Saturday, 12 May 2018

For The Love Of A Grandchild

My granddaughter Grace might only be just under 2 months old, but I have never seen a movie calm her down like this one does. It's good that it does, but bad for us that listen to it over and over and get the damn songs stuck in our heads.

The minute she hears the music she starts flinging her arms and legs around and gurgling as if she's singing along. Thank God she is with her Mum & Dad most of the time and I only get it sporadically. but every day Emily sends me a new video of her dancing to one of the songs.

I think she likes Hugh Jackman and Zac Efron and the Bearded Lady the best out of all of them. though I think the song she goes craziest for is [This is me]. Unlike her mother who lets the whole movie play. I just skip through to the songs, but that will only last until she's old enough to work out what the hell I'm doing.

If I have to have it stuck in my head then so do you...

Saturday, 5 May 2018

Playing Catch Up

Trying really hard to get to 50K today on The Lines of Marsden 4: The Trail of Red Roses. I've already marked it off on my blog so now I can't stop until I reach my goal.

Chris and the guys are out and about to kick some but where it comes to Venetia. They've found a way to deplete some of her power base without her knowing.

I'll spend the rest of the day on this and update you again on Monday to let you know how I'm going with it all.

Wednesday, 2 May 2018

Just Me & Updates.

I have a really bad headache today. nothing I can do has helped. I can't even concentrate enough to get past 2K in my wordage on The Lines of Marsden 4: The Trail of Red Roses... I can tell you the story has gone AWOL from my plot outline there is no hope of recovery.

Though on other news I had to redo the cover art sheet for Moon Runners 2: I Won't Let You Go and send it back in. So hopefully I'll have something to show you all soon.

Tuesday, 1 May 2018

Guest: Aria Peyton

One day of perfection.

Five minutes to change it all.

All it took was the cruelty of one man and the actions of their clan to tear them apart.

Fated Mates; destined for each other. Forced into a solitary life until another enters their story.

Will his presence reunite them? Or will the past rear its ugly head and destroy them?

Death. Solitude. Grief.

And one bright star in the darkness.

When he discovers his guiding light he is related to the person responsible for two of the deaths will Nate welcome her with open arms? Or turn her away from the stain now marring his family name?

What happens to Kirsty when the darkness bleeds over, forever tainting the life they could have shared?

Will Nate stick around or cut and run?

Tiffany knows Santa is real. After all she caught her mother with him ten years ago. What Tiffany doesn’t realise is that the shifters she reads about are real, too, and there’s one on her roof.

Robert was kidnapped as a child and forced to live a life of slavery until one night he meets his mate. She frees him from the spell he’s under and escapes the clutches of the one who stole him.

They think they’re getting their HEA, only now Tiffany finds herself wielding incredible amounts of unmanageable magic, and there’s only one person who can help her.

Roberts captor.


Okay, I'm getting back into writing. I have someone cracking the whip on me to make sure that I keep on track. I even managed 5 K yesterday and that's with gasbagging to people on social media. and the funny thing is they don't even work for my publishing houses they work for another one... but they are taking the time every now and again to give me the kick in the arse I need.

I'm hoping to hit 60K on The lines of Marsden 4: The Trail of Red Roses by this Sunday  I know once I get past 50K I'll start to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Sad to say, I'm already deviating from the synopsis that I plotted out. Will I ever learn to follow the damn plan? now I have to try and work my way back around to the storyline so it ends up where it's supposed to. Life would be so much easier if I could just stick to the notes I'd meticulously written out... but no... not me... my characters had to go and get all gnarly and start ad-libbing the story to suit themselves. Honestly, I'll be damn glad when this story is done.

It also doesn't help that as soon as I get into a good writing rhythm I suddenly have new story ideas jump into my head... so I have to stop everything and write down notes so that I don't forget anything. It might only be a couple of hundred words, but the last one was 3 K... which would have been better spent being written into one of my current WIPS instead of story idea notes that will just wind up in my back burner books until I can get to it at a later date.

On that note, I will away as I have another 5K to write today.

Monday, 30 April 2018

New Story Idea

These guys are the Stenmark twins are the inspiration for the characters in my new idea. Grant & Warren Stanton (with tie) they are close yet very different people. Warren works for the father's company [not sure what the company is yet] while Grant is a high profile photographer. He refused to work for the father (Oliver Stanton) when they left school and instead decided to make his own way in the world without his father's money or backing. Warren toed the line. He dated a girl his father approved of worked in the department his father dictated and was damn good at his job. He might not always be happy, but he's an adult now and life wasn't always about being happy. Even though Grant went his own way his father never worried, it only seemed to be Warren he was hard on. I should add Warren is the MC in book one.

This is Milou Van Groesen (no clue who they are, I'm assuming they are a model. I'm not even sure if they are male or female, but for my story they are male). This is who I based Derek Miller on he is Grant's best friend, and works for Oliver Stanton. Oliver had his reasons for hiring Derek which you find out in the book. When a death happens Derek &Warren find themselves thrown together. 

What starts as a one-off soon turns into more as Warren's world gets turned upside down. He finds out the world he has lived since he was 18 may have been a lie and he doesn't know how to deal with it all. Through demands of some people and interfering of others, it's a wonder is Warren & Derek ever get together.

Friday, 27 April 2018

Guest Blogger - Leona Windwalker

Title: Accused 
By: Leona Windwalker 
Cost: 99 cents/pence 
When: Today on #KindleCountDown! 
Universal link:

#scfi #mmromance #gayromance #BDSM #POC