I've had to have a lump cut out of my neck for a 2nd time. The dissolvable stitches from the last time didn't really work so I had to get it fixed. Fingers crossed, this time I heal up a lot better. My neck is still a little swollen, but it'll go down eventually.
I finally finished watching all of the Forensic Files. They were some very interesting episodes, and I realise there are some very sick and twisted individuals out there. I'll have to find something else to watch now, but it has given me some interesting thoughts for a new story. I have a whole new respect for police and forensic investigators.
Today I bought myself a new lap table for my tablet/computer. It's not as bulky on my lap which is good and even has a slot to stand my phone up in. Now I can actually see when I get a message or call because usually, my phone is on silent.
I have to spend the next day or so getting my taxes in order, so if you don't hear from me you know what I'm doing.