Sunday, 28 July 2013

I Found It!!!

I found my missing CD - Placebo: Without you I'm Nothing. It was hidden among my numerous amount of David Bowie CDs... I was jumping round like a loon, and had both Em and the hubs looking at me like I had lost my ever living fricken mind.

We  are doing more renovations this weekend - I can tell you I will be fricken ecstatic when the renovations are over and done with.

Also I just passed 75K in The Lines of Marsden: Living In Shadows re write. I'm enjoying the knew track it has taken.

Friday, 26 July 2013

By The Way...

Turns out the insomnia paid off.. I finally finished the free read for the OZ mm Meet in October in Sydney. I also changed the name from Walk This Way to By The Way. It came in at 12,448. I have sent it off to my beta reader Yoda, then it will go to Cinder's O, to make sure I have no holes, and then to the committee for consideration.

So today I'm back onto writing The Lines of Marsden: Living in Shadows... weirdly, I'm really enjoying writing this story (or should that be re writing) seeing as I have the same script, just different characters and more action.

In my downtime, not that I have a lot of it... I have been writing in long hand... well while I sit there and write Emily has been watching NCIS from the beginning (Love Abbey - followed closely by McGee) I don't watch/listen to a lot of TV but that show is kinda cool.

This was just awesome...

Thursday, 25 July 2013

Why is it?

Why is it the more I try and tidy the office up, the worse it seems to look? I have things stacked everywhere and the can't be put away until the shelves are put into the office/library extension (Books, CDs, & DVDs).

Though, I'm proud that I worked out how to hook up the printer all by myself. and have the cables run under the desk and not above it. So now my end of the office is looking pretty good - well mostly good - okay, okay, I still have tons of crap to do before I can see the whole desktop.

I think we will all be happy to know I got some sleep last night... six hours to be exact which is a miracle for me. And the biggest shocker is I didn't write one word on The Lines of Marsden Living in Shadows... and only 1K on Walk This Way (Which I am seriously thinking about changing the title on because it doesn't suit it now or maybe it does if the finish ends up where I want it to).

So today I am going to try and finish the last of the clean up on my side of the office, and the last 3 K on Walk This Way before I get off the computer this afternoon... I also have RL stuff to do; like washing the clothes and hanging them out to dry... I hate washing in winter.

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Insomnia: Sleep, Who Needs It?

I swear the more I try to sleep - the worse it gets. I finally forced myself to go to bed at half past midnight and I was still lying there awake until 3 a.m. I was awake by 5:30 when Em started getting ready for work. Some night I'm lucky if I get 5 hours tops.

I hear you asking me what is keeping me up at nights? The answer is really simple - Michael-bloody-Marsden... more precisely I am up to the last four chapters in Living in Shadows and I'm trying to work out the sequence of events in those last four chapters. - I want to get it right...

It would be okay if the scene he is giving me was for this book but it isn't it's a scene in the beginning of book 4: The Trail Of Red Roses. For some reason I don't think the characters in The Lines Of Marsden are going to let me rest in between their books.

Poor Vlad, who runs the space inside my head where all my characters live; is run off his feet trying to keep everyone happy. Last night around 2 a.m. he was threatening to pack his possessions and leave - which would be okay, except he thinks Doyle from TLOM and Jhex from SOE are his possessions. So now I am being blackmailed by the people in my head - how is that fair?

On that note I am back to the computer and getting more words down to make people happy so they don't leave... Oh yeah, I'm so not under the command of my characters, but shhh, don't tell them I said that.

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Today I am...

Today I'm going to finish the first round of edits on Experimentals: Blessed With A Curse... I have to add a scene... And weirdly I think this is a good thing. (They have been completed and Sent back).

I also need to finish the last 6K on Walk This Way - the free read for Oz mm Meet in October. Once I can get that done and off to James A, then I can sub it to the person who is putting the anthology together. If you haven't checked out the meet he is a little info.

I also have to try and finish typing up Chapters 11-14 of The Lines of Marsden: Living in Shadows...
slow going but I will get there eventually in a couple of more chapters I will be done. Though, on this book I'm sure the editor will ask me to split the chapters... I always find that so hard to do.

In book three: You Make Me Die In Pieces the heart of the line comes together and they have to work out how the hell to work as a cohesive unit and not accidentally kill each other in the process. And a bit more of Michael's prophecy comes to light.

Monday, 22 July 2013


Well the Reno's are coming along nicely... we painted over the weekend - well only the undercoat but we are getting there. The hubs was home for a couple of days so we got as much done as possible the next stint will involve assembling the shelves... So my poor computer has been covered in a sheet to keep the dust out for the weekend.

Though of a night while the hubs watched T.V. I sat up with him and wrote out in long hand chapters 13 & 14 in The Lines of Marsden: Living in Shadows...

This is the part where everything changes for Michael... the dreams are all starting to come true.Yes even the one about Christian breaking his heart.

Also Christian is finding out more about his past and how nothing is actually like he thought it was.

Benj and Michael have to learn to work together even though they have a tendency to disagree on exactly who Christian should be with.

And Doyle, well he has his own set of issues he has to come to terms with.

I have received and started on the first round of edits on Experimentals: Blessed With A Curse. Luckily my editor Steve L, explains shit so I can understand it. and once I have done the minor cosmetic things in the storyline I will go back through and add the expanded explanations he says are needed (which I totally agree with - I have a tendency to forget not everyone is a mind reader and can see what's on the inside of my brain).

Friday, 19 July 2013

Lancaster's Way #3: Pre-Loved.

I was kept awake by more weird dreams last night... they wake me up at the oddest times and this time it had to do with my boys from Lancaster's Way: Pre-Loved...

This is what I remember - that two of the hands are out riding fences after the rain and come across a shallow grave on the other side of the fence line. The police are called into investigate and this is what ensues...

Chester Roth (Chet) loves his dysfunctional sister and there isn't anything he wouldn't do for. That's the reason he now finds himself with sole custody of her two children when her life runs off the rails. Chet took the children and ran to the small community of Lancaster, needing to get as far away from his troubled sister as possible. He hasn't heard from her in nearly a year when all hell breaks loose.

Deputy Oliver Jones has the unfortunate task of informing Chester of his sister's Alicia's murder, most time the closest living relative is to blame and so far all the fingers are pointing straight at Chet. Alicia is a  woman Oliver is quite familiar with. What he isn't expecting to find is his son who has been missing for more than two years to answer the door. he would know those eye's anywhere.

Oliver wants his son back but Chet is determined to keep the children with him. Chet grudgingly allows Oliver to come and spend time with Ryan. Trying to hide his growing attraction to the deputy Chet has to work out  why someone is trying to ruin his life he needs all the help he can get even if it does come in the form of a sexy as fuck deputy.

The question is: Is Chet being set up as a scape goat for the real killer, or did he kill his sister in an effort to save his niece and nephew?