It's been that bloody hot here lately. I had to invest in one of these stands just so my laptop is sitting flat on the tabletop and overheating. So far it seems to be working. Everything else I wanted to buy yesterday was unavailable.
1) Air fryer: Out of stock.
2) HDMI Splitter: Now = On-line only.
3) Pens: No longer make them.
4) Laptop Stand: Didn't have the one I wanted so I had to buy one that was three times the price.
5) Large Handbag: Couldn't find one.The good news is that I didn't need glasses, though they were confused as to why I was called in for testing. Seeing as I was only there a year ago. I couldn't enlighten them any, I was just happy I didn't have to spend a fortune on glasses.
Now that I have that over and done with, I'm getting stuck back into my writing. I have a game plan set in place, and I'm going to make sure it works. I'm hoping to finish the next two books by Feb 2nd.