date and I have to end up replacing it. Even though I don't eat huge meals anymore... I still enjoy creating each and every meal.

I love being in my new house. I love the fact that it's mine, (well not technically seeing as I don't own the building ─ my brother and his wife does). This house for me is really is a relaxing place to be. I really couldn't wish for anywhere else to be while going through court and everything else to do with the separation from my ex-husband.

I'm hoping that this year is the last of the hard years for me. But wanting it to be over isn't good enough. Sometimes we have to endure the bad shit in life just to find the good. I believe that things can only get better, even if we have to walk through hell to get there. I know everyone has problems.. some less and some more difficult than mine, but with just a little bit of faith in ourselves I know we can get through the worst of what life throws at us. If needed we can lean on each other to help us through the hard times. I believe in each of you as much as I believe in myself. On that note I'll catch you all in the next day or so.

Wednesday 8 March 2017

Dang It!!!

Why is it when you forget something it's usually something important? I forgot to change my RACQ (Roadside Assistance for my car). So I finally remembered today and then when I rang them I found out  they hadn't taken my last payment out so I haven't been covered since November 2016 ─ In the end instead of just changing my address I had to pay a reinstatement fee and back pay what was owing. 

Why me? For once I wish shit would go right in my life... Speaking of my life I just found out I have mediation in Brisbane Family Court on 13 April... and if nothing is worked out than we go back to Ipswich Court on 12 May...

I've still had to deal with Centrelink today... I had to upload documents onto their website... which was a whole lot of a pain in the arse for me as I am so not techno savvy... fingers crossed I got them all the right information this time... I bet it's not. Every time I think I see the light at the end of the tunnel, there always seems to be a avalanche blocking my way. Hopefully soon things will start falling into place.

Tuesday 7 March 2017

Catching Up On Life

I think my world has finally come unglued. And I don't even mean that in a bad way. My writing plan for February got dumped on it's arse as we have been hit with heat related illnesses, so now I'm playing the biggest game of catch up ever. Hopefully soon the weather will get back on track and start to cool the hell down. there is a major gastro outbreak, it even has some of the old people homes in lock-down until they can clear up the virus. It's freaking scary. 

I'll hopefully be starting first edits on Wardens of the Guild 2: All that Shimmers soon... with my wonderful new editor at Pride ─ Rebecca B. I have filled in the BIF (Book information form), and am now waiting on the contract.

Today I'm back to working on Moon Runners 2: I Won't let you Go for Fireborn... sadly I have to re read what I've already written to figure out where I'm up to.

The Lines of Marsden 4: The Trail of Red Roses for MLRPress is still plodding along, and I'm okay with that. I know it'll get done eventually.

I had to pull out of the Riveting Reads even set for later this year... the why's of it all are too long to get into right now... 

I'm also waiting to hear about the new court date for my case seeing as we had to postpone due to Australian & New Zealand laws not matching up ─ or something along those lines. I'll fill you in when I know more.

I'm still trying to get everything sorted out with Centrelink, but it's still slow going over a year and counting. Hopefully this time I'll have all the information they require. Just when I think I'm done they have more forms for me to fill out.

Other than that life is going well. The family who were here to visit have come and gone back to their own homes. I love my family, but was so glad they weren't here when we all got sick. Mind you in saying that, the gastro outbreak seems to be Australia wide at the moment. On that note I'll away and check in with you in a couple of days.

Tuesday 21 February 2017

Guest Blogging ~ Haley Walsh

Being Read To: 

I’m a huge fan of movies as well as a TV addict. I love watching fiction performed. And when it comes to my writing, I write cinematically, too, that is, the dialog is lively and I set the scene so that a reader can clearly see it unfold in their mind, like a movie. And who wouldn’t love to see their work turned into a film or TV show?

I write the Skyler Foxe Mysteries, a series of books with a gay protagonist who is a high school English teacher who stumbles into murders and makes it his job—along with the help of his Scooby Gang of friends who were all former hook-ups—to solve the crimes. It’s a rom-com series full of humor and heart, with Skyler getting himself into all sorts of funny shenanigans and unlikely circumstances (I mean, come on! If you found a dead body, is the first thing on your mind, “I think I can solve this crime!” or is it “Ahhhhhhhhhhhh! Call 911!”)

Since Logo isn’t pounding down the door trying to get to produce the series for television, the next best thing is an audiobook.

Now, I was lucky enough to land one of the suddenly most popular narrators around, the versatile and now award-winning Joel Leslie. And quite frankly, if you’ve enjoyed his work, you have me to thank because it was the Skyler Foxe series that gave him his first narrating job.

I love audiobooks! I loved listening to them long before I ventured into the game myself and now I really love them. There is nothing quite like hearing your own words performed so touchingly or with the humor you wrote on the page. In fact, I’m so invested now, I even write my characters hearing Joel’s voice in my head. That’s a huge compliment, by the way.

I have readers who are now confirmed listeners. They will only listen to the audiobook. Hey, who doesn’t like a book read to you? It looks like more and more people are indeed listening to audiobooks. According to a survey conducted by the Audio Publishers Association, there is a rise in the number of audiobooks published every year (35,713, in 2014, nearly double of the previous year’s total of 16,039) and a huge rise in listeners. And since now that they aren’t those bulky packages of CDs and can be uploaded to your phone, it’s easy to take them everywhere with you: shopping, exercising, commuting, or just cleaning the house. God, did that sound like a commercial or what?

My latest Skyler Foxe Mystery, CRAZY LIKE A FOXE, was just released last month and funnily enough, I’d love to offer one for free to the readers of this blog. If you’d like to know more about the series (and see an interview and a video of Joel narrating one of my books—it’s hilarious, by the way) click on over the There’s a contest going on right now and the winner gets their own name in the book as a character in the next Skyler Foxe Mystery, STONE COLD FOXE.

In CRAZY LIKE A FOXE: High school English teacher Skyler Foxe swears he’s done being an amateur sleuth. Instead, he’d rather concentrate on his career as a teacher and on his hot boyfriend and head football coach Keith Fletcher, who is busy with football practice and an interesting new player that puts Keith in the spotlight for a change. But Skyler encounters a few homegrown surprises of his own, not the least of which is the unwelcome appearance of one of Keith’s old flames. What does HE want? And then Skyler is confronted with two shocking bits of news in his own backyard that makes him rethink his own future plans, whatever those are. But all that gets put aside when a murder occurs in plain sight at an outdoor concert. Skyler, his Scooby Gang, and even Keith join in to investigate a murder that’s far too close to home.

Haley Walsh is giving away one copy of the audiobook. To have a chance of winning, leave your name and address so Haley has a way of getting in touch with you.

AUTHOR BIO: With a long history in the arts in Los Angeles, Haley Walsh spent a good part of her early years involved in the theatre and as a freelance graphic designer. Later, she turned a long-time hobby of writing novels into a career and lives a double life as a medieval mystery author under another name Jeri Westerson while living the other half as Haley Walsh, writing about her gay amateur sleuth, high school English teacher Skyler Foxe. Skyler Foxe Mysteries


Monday 13 February 2017

So Fricken Hot

It has been so fricken hot here of late that I now begging winter to hurry the hell up... 45.9* (114.62 F*) and my poor brother was out building my back steps.

I have been struck down with some bug for the last week... so it's thrown my writing schedule out the window... but not to worry I know I'll catch up in the next few weeks... well not this week as I have rellies coming up for Mum's 85th birthday.

Emily is happy, we finally got the spare bed set up, so she no longer hast to sleep on the couch when she comes to visit... or more that I won't wake her up in the morning as she can shut the bedroom door.

Last night it was so hot that I had to bring the cats inside as it was cooler inside than outside. The poor old buggers were suffering with the damn heat as much as we are if not more.

I'm also going to see if I can get into see the optometrist today, I think I may have something wrong with the macular on  my left eye as I have a grey spot in it, (Last time it was a blister, and I'm hoping it'll be the same again this time). It's more a pain in the arse than anything else, and I think it may be the source of my headaches over the last couple of weeks... I'll let you know what I find out, or if I have to go back.

Friday 10 February 2017

Talking: J.M. Dabney

J.M. Dabney is a recently new found author for me. I was quite surprised by how much I enjoyed the stories... that came out wrong. What I mean is for me they were very enjoyable read, and I must admit I've read them quite a few times and enjoy them more with each reading. So here are the first three and the next in line. If you haven't already checked this author out than please do so━you won't regret it.

BERZERKER (Twirled World 1)

Welcome to Twirled World Ink where the crazies run the asylum.

The hum of a tattoo machine was Brian “Berzerker” Anderson’s favorite sound in the world. He’d won a coveted spot at Twirled World Ink with a legend in the business, Gib Phelps. Creating beauty with his large, scarred hands was his happy place—the place where he fit in the world. Although, nothing could remain perfect forever, his boyfriend of over a year decided to move on and up without him in tow. He had two choices, return to living with his friends and co-workers or take an offer too tempting to pass up.

Landon Phelps grew up in an unconventional home as the only child to Legendary Tattoo Artist Gib Phelps and mother, Peaches. He always felt a bit out of place when he became a boring accountant instead of following in his parents’ footsteps. Boundaries were in place early on; he didn’t date the employees of Twirled World Ink. Sometimes rules were meant to be broken. Bezerker was his idea of perfection, large, husky and tattooed; the thick, grab-worthy beard was a bonus. So when the boyfriend became the ex, Landon decided it was time to get his man.

With the help of the matchmaking Twirled Crew, can Landon finally get Berzerker to see him as more than a friend and the employer’s son?


Model perfect Jimmy “Trouble” Carver had never heard the word no. Tattooed, sexy and the quintessential bad boy Trouble had men falling over themselves to get to him. What people didn’t know about him was he was self-conscious even if life was easy for him. He’d started out as an apprentice at Twirled World Ink after college and never looked back. Trouble was exactly where he wanted to be, although there was one speed bump, his crush refused to go out on a date.

Brody Vaughn worked in a dead-end job, barely making it from paycheck to paycheck. He didn’t have much time for anyone other than his five-year-old daughter Mina and besides he’d never quite found a place in this world he fit. Chunky and average, that's how he felt, except for when Trouble came into the grocery store where he worked. The flirty, gorgeous man asked him out every week with a sexy smile, but Brody had to refuse. It wasn’t as if he wanted to say no, it was just how could he date a man Brody knew he had no business trying to keep.

The Crazies of Twirled World Ink excel at one thing, matchmaking, and they are determined their resident bad boy would get his man. They just had to make sure that neither Trouble or Brody screwed up their plan.


Gene Sheridan earned the appropriate nickname when Legend Gib Phelps employed him at Twirled World Ink—Scary. No one made it out of his old neighborhood without scars both mental and physical. At one time, Scary thought he had a chance that is until his ex-boyfriend discovered slumming with someone like him wasn’t worth his trust fund. No-strings hookups became his go-to when he needed to relieve some tension. Co-owning a bar called Brawlers with his best friend, Tank, made it easy to find a body to use for the night. If not happy he was content with his life, but one man made content seem like such a terrible thing.

Elijah Vaughn worried about everything. His life was put on hold at eighteen when his mostly-absent parents died on one of their many adventures leaving him to raise his six-year-old brother, Brody. He’d never had anything or anyone that was just his. When Brody met a tattoo artist named Trouble, Elijah hadn’t realized how much it would change his life too. He met a huge man named Scary and how the man made him feel terrified him.

Tank Davis lost his voice the night he was attacked and had this throat slit ear-to-ear. It kept him in a world of silence. Silent and intimidating, he scared off more men than he drew to him. His best friend Scary and him made a life for themselves in small town Georgia with their bar Brawlers. Most night everyone could find him working security at the door. Scary called in a favor, and Tank met the one man he couldn’t resist, proper and upstanding Elijah Vaughn.

Can one man accept that there’s not one perfect man for him, but two damaged souls who need him to be whole? 

And Coming Soon

Lucky (TW 4)

When someone was asked to describe crazy, if they knew Lee “Lucky” Trenton they’d point at him. Accident prone and without a filter of any kind to tell him to shut up before he says something inappropriate he’s no one’s idea of a perfect partner. Growing up with parents who subscribed to a philosophy of Radical Honesty Lucky and his siblings were doomed from the womb. Lucky found a home away from home at Twirled World Ink, but he didn’t just find a place to belong. He’d found Priest.

Matthew “Priest” Beall ran away from his judgmental family the second he’d earned the money. He’d come in search of Gib Phelps a legend in the tattoo industry. If you wanted to learn the craft, then Gib was the man to beg an apprenticeship with, and he’d begged. Priest might have left the violence of his past behind, but when he closed his eyes it came back to torture him. The only place he felt safe was when his best friend Lucky let him sleep in his arms. He wanted more, but he didn’t think he deserved it.

Priest left his family behind without regret only to find a new one with the crew of Twirled World and the super weird Trenton family. Could he grab onto his new life or would the memories of the past ruin the happiness he’d gained?

Thursday 9 February 2017

Life Updates...

Firstly: I now don't have to go to court on 17 February 2017━Only because New Zealand Law and Australian Law differ so my lawyer will go and ask for a postponement... I will let you know when the new date is.

Secondly: The back stairs had to be postponed as Ted hurt his neck and I hurt my back, so hopefully we'll start them this weekend... It's strange how you take steps for granted until they are gone and I have to walk all the way around the house to get to the car and bins.

Thirdly: I haven't heard a peep from the cranky arsed neighbour who threatens to kill my cats... This is a welcome update and hopefully he'll stay quiet... but in saying that some mongrel opened my gate while I was out (another reason I'll be glad that the back stairs get done so I can padlock the front gate)━Luckily for me my cats were locked inside with the aircon and didn't escape.

Fourthly: I still have to get the spare bed over from my brothers house and once we're both back to healthy it will get done. though I do have the cupboards/storage in and it looks so good. I can't wait for it to be done.

Fifthly: My brother and sister in-law found some more coat/hat racks for me to put up on my walls. I didn't realise how many hats I had until I moved... and now I'll be able to have them all on display like my artwork. I can't believe how comfortable I feel in this new house. Strangely I haven't liked any of the houses I have lived in for over the last 14 years, but this one feels like home.

Wednesday 8 February 2017

Brain Fart Moments...

I've suddenly come to realise just how many brain fart moments I actually have. Like how many times I walk into a room and have no clue why I'm there...

Or getting halfway through a conversation and have no idea what I'm talking about.

Here's an example... I went shopping the other day, I only had to pick up 3 things... I could remember 2, but not the third. I rang home and asked, and seriously by the time I had gotten off the phone I'd forgotten what it was again. I wasn't game to ring up and ask again as my family would never have let me live it down.

I thought there was something wrong with me and went to the Dr... but apparently it's just I'me getting old, and I need to suck it up. Which is weird, as I don't feel old (on most days━on other days I feel downright ancient).

On that note I will away before I forget what the hell I'm writing about. So I'll catch you all tomorrow. Take care and stay safe.

Tuesday 7 February 2017

Tuesday Teaser: Mountain Made

Not sure if this one is a goer... this is one is set down for a little further down the track. So please excuse any punctuation stuff-ups... and feel free to let me know what you think. As in should I keep this one or should I toss it straight into the bin and start over. Trust me you won't hurt my feelings as I often toss stories out and start over, and hopefully second tome around they are better.

Chapter One
“Momma told me when I was young. To treat people the way I want to be treated.” Tobias Kern leant down and scratched behind his faithful dog, Luc’s ear. Up here in his mountain home Luc was the best friend Tobias had. So talking to him just came natural like. It didn’t matter if Luc couldn’t answer back, but he sure was a good listener, and that was all that mattered.

  “I’ve been thinking that people are cracked in the head, Luc. Maybe that’s why we stick close to home and don’t bother with them. Only thing is, is lately I’ve been a might lonely. I sure wish there was someone to talk back to me. You’re my best friend, boy, but even you must crave your own kind once in a while.”

  Sitting on the front porch Tobias thought about life. He couldn’t do much about his loneliness but he could go into town and adopt a friend for Luc. There were always shelters with animals in need of a good home, and at least Tobias and Luc had that to offer. If they left early in the morning, they could be on their way home by nightfall. 

  Tobias stood. “Come on, buddy, let’s go and see if we can’t find someone to keep us company. Winter will be coming soon and we’ll be snowed in before you know it.

* * * *

  The sun was beating down in the car park as Tobias exited his truck and waited for Luc to join him. Even though the sun was brutal, the wind had a chill factor that let everyone know winter was well and truly on the way. At least the shelter carpark was dirt so there was no scorching hot bitumen to scald Luc’s paws. Tobias needed Luc there to find an animal that was compatible with them both. No use rescuing another pet if the two animals were going to be growling at each other the whole time.

  As he opened the front doors Tobias glanced toward the counter and saw the woman behind the desk talking to a young man who was obviously—if going by the tears streaking down his face—was surrendering his dog. Luc must have sensed what was going on as he headed straight for the young man and sat at his feet.

  “I don’t want to give her up, but I can’t afford to keep her with my current situation. I lost my job, my home, and my family all in the same day. I’ve been struggling to make it, but I can’t look after myself let alone Bessy here.” The guy was babbling. There was no doubt about it.

  The guy looked to be in his early twenties not that much younger than Tobias’s own thirty-one years. He wondered what the guy’s story was, but knew it would be rude to butt into the conversation. When the young man placed his pet on the floor Tobias watched on as Luc curled himself around the sweet little angel. If he didn’t know any better he’d think it was love at first sight. Maybe his coming here today was a sign. Somehow he was meant to be in this exact spot to meet Bessy and her owner.

  When the phone rang, the shelter worker excused herself to answer. Tobias reached out and gently laid a hand on the younger man’s shoulder. “Come and sit a spell and tell me your trouble. A problem shared and all that…” Tobias nudged the guy in the directions of the waiting rooms. Both dogs following closely behind them to once again curl up at their feet.

  “What’s your name? Mine’s Tobias Anderson.” Tobias began, hoping it would help the stranger open up.

  “Greggory Hale, but everyone calls me Gregg.” A shuddering breath was audible and for some reason Tobias wanted to step in and help this stranger out.

  Tobias smiled what he hoped was reassuringly. “Well, Gregg, why don’t you tell me what’s going on and maybe we can help each other out.”

  “What do you want to know?”

  “Why don’t you start with the reason you are here trying to give this pretty little girl up for adoption?” Tobias spoke calmly again wanting Gregg to open up and talk, it was obvious the guy needed to tell someone what was going on.”

  Gregg nodded, “It’s my birthday today, and it totally sucks. A month ago I was living the good life. I had a family who loved me. We still all lived on the family ranch, and worked it together. Then I did something stupid and it lost me everything.”

  “What did you do?” whatever it was it couldn’t be all that bad.

  As he swiped at his tear filled eyes Gregg murmured, “I got caught kissing one of the ranch workers. My dad lost it big time and threw my ass off the ranch. I only have Bessy now because she followed behind. Id’ stopped on the side of the road and she came trotting up and stopped beside the door. I couldn’t take her back. I had to take her with me.”

  Tobias frowned at what he heard. How could a father throw away a child—no matter how old they were—just because they were caught kissing an employee? “Is that the whole of it? You kissed an employee. Was it against the rules, or something?”

  “A male ranch hand. And yes for my family that is the biggest sin of them all. I have three brother and a sister and not one of them stood up for me. My mother turned her back so she didn’t have to see me walk away. I was given fifteen minutes to pack my gear and get off ranch lands before my father took stronger measures.”

  “Where have you been living since then?”

  Gregg shrugged, “Here and there. My car mostly. My money is running out quickly and I hate having to turn in Bessy, but she’s better off without me.”

  A plan of action began to form in Tobias’s mind. “What I think is you need someplace off the beaten path to get your head together and figure out where you’re at. Maybe we can help each other out. It looks like my Luc has taken a shine to your Bessy. What would you think about coming home with me for a spell until you work stuff out. I should warn you. I live up the mountain and once winter sets in you’ll be stuck there for the duration.”