Friday, 7 February 2025

Day 38: Babysitting Duty


Okay, I have Monsoon again today. I know she gets fed at home. I just don't understand as soon as she walks through Mar-Mar's (me) door she starts demanding food. I don't know where she fits it all she is a tiny little thing (3).

I'm also washing all the bedding today. I forgot how hard it is trying to remake a bed with two cats walking all over it and thinking I'm playing every time shake out a sheet or the doona.

I'm also trying to get some writing done. Not sure how much I'll manage with Monsoon here. Right now, I'm bribing her with screen time. She's watching kids YouTube; better than me having to sit through one of her movies again. Her favourites at the moment are:

  1. Despicable Me 4
  2. Luca
  3. Moana
  4. Raya
  5. Encanto
  6. Inside out 1 & 2
  7. Bluey (TV show)

Wednesday, 5 February 2025

Day 36: Random Thoughts #4


Just when you think the rain has finally stopped; it starts up again. I just can't freaking win.

I have spent the day reviewing a different book series. Dark Frost, it's a sci fi... I forgot how much fun it was working on those stories.

I started watching Ghosts on Brit Box... weirdly, it's kind of funny. my favourites are the ghosts in the boiler room. 

I have another headache today. Just a nagging one. At least it's not a true thumper. I'm afraid today is only going to be a super short. I'll catch you all tomorrow.

Tuesday, 4 February 2025

Day 35: Really starting to hate technology


Why is it, that every time my computer or phone needs to update something, everything freaking changes. It takes me so long to learn the new crap only for it to update again and screw me over once more. It's a total pain in the arse.

I have Monsoon this afternoon while the other two are at their swimming lessons. So, it looks like I will be watching Despicable Me 4 at some stage.

I have a twinge in my arm/shoulder today. I may have over did the exercises a little yesterday. I really need to get my cobweb broom back and get all the webs around the moulding on the roof down. They've seemed to only come inside since we've had non-stop rain.

I'm reaching 30K on Woden's Wolves 3: When Everything Shatters. I'm coming to the point in the story where it starts to turn, and head for the light at the end of the tunnel. Dare & Krush have been taking me on an adventure, and least I know some of the things to write about in books 1: Stronger Than She Looks & 2: There & Back Again.

Monday, 3 February 2025

Day 34: Thank You

I just want to say a big thank you to everyone who sent me so many lovely birthday wishes. In case you're wondering I had a nice quiet day with my mother.

I did manage to get my chores, and all the writing done that I needed to; so that was a plus.

Today it's a tad on the windy side, so my internet keeps going in and out. My cat Ollie has been very clingy. He is laying right beside me and has to have some part of him touching me.

It's been a hot one today. Thank God for aircon.  I'm tired today. I wish I could say it was from having a drink or two on my birthday. Sadly, it's just from lack of sleep. I have a small touch of insomnia.

Sunday, 2 February 2025

Day 33: Happy Birthday To Me


Well, today is my birthday - I'm turning 56. I'm hoping for a nice easy day. But, in saying that I still have to do my chores. Which today is the weekly washing.

I'm also trying to think what do I want to have for my birthday lunch. I'm leaning towards pasta, though I will ask my mum to see what she feels like.

If I have some spare time, I might even try and watch one of my DVDs... either an epic adventure like LOTR or a Muppet movie... seriously it could go either way with me. Though if my grandbabies come around, we'll probably be watching Despicable Me 4... it's their favourite at the moment.

Really to me birthdays are just like any other day. I'm getting past the point of needing a party etc. Mind you, I think the last party I had was on my 21st.

I'm also going to get as much of Woden's Wolves 3: When Everything Shatters (Alasdair 'Dare' McGinty & Kristen 'Krush' Ushton) typed up as I can.

On that note I will leave you with the song that is on repeat in my head lately: Hope you enjoy it

Saturday, 1 February 2025

Day 32: One Tired Night


My night started out with me agreeing to babysit my three granddaughters. They were great right up until the point when they weren't. There were tears and fighting over who got to sleep on the air mattress. There was pushing and shoving until in the end I assigned their sleeping spots.

I went to change Monsoon's nappy. As I sat on the side of the air mattress I fell/bounced off and landed on the floor, cracking the back of my head on the little wooded stool.

The girls decided they were having so much fun; they didn't go to sleep until a fraction before midnight. Turned out me and Monsoon got the air mattress, and the two other kids ended up in my bed with the two cats.

Then if that wasn't fun enough, at about 2am, the 13-year-old cat decided to throw up all over the bed. So, I had had to get up and deal with that, while trying not to wake the sleeping kids. I managed to get it done and fell back to sleep. Only to be woken a short time later by the cats wanting to get out.

I finally drifted back off to sleep and the three little terrors woke up wanting breakfast. Yes, I had to get up and see to them. I'm hoping tonight I get to go to bed at a decent hour.

On other news: I started typing up the longhand notes on Woden's Wolves 3: When Everything Shatters.