Monday, 27 January 2025

Day 27: My Muse


Yes, I know this is a picture of Jonathan Rhys Meyers; but this is kind of how I see Vlad; my muse. He's come back from wherever the hell he was hiding. Vlad is pushing me to write the story that he wants done. Where the characters need to be written. I swear to God, that they must pay him off; just so he annoys the hell out of me to swap projects halfway through.

So, in saying that I'll be working on my Woden's Wolves MC for the next week or so while I complete the task given to me. I started writing it in longhand. When it comes time to type it up. I'll then add in all the fluff/descriptive bits.

Public holiday here today for Australia Day. So, I'm just pottering around the house getting a few odd chores done. The ones I put off until the need doing... like cleaning the stove, or the air fryer, or microwave. The ones that I do at least once a fortnight... though, I do wipe my stove over every time I use it. It doesn't get as messy then. I'm also thinking I need to do another declutter of my kitchen crap. Get rid of the things I don't use, as they are just taking up the space of the things I do use.

Sunday, 26 January 2025

Day 26: Little Critters


I have two cats Robson who is 7 years old (he looks like this cat) and Oliver who is 13 years old (he's black and white and only has half a tail). Why is it they have to bring me home little presents. The bring me home, lizards, geckos garden cockroaches, field mice, and a freaking lot of frogs. I'm okay with that. the thing I have a problem with is I have to then catch the little blighters. for some reason (and I'm happy about it) they never kill the animals. They just come and drop them on the floor near me and then lay down and watch me try and catch them.  I've invested in a little net and a stout piece of cardboard so I can catch and release them back outside.

I know they are supposed to bring you gifts when they love you. I just wish they wouldn't bring them into the house. I always think to myself, the little buggers always look so proud of themselves when they bring me said gifts. If I don't acknowledge them fast enough, then they will meow loudly until I do.

My writing is getting back on track. I'm happy with the progress I've been making each day.

Saturday, 25 January 2025

Day 25: Plastic Plants


My mum loves her plastic plants. The good thing is they never die, and I don't have to water them. The problem is I have to dust them and wipe them over all the time. This is my task for today. Clean all the plastic plants in the house. Sadly, my mum has a lot.

I have them and the blinds to try and get washed. I have about 8 venetian blinds that need doing.

So, today is a busy day, unless I get sidetracked and none of it gets done. I'm still on track with my writing. so that might be what distracts me from my chores

Friday, 24 January 2025

Day 24: Randomness #3


Today I have my granddaughters while their mum takes the eldest to swimming lessons and then comes back and swaps the eldest out for the middle one; and takes her for her second eye test = today they are working out what strength she needs. she has already picked out spiderman frames.

I feel like this picture today... I have so much to do, and all I want to do is sleep, but sadly the household chores won't get done by themselves. The biggest chore today is folding up all the washing. 

I got more exercises added to the ones I already have from the physio when I went on Wednesday. This time some of them are for my back. Jared showed me a different way of doing the shoulder/arm exercises that will put less stress on my back/spine.

I'm on the last season of Marple on Brit Box... It's been pretty good. I'm not sure which lady I preferred better as Miss Marple. I'll probably watch the series again to see all the bits that I've missed. Sometimes I can pick the killer and sometimes I can't.

Thursday, 23 January 2025

Day 23: Soundtrack Day


These are the songs that are on repeat in my head at the moment.
I'll leave it up to you to figure out what they all mean.

Wednesday, 22 January 2025

Day 22: Errand Day


Today's List:

  1. Physio Appointment... Let's just hope I walk out of there without my arm/shoulder hurting too much more than it already is. Though, today I have to ask him for some exercises for my back, because just doing the shoulder/arm ones is making my back hurt worse.
  2. Go and see my real estate... Actually, I'm going to have a chat with the head of the maintenance crew... Hopefully she can help me solve a problem.
  3. Chemist... I have to renew all my mother's medications.
  4. Woolies... I need to pick up a few groceries.
Once I've done all that I can come home and start writing if I'm not too tired. I'll have to write something because I don't want to fall behind on my schedule. there is a certain series I want to get stuck back into, but I have to finish the two I'm currently working on. 

I can do it... I have faith in my ability to hit my own deadline. I find I work better when I have a deadline. It just doesn't help that both current series don't have any synopsis for me to follow... I'm just winging it as I go. 

Okay, I'll catch you all on the flipside... Peace out.

Tuesday, 21 January 2025

Day 21: Bad Day & It's Only Just Begun.


Swear to God:

1. I'm the type of person who aims for the middle of the doorway... and the wall jumps out to hit me. 

2. I'm the type of person who counts all the stairs... and then falls because I miss a step completely. 

3. I'm the type of person who sees the car door open... and then smacks my head on the roof or sun visor getting in.

Yeah, that's how my day started out... let's hope it gets better from here.

The good news side of things:

1. I took my almost 93-year-old mother for her Podiatry appointment. So that is out of the way for another 10 weeks. All I can say is thank God my physio is tomorrow.

2. I'm on track for finishing book two on time... though I've decided on another series change name. Because the more I write, the more I realize it needs to be called Elsewhere Realms... so just so we're all up to date. E.P.I.C. changed to The Halloways... and has now become Elsewhere Realms.

Okay, I now have my coffee. It's time to be off of here and conquer at least one of the worlds inside my headspace... wish me luck.