Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Em's Week Of Music - Tuesday

  The lead singer nearly fell off the stage at soundwave while singing this song, so I thought I would share this with you all. Mum has given me a week on her blog to post music... so you get to put up with my stuff...

This Is The Future - So Get With It!!!

  A friend made this and I think you should all just take the time and really think about what is the right thing to do... Any Aussie politicians that see this I hope to God that you actually ask the general public what they want before you all decide what is best for us as a whole. Because in fact most of us believe in the rights for LGBT people to have the same opportunities as the rest of us... Oh and if anyone is in the Know with the Queen tell her to pull her finger out and do the right thing - Equality for All ... NEWS FLASH!!! God created everyone -  not just the straight people.

Sunday, 13 November 2011


  My Christian, and even my Doyle are two characters that just wish that they could dance like this. The closest they come is some form of crazy dancing that becomes the rage in my series The Lines OF Marsden.

  Anyway a friend sent me this so I thought I would share it as It fascinated me to no end. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

Saturday, 12 November 2011

Rough mock up for my cover in TLOM!!!

 I just wanted to share - this is a rough mock up of the cover for the first book in  The Lines Of Marsden series. Doesn't Michael Marsden look beautiful? I truly cannot wait to see the finished product. I am so excited I have been snoopy dancing since this rough arrived... there will be some minor changes between this and the real  cover.

 On another note I signed the contract for my short Christmas story: Angels on Top. with MLRPress. I am not sure how much I am allowed to say about it, but I hope that everyone that reads it will like it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

 I am still working on my NaNoWriMo and it is slow going but I am determined to get my 50K written by the end of the month. I will not let the boys in Watson Falls down.

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

What's the Hap!!!

I am working on changing my NaNoWriMo story as it just wasn't working I had to go back and shifter-fy it... I feel more comfortable writing paranormal books... I have kept the same basic story line but now I can sink my teeth (or canines if you will) into it and start writing again.

I have decided that Sentinel Dominic's mate in Sentinels of Varnuse 2: Wind Walkers, will be Nico and he will be a bird shifter... you will still get to hear about Quin & Bray and Vayne & Arron's quest for Simian... I promise not to leave you all hanging. 

Monday, 7 November 2011

Just Touching Base!!!

 Well I know I have missed another couple of days... but sad to say my brother in-law passed away... I guess he is in a better place where there is no pain. It was sad to see him finally go and my heart goes out to his four children.

  So for the past three days I haven't really written anything but after this Thursday I should be back on track with everything... Though I don't mind telling you all I am worried about my NaNoWriMo novel... I am not sure if it is going in the direction that I want it to. I will stick with it for a bit and see what happens.

  I emailed my editor today to find out what is happening with TLOM. To be honest I am getting fed up with waiting. It's is more frustrating that my editor and I never seem to connect... she is awesome, but if it isn't something going wrong on her end then it is going wrong on mine... Sometimes I think I just can't win... LMAO - Isn't that always the way. Though, as soon as I do hear what is going on I will let you all know.

Thursday, 3 November 2011

Saw These Guys In Concert Last Night!!!

  Tim Rogers and You Am I were absolutely awesome even if my hubs and daughter didn't know who they were... We bought some merchandise & the guy behind the counter goes... "You do realise this is just the starter band?" I was like, "Dude I came to see these guys." No one even selling the merchandise knew who the hell You Am I even were. This is one of their most listened to songs it is off their 4th album.

  This is the other band we saw Cold Chisel is one of our legendary rock bands. They are a little older but fricken hell they sound exactly the same Jimmy Barnes & Ian Moss only seem to get better with age. The only downer on the night for me besides having a sore back, is that they never sang "Working Class Man," how could they skip one of their most famous songs?

  But it was still awesome!!!