I finally found where I had tucked Admetus Gaea1: The Gaean Prophecy away. So I reformatted it to get it ready to resubmit it elsewhere to breathe new life into it. First though, I'm going through and changing a shit load so that the story makes more sense to me. I'm keeping the basic storyline, but adding the missing bits that make the whole thing make sense. sad to say that even as the original finished on kind of a cliff hanger so will this one. Though, I'm trying to figure out how to soften it a little if that makes any sense.
I also went and reformatted both Moon Runners 1: Heart-mate Mine, and Moon Runners 2: I Won't Let You Go, in readiness for if and when I get my rights back and I can resubmit them. I will keep you all updated on what's happening as I find out more. This has been something that has been slow going and might finally be coming to an end. Fingers crossed I get my rights back quickly and find a new home for the Moon Runner guys.
Also working back on The lines of Marsden 4: The Trail of Red Roses. I have the 1st half at beta readers and I'm crazily working on the last half. Actually, I have less than half and only 3 weeks to finish it all in, not that I'm counting... Who am I kidding when I wrote before I thrived under pressure. I just hope it all makes sense. I'll know better once I hear back from James A. The only problem for me is my real life keeps getting in the way, but isn't that true for all authors. I'm thinking I'll just have to schedule my time better.