Sunday, 18 December 2011

Embry Carlysle Q & A.

Okay I am going to introduce you to my very good friend and my sometimes writing partnerEmbry Carlysle. When we first met I thought she was a crazy arsed stalkier and then I got to know her. I am still debating on the crazy arsed stalker thing, but what I did find out is that she is a pretty awesome chick. Sometimes I honestly think that we share the one brain, it has gotten to the stage that we can finish each other’s sentences – especially when it comes to the paranormal parallel universe that we are working on. Now without further ado I will let her tell you in her own words what she is all about. To see my answers to the same questions you need to go to Embry's blog - Take the short cut on the right hand side of my blog, simply click on her picture and it will tale it there. (Under my Profile.)

Tell us how this particular story came about? Was there a particular instant when it all just fell into place and you thought that is my next story?

Stories are always floating around in my head, but for this particular story was inspired by an adorable picture I found online of the cutest couple ever kissing at what appears to be a Halloween Party. From there the story took form.

How long have you been writing?

It feels like forever, but serious writing began a few years ago and I have focused on the m/m genre in the last year.

How do you choose which genre and flavour your story line will take, and what influences your choice?

Paranormal is my first love, so naturally my current WIP’s are paranormal.

What is your specific writing style, if any?

I really wouldn’t say I have a specific style, other than I always have a bit of humour in them. Life is far too serious in the real world and I think humour helps “lighten” our subconscious. Allowing the reader to “relax and enjoy” for a moment.

Is there anything you find particularly challenging about bringing a story to life?

Oh my yes, several things come to mind. I think for me it’s always a challenge to stay focused on a current storyline, because my over active imagination tends to pop up new storylines at the most inopportune time.

NJ: That is why you have me to help keep you on track – can you feel that whip?

Who is your favourite character you‘ve written to date and why?

Oh wow that’s a tough one. I think in each story I have a favourite while I’m writing it, but if I had to pick one off the top of my head it would be Sean from a story I haven’t finished. He is a Rock Star who can see ghosts and just about the funniest and funnest (is that even a word) character to write.

Which character in your body of works was the hardest to write?

Probably the one I’m working on now. Jamie was a victim of child-abuse and for me that is very difficult to write, because it is heartbreaking on so many levels.

Which stories have you enjoyed working on the most and why? 

My ghost story for sure, but also my story based on Greek Mythology. I am a huge fan of all things mythological.

What will people come away with after reading your books?

Hopefully they will love my characters as much I have loved writing them. That for a few minutes they could escape into another world full of alpha heroes and the men they love.

What are you currently reading?

Well your stories of course. LOL

NJ: Well said, and I didn't even have to pay her that much to say it… LMAO.

What music is in your stereo at the moment? And does it influence the way you write?

I listen to a plethora of songs. Just depends on what kind of mood I’m in I suppose. Whatever the scene is at the time I’m writing it, I find different music to fit the mood so to speak.

Are you still as passionate about writing as you were when you first started?

Oh most definitely, I plan to write until my fingers fall off.

Name three Authors you read over and over again?

Mary Calmes,
K.A. Mitchell
Larissa Ione,
And of course NJ Nielsen. 

NJ: (Okay that one was all Emb’ I didn’t bribe her for that one – Psst, the money is in the mail.)

Can you share any of your current WIPS?

Well considering that’s all I have, sure. My current one is about my cougar-shifter and the man whose soul he saves.

NJ: Ahem – did you forget the whole The Realms thing that we have going on… sheesh where is the loyalty?

For those readers that have yet to know you please tell us something about yourself.

This is always a tough question. Talking is never a problem for me, talking about myself…is. Let’s see I could give the standard answer of; I have always wanted to be a writer, which is definitely true. But it is my true love of the m/m genre that has truly inspired me. What could be better than writing stories that combine my two loves; m/m and paranormal? For me it is everything.


  1. sweet Embry will be posting her half when she gets home in about three hours LOL.

  2. Ah thanks Piper, Though I'm embarrassed to say I completely left out the part about my collaboration with "duh" moment.

    NJ got home later than anticipated, working on it as we speak....PROMISE heehee
