Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Until July 31 (The Next 56 Days)

I have a headache today - I did so much running around this morning (still no new computer tower - because the guy's shop was once again closed) every time I go there lately he is closed - I think I need to find a new computer guy.

I am still working on Windblown Kisses: My Knight in Tarnished Armour... I am at 54K and I want to try and get the whole story finished by the end of the weekend or by middle of next week at the latest - (only 26K to go).

After that I will concentrate on the following three stories which I hope to have all of them finished by the end of July:

The Lines of Marsden: Living in Shadows (44K to go)
The Diamond Rose: Undercover Hearts (35K to go)
Kody (15k to go)

All up I have 120k to write ~ wish me luck.

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Em's Turn...

Here are some oldies but goodies.
I used to sing these to Em when she was a baby.

Monday, 3 June 2013


I've just had a message that I'll find out this week about my new editor at MLR Press.
Also I will be getting a contract for Experimentals: Blessed With A Curse.

PS: This is the song with three awesome lines which gave me that great story idea.
Yeah the one I lost.

I'm Having One Of Those Days...

I'm having one of those days when Murphy's Law seems to be running rampant in my life. It's all the little shit that goes wrong that makes you want to bang your head against the wall for hours at a time. I should add it's nothing major happening just stuff that adds up to be a bog fat pain in the arse.

Come with me if you will while I share: my house phones died so I had to replace them (nothing is made to last these days). The new phones while they look good are crackling and I have no clue why.

I still haven't heard who my new editor is at MLR - but I do know that someone is reading my stuff so hopefully soon I will hear something (we all know how much I love waiting - LOL). I have had contact with the EIC so I know I will eventually get somebody.

I was listening to a song the other day and I got a great idea for a story so I quickly jotted down my idea and then promptly lost the notebook with the idea in it. - (How can I lose a notebook?) I have no clue where it went to and I never found it while I spring cleaned my house out over the weekend.

I am trying to book my stay at a Sydney hotel for a meet I am going to in October and the place is never heard of it even though the Meet is at there hotel (why don't people tell other people what's happening so at least one person each shift knows what the hell is going on?) So now I had to email them and I am waiting to hear back from them while they sort it out on their end.

The good news is I am still reworking Windblown Kisses: My Knight in Tarnished Armour ( I am going back and revising the last 10K I just reworked to double check the head hopping).

PS: The picture I posted is here
 just because I thought it was HOT!!!

Friday, 31 May 2013

This is what I did today...

Today Emily and I registered for the Oz M/M Meet 2013, and later on this afternoon when Em gets home from work we will book or accommodation and organise our flights.

Other than that, I've been working like mad on Windblown Kisses: My Knight in Tarnished Armour. I have made it to 46K, which totally blows me away. This re write is going way better than I thought it would and I can tell you I am so over head hopping. As strange as it seems when I originally wrote this story I gave every single character (whether they be a major or a minor) a POV. So the damn thing was jumping all over the place. I'm trying to stay as close to the original story line as possible but inevitably you know as well as I do that with all re writes changes get made.

I'll be away a lot over the next two days so I'm not sure I will have time to blog. (I will be out buying stuff for my office/library extensions & helping with the building). Not to mention I'm trying to buy a Dan England CD. I have one but I want his other one - (purely for research of course - LOL).


Thursday, 30 May 2013

And My Winners Are...

I'm happy to announce the winners of my HAHAT post - a $10 GC and a copy of a book form my back list in any format -are as follows...



Jack L. Pyke

I will be emailing you both today - with the list of my books.

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Lookee-Lookee at what I have here.

The following are photographs I purchased from the very talented DW Skinner, and then the awesomely wonderful Lex Valentine over at Winterheart Designs turned them into collector-card template for me... Enjoy and don't forget to tell me what you think.

Michael Marsden the 1st.

"By dying, I will not fail. Within my lineage, three will come together, and destroy all that you are. You will know them by the colour of their eyes, and come to find just how much I have truly cursed you with the wrath of the lines of Marsden."

Michael Marsden
(The Hands)

"Falls fast, loves forever, & stays true- this is the way of a true Marsden."

Gypsy Marsden
(The Power)

"I'm not bossy, I just make helpful suggestions."

Benj Marsden
(The Heart)

"All things happen for a reason. So keep that in mind."

Christian Risley~Kincaid
(The Drarcaine~Magic)

"I loved you Michael Marsden, but you were never mine."

Doyle Kerwin
(The Loyalty)

"I may just be a little bit in love with you."