Woke up this morning and everything was normal. then went downtown and came home and we have no water. With no clue of when the supply is going to be restored. All they can tell us is there's an emergency somewhere in our city. Thanks for the no info guys. They did tell us to go look at the website, but I'm afraid as of yet it hasn't been updated.
Why is it, you really don't miss something until you can't have it anymore? Water is such an everyday thing to most of us. we use it for drinking, bathing, cleaning, flushing the toilet, and now that I can't do any of those things I feel like I'm missing out. Even though I know I'm clean I feel as though I'm filthy. I feel as so thirsty even though I've just had a nice cool drink. Hopefully, the water will come on again soon.

Today I've also been out helping Emily pick out some stuff for her new little kitten she gets to adopt on Thursday. He's such a little cutie. Totally forgot the pooper scooper, must find it and put it with her things for when she next comes over. I think she is going to change his name to Jaffa, after a character out of The Lines of Marsden (Wolf Alpha) though really the character she wants is Maffa (Twin brother and beta to wolf pack)━who was based on her. I'll have to double check with her on that one before she renames the poor thing the wrong name. She had named Gypsy her dog after another character I'd based on traits of Emily.

Speaking of cats my two are going well. I have to buy them a new scratching pole this Thursday. They've all but killed the one we have. Robson has grown so much since I first got him━its almost been a year now. He still loves cuddling up to me, pretending that butter wouldn't melt in his mouth when we all know he's really dreaming up what mischief he can get into next. His favourite thing at the moment is bringing in bits of hay from out of the garden and giving them to us as presents. or pulling leaves off the plants and bringing them inside. He seems so proud of himself when he does it too. Like look at me, ain't I a good boy?
Oliver, on the other hand, is still my gentle soul. He not long turned six. Mind you, he can be as rough and tumble as Robby, and he loves his cuddles just as much. The heat of summer gets to him, so he loves it on the days we have the aircon going, or I'm watering the gardens and Olli and Robby can run through the hose water until I'm done.
They love playing chase in and around the pot plants and the garden beds. No wonder it always looks like world war three is only moments from breaking out. I swear they hate seeing the garden nice and neat. My poor Liriope plants take a beating because Olli and Robby think they make perfectly acceptable beds to roll around on so six of mine have been flattened out. I've also had to replace a fair few plants that Robby had decided are good to eat.