Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Signed a new contract and other updates.

I am doing EIC edits on The Connelly Chronicles: Family Connections... and will try and get them back to the wonderful Kathy K at some stage today or tomorrow. At least these edits are not many... I did all the hard stuff with Jamie DR... who was a tremendous help to me. I like it when they explain things and give me example so that I can understand it... You all know how badly I suck at punctuation. I got them done and returned today which is a good thing just in case I have to go over them again.

I also signed another contract with Silver Publishing on The Gaean Prophecies: Admetus Gaea... to be honest I don't even remember subbing it but I received the contract today and filled in the cover art stuff twice because I lost the the first lot I filled in-- I managed to erase it all-- go me!!!

Monday, 30 September 2013

The last week & me.

Well my sister was here for the week and I was sick for nearly the whole time... Ross River Fever kicked my arse and I slept most of the week away. I'm feeling much better today.

Though I see by my posts I did do another round of edits on: The Connelly Chronicles: Family Connections, and sent them back to the amazing Jamie D. R...

Today I'm spending the day cleaning out my drop box and external hard drive... Just to get rid of all the crap folders... I plan on making 2014 more productive with easier access to things so I don't have to keep searching for files or pictures when I need them... I'm also going to separate the pictures by type by hair colour and by nationality. I think this will make my life a hell of a lot easier.

Thursday, 26 September 2013

Feeling sick...

Why is it that the moment I get sick (I'm in the middle of a bout of Ross River Fever) I get inundated with new story idea's? I try so hard to ignore them but they're yelling so damn loud. I would mind if they were quiet about it or waited patiently in line for their turn to be heard... Hell, even Vlad has thrown his hands up in disgust and told me to sort the mess in my head out myself. So at the moment I've put The Lines Of Marsden guys in charge. Hopefully they will keep everyone in line.

I'll be away tomorrow... I have to take Em tho the chiropractor. Then I have a little shopping to do before I can come home.

Also at some stage this afternoon. I have the Telstra guys coming out to give me a quote about laying new phone lines to our house... Apparently, Telstra isn't allowed to fix anything past the first point of origin in the house... Whoever had this house built put the first point of origin out in the garage/shed which is like 20 feet from the house (totally fricken sucks). I will let you know on another day how much it will cost. Being an Author and constantly on the computer I need the first point of origin to be in the house.

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

I'm back!!!

Well lucky I wasn't here yesterday as I had no net coverage anyway... I got it fixed this morning (had something to do with wiring & refreshing--yeah don't ask me as I have no clue either).

Anyway, when I got the Internet back I found I had EIC edits waiting for me on The Connelly Chronicles: Family Connections. I'll start on them today and hopefully get most of them done.

On a brighter note... Emily remembered who I was writing book 2 about in Sons of Evenmore: Blood to Blood... She tells me it is Jhex (but that could be just because she wants to read his story next). So at least I have a start to what I'm doing for NaNoWriMo this year... only 36 days until NaNo starts.

Monday, 23 September 2013

Getting stuff done.

I would get a hell of a lot more work done if I didn't keep getting distracted by stuff like this...

Today I sorted out more tax stuff... thought I had it all finished, but I guessed wrong... It's never-bloody-ending. Though I'm confident     next year I won't have the problems I've had for the last two years.

I'll be away tomorrow doing real life stuff... I've to go into the big city (Brisbane) and do some crap with banks/insurance etc. And just to make it so much more fun--I have a mild dose of Ross River Fever... so headaches/shivers/and tiredness all rolled into one.

What a month to give up drinking Coke. Though, I do feel better for not drinking it--not that I'll ever admit that to my hubs in a million years--LOL.

Sunday, 22 September 2013

The calm before the storm.

I'm thinking the end of this year is the calm before the storm. Next year I have big plans in my personal, business and writing lives. I've decided to schedule my time better... trying to organise a four person family schedule and making everything mesh is hard. Calendars have become my new best friends... plus I have a small diary just for writing in everyone's appointments... and we all have different colours so I can pick stuff out in a hurry.

I've already told you I have set my writing schedule out in three month blocks... so between now and January 1st I'm going to be going through all my WIPS and seeing which ones need to be gotten out in a hurry and which ones can wait.

Yesterday I re read Sons of Evenmore: The Crimson Grimoire... and I'm happy to report I only found 4 typos. So now I have some idea for when NaNoWriMo rocks around what I was going to write for book 2: Blood to Blood. Still not sure who I said I was going to write book two about... but I figure I'll wing it... by what I've read I'm assuming I said it would either be Phoenix (who is currently in a come like state) or Jhex (he was the one whose Olluns didn't bond with him). Either way I'll get the story written.

Today I have the rellies coming back to stay for the week so I'll have to end off as I need to vacuum and mop before they get here... Best if I do it while I'm the only one in the house. That way I know I'll get the job done before someone asks me to do something else.