Wednesday, 1 July 2020

I have ouchies...

I've had to have a lump cut out of my neck for a 2nd time. The dissolvable stitches from the last time didn't really work so I had to get it fixed. Fingers crossed, this time I heal up a lot better. My neck is still a little swollen, but it'll go down eventually.

I finally finished watching all of the Forensic Files. They were some very interesting episodes, and I realise there are some very sick and twisted individuals out there. I'll have to find something else to watch now, but it has given me some interesting thoughts for a new story. I have a whole new respect for police and forensic investigators.

Today I bought myself a new lap table for my tablet/computer. It's not as bulky on my lap which is good and even has a slot to stand my phone up in. Now I can actually see when I get a message or call because usually, my phone is on silent. 

I have to spend the next day or so getting my taxes in order, so if you don't hear from me you know what I'm doing.

Saturday, 27 June 2020

Em's Turn

These are the 4 songs 
stuck in my head.
 I have a small grandchild
so, forgive some of their randomnesses.

Quiet often sing this to Grace, she loves it.

Heard it on the radio, and it just got stuck.

I have been singing this one to babies for years.

One from my iPod and a constant in my head. 

Thursday, 25 June 2020

Winter is on the way.

The mornings are getting a lot cooler here. I'm going to have to pull out my gloves soon. The good news is I'm not sick. So we know the flu shot is doing its job.

I'm still hooked on the Forensic Files show on Netflix. I'm astounded how idiotic, some of the criminals are. Even when they think they are the smartest people in the world. They do the dumbest things to get caught.

I know this is weird, but after watching this show it's made me realise, that I need to get more organised. NOT to commit a crime of any kind. But more if anything should ever happen to me (not that I think it will) I want it easy for people to go through my belongings, especially if it makes it easier for them to work out what happened➖Yeah, I know my mind goes down some weird paths.

I'm still slowly going through all the NSI story notes that I have found while doing the big declutter. They might only be written on scraps of paper here and there, but I have to read through them all to see if they are worth keeping or not.

The cats are driving me nuts... well Robson and Daisy are. They are playing chasey all through the house. Poor Oliver is just trying to keep out of their way.

Saturday, 20 June 2020

Spring... well, winter cleaning.

I've been slowly going through all my crap again and getting rid of more stuff I don't need. I don't know why I hold onto all of it. I'll never use it again, yet here it sits collecting dust and taking up space and I'm wondering why. So, it's definitely time to declutter.

I learnt that after having my 2-year-old granddaughter hear for about a week, she got into everything and found things I didn't even realise I still had. So it's definitely time for them to go. On a good note, she also found some of my missing story (series) notebooks. I'm glad to have those back.

Tomorrow, Miss Daisy (my granddaughter's cat) gets to go home. So Robson will lose his playmate, but I bet Oliver will be able to relax without the other two driving him insane all the time.

Also, the new health regime that I promised I'd start with my daughter starts today. I promised we'd stick at it for a year. Not a diet, just eating better and less at each meal. and exercising. Wish us luck. 

Friday, 19 June 2020

Harder & Harder to Breathe

Yesterday, I received, did, and sent back the 2nd edits on Hidden Hearts 1: Harder & Harder to Breathe. I think I got everything done. I'll know for sure when I hear back from Christie N. she'll tell me if I screwed anything up.

Also, I'm still making notes on the NSI that I have running around inside my head. Actually, I have 4 story ideas running around up in my noggin. Until I can get all the information down into files it'll drive me batty. So, I'll do what I have to do.

Dang, I have a bad headache today. I think it's because I still need to catch up on sleep. Now that my beautiful grandaughter has gone home, my life will start to get back to normal.

The 2nd half of 2020 is going to be better for me. I'm determined to start getting back on track with everything. I need to start working a little every day until I get my flow happening.

Harper Maree Pacey

This is my beautiful new granddaughter.
& with her big sister, Grace.

Monday, 15 June 2020

What's Up?

I've been making a lot of notes on a NSI (new story idea), I have loved watching all the Forensic Files episodes and all the different crimes. I have come to the conclusion that most criminals are dumb. They honestly think they are smarter than the cops and that they won't get caught.

I have learnt so much that I have never even thought possible. I do know I'm not smart enough to commit murder. I'd get caught straight away. I'm hoping everything I'm learning will make for a great read once I get around to writing the book.

Also, I have to relearn my computer as it updated, and now everything has changed. So I have to relearn what everything does. It's a total pain in the arse.

My daughter still hasn't given birth to her baby girl... apparently, the hospital doesn't have an available bed and told her to come back next week. Dumbarses if you ask me, but what the hey. So she has to go back tomorrow. And hopefully, they will have a bed for her then.

What else has happened... I sighed a contract for Hidden Hearts 1: Harder & Harder to Breathe and did 1st edits and sent them back to Christie N at MLRPress.