Thursday, 12 September 2019

This Is The Day We All Need To Ask...

Sometimes when the world gets to be too much we need someone who understands what we're going through, and even if they haven't walked a mile in your shoes. They're still willing to listen. Believe me, those people are out there just waiting. It could be calling into an anonymous hotline, or as simple as calling a friend.

Help can come in many forms.  So talk to a friend... or talk to a stranger... just as long as you talk to someone before you do something that may be irreversible. 

Life is precious.

Wednesday, 11 September 2019

Em's Turn

Hope you enjoy what
 I'm listening to at the moment.
4 songs just you. 
Just remember,
 I spend a lot of my time
 with an 18-month-old.

I used to sing On the Dark Side to my daughter and nephew when they were babies to get them to go to sleep.

Gracie just loves her Zacky Boy.

Gracie loves walking around with my/our BVB beanie on.

This one really is for my daughter Emily.

Tuesday, 10 September 2019

Today I Am...

I've been taking pictures of the bugs invading the hibiscus tree in the front garden of the tattoo shop. In case you didn't realise I live above a tattoo studio. They seemed to have changed colour. last week they were an irredescent blue and now they have gone all red.

I've also almost gotten over my cold, and then this morning I was doing the simple chore of folding up some washing and threw my back out━I just can't bloody win.

I have also been watching an awesome series in my opinion on Netflix called: The Bletchley Circle. I think I'm about halfway through season one. so far I've enjoyed it a lot.

I'm also cooking a baked dinner for lunch today. Well, I'm doing all the vegetables. My brother is doing the meat and gravy part of it all. It will still meat a lot of cooking on my part, but I got up early and prepped the veggies. 

I'm also writing my wordage on The Connelly Chronicles 3: Because of You today and it will bring me up to 19K... so far the writing plan is working out fine.

Still trying to find homes for some of my previous Fireborn books I'm just not sure what to do with them. But I have to do something. Or else they will sit on my computer forever.

I also have new story ideas that I can't yet touch until I tie up a few of the older storylines. So I've just been jotting down basic plot lines to keep the ideas there. Eventually, I'll be able to come back and revisit them.

We've been having some windy weather here of late. Which, in itself isn't so bad━it did break the whirlybird on our roof, but the worse thing is for us it's bushfire season and we have a few bad ones raging nearby. A lot of people's homes, livestock, and livelihoods are about to go up in smoke. Not to mention all the wildlife we'll lose. I heard on the news this morning that some of the fires were deliberately lit━I mean what the fuck goes through someone's head to think today would be a great day to set fire to the world? I just don't understand people like that. And worse yet it looks like it could be school kids who did the deed. What the hell were they thinking?

Monday, 9 September 2019

I've Been Busy...

Yesterday I spent the day making up a calendar template that I can use each year to set out my writing for the year. I worked out that if I work on 2K a day I can write 2 (100K) novels and 15 (40K) novellas a year. that still leaves time for doing edits. I'm happy with that. Now it just means sticking to it. I'll try it out for the end of this year. 

This is what I'll be working on:
The Connelly Chronicles 3: Because of You
Cotter's Girls 1: Tash (M/F)
Sons of Evenmore 3: Fear the Scarlet Moon (NaNoWriMo)
Wardens of the Guild 3: Heart Strings (NaNoWriMo-partly)
Lancaster's Way 3: Pre-loved
Experimentals 3: Messages from the Dead (just the start as it continues into 2020)

So Far I've been keeping up with my word count along with doing my edits on other books. The big test will be when I get first edits back on The Lines of Marsden 4: The Trail of Red Roses. I'll let you all know.

Saturday, 7 September 2019

Playing Catch Up

Robson loves helping me when it comes time to work. I don't get much done, but he thinks he's doing a great job. Oliver, on the other hand, is off somewhere sunning himself. Though, not today as we are having a dust storm. I think it's probably from the fires we have hereabouts. All I can smell is dust in the air. Not the greatest thing in the world after being ill.

Today I'm supposed to be writing and I need to make it to 13K on The Connelly Chronicles 3: Because of You to keep me on track for my end of year of my writing schedule.

I'm waiting for the final line edits on Admetus Gaea 1: The Gaean Prophecy... and first edits on The Lines of Marsden 4: The Trail of Red Roses.

I still haven't heard from MlRPress about covers yet. I will have to email my editor to make sure if I sent the cover art forms to the right place.

Tuesday, 27 August 2019

Still Sick...

Yeah, I'm still fighting this damn cold. The nose is drying up, but I still feel as if I'm coughing up a lung. My head is still pounding and my ears are ringing like nobodies business, and somewhere along the way, I lost my sense of taste. I'll be glad when everything is back to normal. Even Emily is still trying to shake off this cold as well. I blame her for giving it to me.

It's all overcast here today. I hope we get some rain, we surely do need it. The grass all around us is as dead as a doornail.

One of the houses across the road is going to be moved out today/night. Not sure where it's going to. I just hope another house goes in and they don't build a block of flats/units.

Grace (my granddaughter) just went through some teething and went from having 4 teeth to having 12 teeth. So she has been a cranky little miss for the last few days. I say feed her what she likes as she is off eating at the moment except for chicken nuggets, coloured popcorn, and chocolate. 

The chicken noodle soup I cooked was good━not that I could taste it, or really smell it━but my mum told me it tasted really yummy so that was a plus. I was afraid I was going to overcompensate with the spices because I couldn't taste if there was or wasn't enough.

The weather is starting to warm up here. So hopefully, it will be time to pack the jeans and jumpers away for another year. I much prefer wearing shorts and skirts. hell of a lot easier when it comes to washing day as well. Yeah, I'm bitching and complaining, but what else is new?

I still haven't heard anything about covers yet, but considering everyone is probably getting ready for GRL then I won't here until after that is over and done with... or is that already been and gone? With being sick I've kind of lost track of what's been going on with everyone.

Friday, 23 August 2019

I'm sick!!!

I have another bloody cold. I hope like hell it doesn't turn into bronchitis again... that would be all I'd need. I also have a headache that just won't quit, but I think that's because I'm so stuffed up.

Yesterday I received back my fully signed contract from MLRPress for The Lines of Marsden 4: The Trail of Red Roses.

Jay. H Jay was able to tell me the name of the author and the book title I've been looking for, for the past few days. Bailey Bradford: Something Shattered I can finally stop looking.

I was reading on the NaNoWriMo site that when it renovates it's site and switches over our profiles go over, but not our buddies list━Does that me we have to re-friend everyone again? 

I still can't find the missing pieces to my printer, so it looks like I'll have to get a new one. I hope I can get the same kind so I can use the same ink cartridges as I have spares. I'd hate to have to waste them.