Saturday, 12 January 2019

Yesterday I...

I finally found where I had tucked Admetus Gaea1: The Gaean Prophecy away. So I reformatted it to get it ready to resubmit it elsewhere to breathe new life into it. First though, I'm going through and changing a shit load so that the story makes more sense to me. I'm keeping the basic storyline, but adding the missing bits that make the whole thing make sense. sad to say that even as the original finished on kind of a cliff hanger so will this one. Though, I'm trying to figure out how to soften it a little if that makes any sense.

I also went and reformatted both Moon Runners 1: Heart-mate Mine, and Moon Runners 2: I Won't Let You Go, in readiness for if and when I get my rights back and I can resubmit them.  I will keep you all updated on what's happening as I find out more. This has been something that has been slow going and might finally be coming to an end. Fingers crossed I get my rights back quickly and find a new home for the Moon Runner guys.

Also working back on The lines of Marsden 4: The Trail of Red Roses. I have the 1st half at beta readers and I'm crazily working on the last half. Actually, I have less than half and only 3 weeks to finish it all in, not that I'm counting... Who am I kidding when I wrote before I thrived under pressure. I just hope it all makes sense. I'll know better once I hear back from James A. The only problem for me is my real life keeps getting in the way, but isn't that true for all authors. I'm thinking I'll just have to schedule my time better.

Friday, 11 January 2019

Back at the Type Writer...

Or━computer, as the case may be...

For the last few months, I've had bronchitis that has kicked off my asthma, which I must admit I haven't suffered from since my early twenties. Apparently, my doctor was worried I was going to develop pneumonia. thankfully I never, and I'm well and truly on the mend. Though, some nights I still have trouble breathing... but that's okay, because I know I'm getting better every day.

The sad thing is, that after coming back online after so long I realised I missed the passing of a very dear person, who is going to be missed by so many people. He was one of the reasons I actually submitted in the first place. 

On a writing note seeing as Moon Runner's 2: I Won't Let You Go wasn't released by January 1st of this year I'm now in the process of getting my rights back from Fireborn Publishing so that I can try and house them elsewhere. It sucks big time, but what else can I do.

I've also been in contact with Laura B at MLRPress and let her know what all I have been working on all the synopsis I have long-handed up and have to complete the writing part as most have at least some wordage in them. Plus I want to have The Lines of Marsden 4: The Trail of Red Roses submitted by February 7th.

Plus I have been finishing up some in-depth synopsis for the following titles so that when the time comes up for writing them I know exactly where each chapter needs to be at. The wordage count is the minimum needed for each book.

Synopsis wrote For MLR:

The Lines of Marsden 5: On the 12th Day (50K) Christmas Novella.
The Lines of Marsden 6: And Then You Die (100K) End 1st line.
Experimentals 3: Messages From The Dead (40K)
Lancaster's Way 3: Pre-loved (40K)
Lancaster's Way 4: Riding Fences (40K)
Lancaster's Way 5: A Stuart Family Christmas (40K) Ends Series.
Sons of Evenmore 3: Fear the Scarlet Moon (40K)
Sons of Evenmore 4: Pieces of You (40K)
Sons of Evenmore 5: Always Been Yours (40K)
Sons of Evenmore 6: Touching Shadows (40K) Ends series.
Intended Mates 2: Dancing to the Sounds of Madness (40K)
Toowoomba Boys 4: Securing the Heart (40K)

Synopsis wrote for Pride:

Connelly Chronicles 3: Because of You (100K)
Connelly Chronicles 4: Just good Friends (100K)
Connelly Chronicles 5: Jamie's Bear (100K)
Connelly Chronicles 6: Millies Gift (100K)
Destiny House 1: Saving Shane (40K)
Destiny House 2: Needing Norman (40K)
Wardens of the Guild 3: Heart Strings (40K)
Wardens of the Guild 4: Gilded Cages (40K)

Other synopsis wrote:

Admetus Gaea 1: The Gaean Prophecy (40K) Re-write 
Brandon's Briar (40K)
Cotter's Girls 1: Tash (40K) M/F
Cotter's Girls 2: Raine (40K) M/F
Mountain Made 1: Mumford (40K)
Mountain Made 2: Jethro (40K)
Mountain Made 3: Fornell (40K)
Skyler's Voice (40K)
When Things Go Right (40K)
Where Still Waters Flow Deep (40K)
(Yet to be named sci-fi) (40K)

Tuesday, 11 September 2018

It's My Life

Been away a lot at the moment because my 86-year-old mother is week 2 into a 5-week cream based chemo plan. She has a few sun cancers just under the skin on her nose. The only bad thing it's truly like chemo so she is sick as a dog and lost all her appetite. I feel because I'm the one who has to apply the cream each day so I feel like I'm making her sick. then even worse because I have to make her eat as the doctor still wants her to try and eat 3 times a day.

Let me tell you━so not fun for either of us.

But at least I know that at the end of this once it's all out of her system she'll start to get better again. That's the only thing we all want anyway. I guess I'll talk to you all again soon.

Wednesday, 27 June 2018

Tuesday, 26 June 2018

Holy Moley ~ It's Been A Month...

Honestly, the only thing I can say is... besides being slack... I've just been caught up with family. 

1) I've had Mum at the doctors a bit over the last couple of weeks. 

2) I've looked after Grace while Emily has sat for her uni exams for her law classes.

3) I've been busy in the yard and garden.

4) I've been busy writing up a ton of new story ideas. I had to get them down on paper so I didn't forget them.

5) I've had a really sore jaw... no clue what I've done to it. I can't remember hitting it at all. but I hope it gets better soon.

I'll try not to be as slack in the future. Hopefully, most of the everyday mundane stuff is done... but next month I still have a fair few doctor visits with Mum. so I'll be out for most of those days. We have a definite chill in the air here today. I can finally say Winter has come... but in a couple of hours, it'll probably be stinking hot again. Though one-day last week, we woke up to -1°... But in all honesty, I love the cooler months.

Wednesday, 23 May 2018

Grandma Duty... & Other Stuff

Yesterday, I was on Grandma duty. I'm not saying that Oliver and Robson were Jealous of having to share me with Grace... but they stuck glued to us all day. Mind you, I think Oliver believes Grace is one of his kittens (like he thinks Robson is). Thank God she's not allergic like her mum.

I didn't get any writing done yesterday, but I am still working on The Lines of Marsden 4: The Trail of Red Roses. All I'll say is that I hope I can get it back to where it needs to be by the end of the damns tory for the next book to start.

Though Grace and I did watch the last season of Haven... I'd forgotten some of what had happened. I love that show... Duke Crocker is still my favourite character... followed closely by Dwight Hendrickson. Though after reading Stephen King's: The Colorado Kid... I never worked out how they based the show off that book except for the murder of James Cogan... because the rest of the TV series was so different... 

Other than that all is well in my world... a few headaches here and there, more so when I forget to take my medication. I have a ripsnorter of one today.

Still waiting to hear about a publication date and cover on Moon Runners 2: I Won't Let You Go.

I've also been working on retweaking TASH into a series of 6 books instead of 1... now I just have to come up with a series title... and find the time to write it.

Tuesday, 15 May 2018

What's The Hap?

I had to spend the morning in the garden again because the cats knocked down all of my mother-in-law's tongues (snake plants), so I had to transplant them to a safer area of the garden. Hopefully, this time they'll stay safe. I still have a little bit of rearranging to do down there but I'll get it all done eventually. I also have to mow at some stage today.

I spent yesterday writing out plot notes on a new story idea... but then thought I might intermingle it with what I already have for THE HUNTED... to see if I can get that story out of my back burner pile.

I'm still waiting to hear back about cover art on MOON RUNNERS 2: I Won't Let You Go. I have sent an email asking for an update on the cover and a release date. I will let you all know as soon as I hear something.

Also working on THE LINES OF MARSDEN 4: The Trail of Red Roses I'm trying to get a bit more done. I don't want to start slacking off now.

Mother's Day has come and gone and I got a beautiful collage of pictures of my granddaughter, Grace... I just have to find a spot to hang it up in the house. She is such a little cutie.