Yes, I know this is a picture of Jonathan Rhys Meyers; but this is kind of how I see Vlad; my muse. He's come back from wherever the hell he was hiding. Vlad is pushing me to write the story that he wants done. Where the characters need to be written. I swear to God, that they must pay him off; just so he annoys the hell out of me to swap projects halfway through.
So, in saying that I'll be working on my Woden's Wolves MC for the next week or so while I complete the task given to me. I started writing it in longhand. When it comes time to type it up. I'll then add in all the fluff/descriptive bits.
Public holiday here today for Australia Day. So, I'm just pottering around the house getting a few odd chores done. The ones I put off until the need doing... like cleaning the stove, or the air fryer, or microwave. The ones that I do at least once a fortnight... though, I do wipe my stove over every time I use it. It doesn't get as messy then. I'm also thinking I need to do another declutter of my kitchen crap. Get rid of the things I don't use, as they are just taking up the space of the things I do use.