Wednesday, 21 August 2019

Just Signed A Contract

The Lines of Marsden 4
The Trail of Red Roses

Just completed 
linen edits on

Admetus Gaea 1
 The Gaean Prophecy

Still waiting for covers, but will show you as soon as I can. I'm getting excited to see what they'll look like.

Sunday, 14 July 2019

Been Sick.

I have been ill since Friday night, as has my little granddaughter. I think we both might have had a touch of food poisoning. If I still feel like crap tomorrow I'll go to the doctors.

Today I have my little helper Robson keeping me company. Actually, he and Oliver have hardly left my side since I've been ill.

I've been watching Northern Exposure. I'm up to season three, and so far. I've come to the conclusion all Joel does is whine.  He's probably the most annoying character in the whole damn show.

My granddaughter has been to the hospital and they are taking her back to the hospital today. I think she may need a drip to get some fluids back into her. I'll let you all know how we are getting along in the next couple of days. I can tell you I have a massive bloody headache from vomiting so much, and boy does my stomach hurt.

Wednesday, 19 June 2019

Update Time...

Okay, of late I have been a bit slack. I have no excuses, well none that really count, just the odd headache, cold, Dr app, JAG Marathon, Murdoch Mysteries Marathon...

In between those I have been doing edits on Admetus Gaea 1: The Gaean Prophecy... I've also filled in the BIF and sent back to Christie N at MLRPress.

I've also been working on The Connelly Chronicles 3: Because of You. I scrapped what I had and started again. a bit drastic I know, but I decided to go another way with the storyline. I think it will now fit with the series back story better.

I also had to update my windows as my computer stopped letting me do some things, and now that I've updated, I can once again get back into everything,

I have also been getting some of my reviews done and sent back in for the Rainbow Awards... there are some talented people out there.

Tuesday, 7 May 2019

Just Signed A Contract...

 Admetus Gaea 1
The Gaean Prophecy

I'll keep you all updated on how I'm doing with it all. Hopefully, everything will run smoothly.  I haven't heard back about The Lines of Marsden 4: The Trail of Red Roses yet, but will let you know when I do.

I'm still plugging away at The Connelly Chronicles 3: Because of You. I've actually written a heap and then gone through and did a rewrite because it just wasn't right. or heading in the direction that I had originally planned for it. I hate it when a story I'm writing goes off the rails so completely that even I'm left scratching my head and going WTF just happened. Anyway, I'll try and keep you more informed on what's happening.

Monday, 15 April 2019

Have you ever had a dream that you just can't seem to forget? for the past week or so I've been having the same dream over and over and over... it's driving me nuts. I figure it must be an omen of some kind.

So I've been scrambling to get as much of what I can remember down on paper as I can. I must be dreaming this for a reason. As far as I can tell what I'm seeing is MF. But you never know if that will change or not as dreams always have a way of going wherever they want. The road is never clear.

In between the dreams, I've been doing research on the clothing and the weaponry I've seen. So if I end up using it all in a story at some stage I'll be well prepared. If you see me mention the initials DF you know I'm referring to the dream storyline.

Other than that I have been doing a re-read of the Sherrilyn Kenyon's> Black Dagger Brotherhood... just because it is an awesome series. at the moment I think I'm up to book 8: John Mathew & Xhex. If you've never read them they are so worth the read.

Tuesday, 12 March 2019

Oh Wow!

I've recently received an email from my editor that she has both my submitted novels in her hands, but as yet I haven't been offered contracts for either of the stories:

The Lines of Marsden 4
The Trail of Red Roses
Admetus Gaea 1
The Gaean Prophecy

I guess I'll have to keep you in the loop. so as soon as I find out for sure what's going on, then I'll let you all know what's going on. Until then I'll just keep working on my to-do list on the left side of my blog.

Monday, 11 March 2019

Working On...

Okay, So until I hear back about the two books I've recently submitted I'm keeping myself busy by writing a mixture of books. I've decided that I need to write a variety so I don't get mired down in one story for the whole time and it lets my brain tick over and keep on going.

You can see the list on the side of my blog what I'll be working on and we all know purple is MLRPress, and green is Pride Publishing, and pink is needs to find a publisher. Most of these stories I hope to have finished by the end of May.

Now Writing List

Destiny House 1
Saving Shane
(Spin-off from The Connelly Chronicles)
Experimentals 3
Messages from the Dead
Lancasters Way 3
Sons of Evenmore 3
Fear the Scarlet Moon
The Connelly Chronicles 3
Because of You
Toowoomba Boys 4
Securing the Heart
Wardens of the Guild 3
Heart Strings