Sunday, 10 November 2019

This is Me...

I've just finished galley proof edits on Admetus Gaea 1: The Gaean Prophecy and sent it back. Hopefully, I'll have a release date to share with you all soon.

I'm still doing NaNoWriMo... though due to the galley proofing, I'm a couple of days behind so now I have to play catch up to be able to finish Sons of Evenmore 3: Fear the Scarlet Moon, & start Wardens of the Guild 3: Heartstrings... Wish me luck.

I'm having both good days and bad days with my back. I now have an exercise plan in place. Though, I want to run through it with my doctor before I start in case I have the wrong ones. There were two lots on the rehabilitation site and I'm not sure which ones I'm meant to be doing.

I'm not in the path of the fire that is going on around my area, so for the moment I'm safe and so is my family that live around here. We might not be getting the fire, but we are getting tons of dust storms. Everything is covered in dust in my house, which means once the dust has finally blown away and settled down we'll all have to spring clean and wash/wipe out the whole house again. I only did this about a month ago when the last dust storm rolled through town.

Though I have to ask... why is it when my life is so hectic, we could almost call it out of control. New story ideas are trying to push their way to the forefront of my mind demanding attention? Don't they know I just need a little space to finish off the current WIPS for the year without starting something new?

Sunday, 3 November 2019


I'm not talking about the steaminess that happens in stories today. Though, to be honest we could probably spend a lifetime talking about that. Instead, I'm wanting to discuss food...

I've really been getting into steamed food. Steamed meats to be more precise. So far I have only done chicken, a rump roast, corned silverside, and today I'm trying a rolled pork. Though I'm not too sure about today's efforts as I'm not a huge lover of pork, Mum wanted to try it so here I am cooking it. So far everything we have steamed has been melt in your mouth moist and tender, way better than roasted. I was never a huge fan of roasted meats as I always thought they got too dried out. I think I've even converted my brother to steamed chicken.

The best part is I freeze the steaming water which I flavour with all the herbs and spices, and pull them out later to use as stock bases for stews and soups. So, its a win-win for me. I also thicken them and eat them with rice as a gravy. I'm not fussy. Well, I don't save the corned silverside one as that is basically a vinegar flavoured one but the rest are usually very delicious.

Since I have decided to eat healthier, my mind has been on food. Not that I really ate unhealthily before. More, I just ate the wrong things at the wrong time. I'm willing to try new things. Though it's hard with having thyroid problems as that messes with everything (I know way too much information) I think you will find 2020 will be the year where TMI will be a constant thing with me. I have some life goals I want to achieve, and you━my readers━are going to be my sounding boards to keep me on the straight and narrow so to speak. I can talk more about those as we step from this year into the next.

My cats (Oliver & Robson) must like the smell of the pork steaming as they seem to be hanging around the kitchen a lot today. Usually by this time they have found their sleeping spots and are content to sleep away the daylight hours until they can cause havoc all night by playing tag throughout the house and cat enclosure.

Saturday, 2 November 2019

NaNoWriMo & Other Things...

Well as everyone knows NaNoWriMo started yesterday. So, not a good time to get sick. I came down with the same 72-hour virus that has been making its way through our house. Not fun at all. I had trouble adding my word count━basically, I had to delete my project and re-enter it so that I could get the word count button, so I add my words for each day. At least it's working now.

I think we have finally solved the whole no wardrobe situation at the kid's house. This weekend they are picking up the second-hand wardrobe sets that they bought 9 pieces for $315. It'll do the whole house.

I can't believe how fast this year has flown by. 2020 will be here before we know it. That gives me a little while to work out a plan for the next year. I have my writing plan set. I just need to get my life plan set out. I don't want to get to the end of next year and feel as worn out as I do this year━if that makes sense.

Though I am excited, my Tae-Bo DVD's finally arrived so I can get back into my exercising again. I don't know what happened to my last ones. They just seemed to disappear on me. I bet someone borrowed them and just never returned them to me. Typical! Once I stop being sick I will start getting back into it.

Man, I have a headache today. I'm hoping this is just a side symptom of the virus and not a lingering thing. I haven't had a bad headache/migraine since being on my migraine medication, and I don't want it to start all over again.

Tuesday, 29 October 2019

Wednesday, 23 October 2019


Well, we all survived the bush fires. Though, they did make it to the paddock at the end of my daughter's street at her old house.

My daughter and her family, finally found a new house. Their landlord had decided to put their old rental on the market to sell and wanted to renovate it━hence the whole having to move deal. I've been helping them move over the last week━I'm bloody pooped. 

The worse thing is both Emily and Grace have been sick. There is a virus going around. I hope I don't catch it. Not with NaNoWriMo is about to start.

Skin cancer results came back (1 good - 1 bad) but we caught it in time, and I still have one to go. I can tell you I am over stitches though. They are a pain in the arse.

My daughter and her partner Elliot are getting married next year. So that will be the next thing on our planning list. Her cousin Jared is walking her down the aisle. He is so chuffed. They are planning on having it in the yard at their house. At least the yard of the new house is big enough to do so.

The covers for Admetus Gaea 1: The Gaean Prophecy... & The Lines of Marsden 4: The Trail of Red Roses have been sent out to the very talented Lex Valentine. At least I think she has both of them.

Wednesday, 9 October 2019


BUSHFIRES are raging all around us at the moment. I just want to let everyone know I am safe for the moment. Though, yesterday the fires were across the street from my daughter Emily's house in Laidley. They are still on high alert. That one is still active, so they have enough stuff packed in case they have to evacuate in a hurry. I'm already babysitting the cat. One less worry for them if they have to leave in a hurry. She'll (Daisy) will stay with me until they are given the all-clear.

Monday, 7 October 2019

Just A Quickie...

Admetus Gaea 1: The Gaean Prophecy is definitely now at Formatting.

The Lines of Marsden 4: The Trail of Red Roses is about to be started 1st edits this week on my editor's end... Good luck Christie N.

The Connelly Chronicles 3: Because of You has left the track I was planning on and gone in a whole new direction. Hopefully, I can bring it back by the end of the book. Though, to be honest I'm liking this new direction a lot.

Hidden Hearts 1: Harder & Harder to Breathe, & 2: One Last Kiss Goodbye I'm still waiting to hear back from the publishing house about them.

House is quiet now that my granddaughter Grace has gone home. She had a sleepover here. We baked scones and cooked food. She had a ball and kept me on my toes. Thank god I can hand her back after one night. I'm too old to have little kids (yes, some days 50 feels too old).