Saturday 17 December 2022

My Week


My head is pounding today. It was my youngest granddaughter's 1st birthday. It was loud, but it wasn't too hot. But because I wasn't feeling 100%  it was so draining. The kids seemed to enjoy themselves.

Good news: the new handrail our landlord installed at our back stairs, is a godsend and worked so fricken well. So much easy for getting Mum in and out of the house.

Bad news: my specialist appointment has been rescheduled for 4 days later so I'm now going on January 10th. I guess I'll have to wait a little longer.

I watched Wednesday on Netflix... I must admit, I kind of enjoyed it. I hope they make a season 2. I even liked most of the characters. I did figure out who the baddies were early on, but it didn't take anything away from watching it. I guess I'll have to find something else to watch now... Don't suggest Sons of Anarchy because I couldn't get into that show. I just didn't like half the characters.

Still been working on getting my story notes together. It's slow going, but it'll be worth it in the end. At the moment I'm trying to work out a better way to keep things organized in each file... I want each story file to be more uniform. So I can find things more easily when looking for information. I'm thinking the excel files are the best way and then the character files with their picture.

Tuesday 13 December 2022

Touching Base...

I'm still not feeling 100%. I'm hoping after my specialist appointment on 06-Jan-2023 that I'll start to turn everything around. Even if it can alleviate my migraines just a fraction I would be happy. But knowing you're on the wrong dosage of medication, and still having to take it until you see the specialist is doing my head in, which doesn't help with the headaches. Then my back is playing up again, my right ear still hurts, and for some strange reason, the soles of my feet are burning. I know, I know... quit complaining and talk about something interesting.

Well, I survive a spider attack, that sucker was huge. It almost got in my car, and now it's under my car just waiting to get me again. I might have to carry a big can of bug spray... Yes, I still don't like spiders. I just don't understand how they can run so damn fast.

We had another storm last night, and you'll be happy to know that we didn't lose any electrical stuff this time - though I did unplug the tv just to be on the safe side.

We got a new handrail put on the steps out the back (which is really our front door - but seeing as no one except us uses it, it's the back door.)

19 days until the end of the year. So 19 days to get all of my stuff in order before I start writing again. I'm still going through all my handwritten notes. There are just so many. I'm trying to get them all typed into the computer. I've also been trying to update all of my series files etc. Wish me luck.

Thursday 8 December 2022



The aftermath of last night's storm is it blew our TV. and messed with one of our digital clocks. there are also a ton of puddles, branches, and leaves all over our yard... The good news is we have a secondary TV so Mum can still watch her cricket. The puddles will dry up eventually and I can clean up all the branches and leaves. The bad news is, it didn't seem to cool it down any, so I'm still sweating in places I'd rather not.

The heat makes it hard to want to finish spring/summer cleaning my house. I don't understand how the crap keeps accumulating. I swear I throw it away/donate it, and it comes back tenfold... it's like a conspiracy or something. I also swear it will never happen again, but it always does and makes a liar out of me. The good thing about this decluttering all-season cleaning is that I have been finding heaps of story notes that I've had stashed around the house.

I'm trying to get myself more organised for next year where my writing is concerned. But honestly, between the heat and being ill over the last year... it's been too hard to stay focused enough to even think. so for the last month, I've been telling myself I need to pull up my big girl panties and get the job done. Set a plan in place and stick to it.

Probably something easier said than done. I have to take the advice I keep giving my own granddaughters when they struggle to do something "It just takes practice, and the more you practice the better you'll get."

So has everyone got all their Christmas shopping completed? I have one left to buy but seeing as it is part birthday━part Christmas I don't actually have to have it until the middle of January. other than that all the important ones are bought.

Wednesday 7 December 2022

It's So Bloody Hot


Today it felt like we were in the middle of a heatwave. It got to 38°, and I felt like I was melting. though right now I can hear thunder so hopefully it will break and cool down some.

I went and did some grocery shopping today. the shops were pretty bare in some spots. and the prices seem to be getting higher ad higher. I decided in 2023, gonna shop smarter. meal plan and only buy for those meals. buy the big bags of veg even if I have to split it with family. that way we can at least split the costs as well.

Okay, I've just seen lightning so I better get off of here and unplug. I don't want to cause any damage to my computer. talk again soon.

Tuesday 6 December 2022

Tired of being sick...

Every damn time I think I'm finally on the mend, something else comes out to bite me on the arse and drag me down into the land of the sick. I seem to be on a constant roll. I throw my back out, then I get the flu (not Covid), then I can't kick the cough for months, then I get a double ear infection, a touch of Ross River Fever, then I get some viral infection (I should tell you I really hate spewing), then I throw my back out again from spewing... on top of all that I have a migraine from hell... I now have another inner ear infection.

Then to top off my year of what else can they throw at me. I find out that for the last 12 years they have been giving me the wrong thyroid medication and now I have to go and see a specialist... which I can't get in to see until January 6th, 2023... I'm hoping once I have the correct diagnosis and the correct medication is given, my body will start acting the way it is supposed to. I'm tired of being tired.

I shouldn't complain because no matter how bad I think I have it there are always those out there that have it worse off than me. I have it really mild compared to some and I should be grateful. 

I have been working on organizing all of my notes for next year so I can fully immerse myself back into writing again. Today I have been working on Misty River1: Calm to My Storm. This is the first book in a new MF series that I have been working on. At this stage, I plan on three, but there very well could be more. you never know with me.

Wednesday 26 October 2022

Random Thoughts...

I've decided from now on. I'm going to  do what's right for me. there are only 9 more weeks until the end of 2022. So when 2023 rolls around my new attitude in life is going to be getting my own life in order.

Next year I want my head to be in a better more clearer space. Right now it seems to be a jumbled chaotic mess. I can't even think coherently enough to write, and I really want to be able to write again.

I need to go and do my groceries tomorrow. It'll be the first time in about a month. I need to restock. before I go I suppose I'll have to clean out my pantry and freezer to see what I actually have. I hate it when I buy stuff that I already have. My new plan of action is to shop smarter... I'm even going to start doing meal plans because groceries are getting damn expensive. I'm only going to buy what I need for each meal. Gone are the days when we needed to stock up for a seven-year siege.

I've been watching shows on being more organized. In my life = around the house, and just in life in general. I'm still in the midst of decluttering all my stuff. I don't understand why I have so much. I seriously don't need it. I haven't even used most of it in almost a year. It's just taking up space that could ultimately be used for something else.

Today's feel-good tune to get you in a happy mood. Sometimes you just need something a little upbeat and peppy, and today for me, it's Racey.

Tuesday 25 October 2022

Getting There

I babysat my grandkids today, while their parents moved some more moving. only a couple of more loads to go and it will all be done... anyway, getting back to my story. They were mostly well-behaved. Let me amend that... the eldest and the youngest were. The middle child, which I have lovingly dubbed Hurricane. Well, she was a whole other story. I don't think she even knows the meaning of the word quiet. And yes, I know she is only two, but boy can she get loud. Yet, she's so darn cute when she's doing it. Sometimes I wish it was legal to duct tape her to a chair so I could get five minutes of peace and quiet, but I bet she'd figure her way out of it within the first minute. Today Hurricane nearly dislocated my freaking thumb. The pain almost put me on my arse. Now hours later it is still aching, but nowhere like it was when it first happened.

I'm still so bloody tired from helping with my daughter's move. It feels like all my bones and muscles are aching. I think I may have pulled something.

The weather is heating up around here, even if it is still raining. I'm thinking it's time to start up the aircon for summer. If we don't we are going to swelter, and I don't like to swelter at any time.

My new glasses should be arriving any day now, and I can't wait for them to arrive. Hopefully, they'll help me see a little better. Especially my new sunglasses.

I'm rewatching the X-Files I haven't watched them in years. So far, I'm enjoying them. I tried watching Sons of Anarchy, but I'm not sure whether I like it or not. So I stopped.

I've been working on E.P.I.C.1: What Hides Behind The Shadows trying to get a start on next year's body of work. Like I said, I'm not sure where I'm headed, but at the moment the storyline is flowing and that's all I can say. I'm also still working on Brothers McCrieve MC1: Justice.