Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Em's Turn

Chris Daughtry - do I need to say more?

These guys a currently on my iPod. 

Let's give it up for Matt Tuck!!! (oh yeah, and the other guys).

Seen these guys in concert back when I was in high school - AWESOME!

Monday, 23 April 2012

Awesome New Shoes

These are one of two pairs of shoes I have bought to take with me to GRL. This pair is called Demon, and I got because of the bats - I love bats. They are so comfortable I bought the from Knockout Heels. They will match all the bats on my tattoo sleeve.

This Pair is the send set and is aptly titled Vampire, and again they are so comfortable to wear. They look so cool on my feet it helps that my wardrobe is mostly made up of black, red, and purple clothes. Both these shoes are from the Demonica brand which I definitely recommend.

You can find a supplier for in and around Brisbane with Kim at Knockout Heels (I found her at the Logan Tattoo convention) They measure your feet so there are no mistakes made in sizing. Or you can find Knockout Heels on Facebook, so check them out for yourself.

Friday, 20 April 2012

Today In The Life Of...

Today I am not doing edits for once as, the three books are in the respective hands of the editors I work with  - though I will probably be busy as next week.

I have taken this opportunity to do one last read through and fix of Windblown Kisses: My Knight In Tarnished Armour, before I send it out for submission.

I have also received and returned the contract to MLR for When Souls Collide. It is for their Father's Day Anthology I haven't seen the cover yet but I'm sure it will be good. It will be released around the American Father's Day - in June. That's the right month isn't it? I have no clue.

I am also getting ready to convert the second book in The Lines of Marsden which is: Living in Shadows. I have some minor character changes to make. Why? Because I want to LOL. I even bought some wonderful pictures to use as the Cover.(Yes from Dan Skinner) Again why? Because Dan is fricken brilliant!

Thursday, 19 April 2012


This is the wonderful Cover for my book coming out for Silver Publishing (tentative date June 16) I just wanted you all to see the wonderful job Reese Dante has done.  These guys are my Kayne Henderson  (left) & Jacen Ives (right). Still working on Edits for this one. I am so excited.


The Lines of Marsden: Rules Are Meant To Be Broken has headed off to the proofer I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. Soon you will be able to read all about Michael, Christian and Doyle and fall in love with them all as I have. This book is one of my greatest love's because I wrote most of it sitting in hospital rooms with Emily.

Monday, 16 April 2012

Breathe Deep & Suck It Up!!!

I am having a total WTF day. When everything I attempt makes me go - WTF - seriously.

I am trying to catch up on household stuff as I do my edits and things keep going wrong let me give you a taste of my day.

1) Doorways have a habit of moving just as I go to walk through them, ending with me walking into a wall or seven.

2) Every time I get up from the computer the cat (Toby) decides my keyboard is the place to be.

3) I keep adding e's to words that shouldn't have them eg. him(e), hot(e), Michael(e)... you get the drift.

4) Your nephew (who is no longer my favourite - yes you heard me Caleb - I now dub you Dumbarse-Fuckwit-Wanker) sends you weird arse texts pretending he doesn't know who you are. And thinking he is absolutely hilarious - I know this because he text me telling me so.

5) Why is it when the husbands away everything in the house seems to break or go wrong? The locks seem to have all decided to not lock at the same time. The lights are flickering. No one can find the keys to the shed (I would say the hubs has them in China - at least he hasn't lost his wallet this time - or should that be yet?)

Sunday, 15 April 2012

Holy Crap & Then Some...

 I know that today is Blog story day but I am afraid I have to put in on hold for a couple of days. (Hopefully get it posted in two days = my Tuesday) as I have edits for Silver Publishing on my Father's Day story: One Last Kiss Goodbye

And when I say edits - I mean there is a shit load of them to do. Honestly it isn't so much as that I have a tone of changes to make but I do have  1244 edits notes to wade through, but in all honesty there are actually only about 198 minor changes to make the story flow. (I.E. I have to replace a semi colon with a period/full stop.) My wonderful editor on this project must have had heart failure when he first clapped eyes on the way I write. Is it bad that I actually apologised to me editor ahead of time? Though I know by the end of it all we will have a better product in our hands.

Toowoomba Boys: Hunting for Clay Review

Thursday, 12 April 2012

Last part of Tattoo sleeve...

 Okay, so for the last part of my Tattoo Halloween sleeve there is going to be a scarecrow Cinderella type girl. Oh, and there will be a shitload of bats added - just cause I love bats.

 I am very ticklish so I couldn't stop laughing when Ted was tattooing u near my armpit. I will have this whole sleeve done by the time I get to GRL in October. Honestly I can't wait for it to be finished.

 The counter guy (Rodney Rocket) picked what we used as inspiration so my arm has been a collaboration of all who work in the shop Sink The Ink. Luckily, I actually like the stuff that is put on my skin.

 I have been asked what am I going to do when I am older and I am covered in tattoos... my reply was, "Have colourful wrinkles." I mean seriously, what else can you say? I think a lot of my generation are going to get old and covered tattoos so I will be in great company. Well that is my ramble for the day - I will make sure I post the actual tattoo when it is done.