Friday, 28 March 2025

Day 86: Sleepover Day

Tonight, I have the three granddaughters sleeping over. Their mum wants to be able to make Cyclone's birthday cake and wrap the presents in peace.  So, it means I have to put up with them. Fighting over who gets to sleep in the bed and who has the blow-up mattress. I bet I end up on the couch again.

I'm really tired today... everything aches. I can't even tell you what hurts the most, because it all hurts... getting old sucks.

Today I'll be cleaning out under both the kitchen and bathroom sinks. As I want to find out what cleaning products I have, what is almost out, and needs restocking, or what I have in abundance.

I also have to vacuum the couch off, to get the cat hair off. Even though I have pets, I still like to make sure that they don't shed too much. It only takes a few moments of my time to get it done.

Today I will also clean the bathroom out... My house just seems to get really dusty. It's a never-ending chore to get on top of it. The wet weather isn't helping; it just makes everything feel damp and the dust sticks to it.

Also going to try and get some work done on Woden's Wolves 3: When Everything Shattered.

Thursday, 27 March 2025

Day 85: Little Things


Today I have Monsoon come and stay with me while her mum is off at work (the teacher's aide one). So today she is going to help me do my chores.

We are going to be rearranging my kitchen drawers = put everything where they are meant to go. Nobody but me seems to put things back where they go.

Weare going to wash off the front verandah wall. it would seem my three granddaughters have spilt something all over it. So, it has to come off before the ants descend upon us.

We're going to restock the baskets under my TV it's where I keep all the wipes, spare notebooks, socks, grandkid's clothes, and spare bedding for my room.

We're going to tidy out the fridge and freezer. Again, people need to learn where everything goes. I might be a little OCD when it comes to those sorts of things. I swear to God people put them in the wrong place just to mess with me... or because my mum is 93 and just doesn't give a rats ar*e.

Wednesday, 26 March 2025

Day 84: Still Raining


This morning, I woke up to the sounds of thunder. It didn't last long, but the clouds did roll in; and it rained nearly all day. which only makes the whole place smell dank.

Today is grocery shopping day for the fortnight. I seem to get half the amount of stuff and pay twice as much as I used to. The shelves still aren't fully stocked. So, we might have to be creative in our cooking for a while. I'm also making meals where I can freeze the leftovers for another day.

I also have to pick Hurricane up after school, as Cyclone is going to dance, and Monsoon is at her bestie's (Anty Yace)... truth is I almost forgot. luckily her mum reminded me, and I got there in time. We came home and watch Captain Underpants. Apparently, I'm the only one who doesn't complain when she wants to watch it.

My feet and back are so sore today. It hurts so much to stand and walk. Not even helping if I rest them.

My big chore for today was to switch out all my mum's bedding. The cat, Robson decided it would be a good place to throw up. the little shi*head. Luckily, he did it in the day and not during the middle of the night... Yay, what fun...Not.

Tuesday, 25 March 2025

Day 83: Quick Update & Other Things


I'm tired today. I can't seem to get any decent sleep. no matter how I try it seem to elude me. I'm averaging about three hours a night. I'm sitting here watching my cats and feeling envious that they can just lay down and fall asleep anywhere.

I've watched two 8 episodes series on Netflix recently. The first was The Irregulars> which was series set back in early days of London, where 5 teenagers solve paranormal crimes. for Dr Watson (Sherlock Holmes) ... it was interesting. the second was a series called The Residence> about a murder at the white house during a state dinner... it was pretty funny.

It's been raining on and off all day long. I can tell you; I'm getting tired of it. It's not even smelling nice anymore. Now it just smells dank. I need it to dry out for a bit.

Today I've been working on Woden's Wolves MC 3: When Everything Shattered. It's the story that's speaking to at the moment. So, it's the story that I'm going to write. I'm afraid that's the way my brain is working at the moment. I decided instead of fighting it. I'll go with the flow and see where it takes me.

Sunday, 23 March 2025

Day 82: Another one Done


I'll start off by saying that I managed to get the 5K added wordage into Cotter's Girls 1: TASH...  and I have decided to finish Crossroads 1: The Smile Made Me Do It. So, I'm happy that I'm mostly back on track with my writing schedule

We have another overcast and drizzly day. I might love the rain, but it's a pain in the ar*e because I can't get out and mow. Once again, my wash will have to be hung inside

My big chore for today is to get the spiderwebs down and mop my floors; even though I hate mopping when it's damp out because they take so long to dry.

Hurricane was so excited on Friday when she came home from swimming lessons, and she had been moved up a level. I had little Monsoon while the other two went swimming. So, she was on my old tablet and doing her work like Mar-Mar (me). She was so proud of herself.

Today I'm also cooking up pasta sauce so I can portion it out into meal sizes and freeze it for later use. It always tastes better when it's been cooked for a while... well, at least I think it does.

Friday, 21 March 2025

Day 80: I hate being sick


Today is snuggle up with a nit beverage and read kind of day. My damn cold is back. I think I must nearly be due for my flu shot, or something.

I'll take my time doing my chores today. I can't get out and mow because its overcast and drizzly. So, the grass is wet. Which is good because I don't have to go out and water the plants today. My chilli bush is thriving, and the new parsley plants are doing good.

Writing wise: Yesterday, I finished The Dark Frost 2: Running Home to You; and I started doing the 5K flesh out on Cotter's Girls 1: Tash. I'm hoping I actually finish it today. Next on my agenda will be finishing off one of the other books on my working on now list. Either Elsewhere Realms 2: Stepping Through Cracks... or Crossroads 1: The Smile Made Me Do It. I guess you'll know in the next couple of posts.