Friday, 21 June 2013

Here's Something To Give You All A Good Laugh...

Woke up this morning to the sound of rain gently falling on the roof - I smiled because we live on tank water so any rain is welcome, especially, if it refills my tank - even partially.

Everything is going great and then I remember I have to take Mum out to do some errands so I decide to answer all my emails first and grumble the whole time about having to go out in the rain. I may love the rain but that doesn't mean I want to be out in it (unless of course I am jumping in the puddles - but at my age that might seem a bit weird to other people).

So there I am, in my office at my computer minding my own business when I here the screen door open and know my mum is letting one of the cats in. Just so happens it is my cat "Droogie". This would be no problem though because he likes to sit beside me or sit on the floor at my feet (he's not really a cuddler). Anyway I hear him meowing as he comes into my office and before I can blink he jumps straight into my lap wringing wet through. Mind you, I yell because A: It's winter here and pretty cold, B: He is so wet I now look like I peed myself, & C: He continues to sit there until I dry the bugger off... My mum walks in with an old towel and goes "Oops." - I'm like "Oops, WTF, seriously?" Apparently she got side tracked by something on the TV. As soon as he was dry he jumped off my lap and curled up by the heater.

So now here I am about to drive Mum to town in the rain... Could my day get any worse?

On a brighter note my new computer tower should turn up today... I can't wait.


  1. Lol you needed to be shocked


    1. LOL - maybe so, but I suppose lucky he didn't land on the laptop and electrocute us both...

  2. Thanks for the chuckle but oh lordy never NEVER ask fate if your day can get worse. She will flip you the bird and do something awful if you're not careful.

    1. She did:- by delivering my computer tower late so I had to wait for my Hubs to pick it up on the Saturday.
