Friday, 14 February 2025

Day 45: Babysitting Again

I have to look after my granddaughters again, while their mum is working. Both Hurricane and Cyclone are ill, so they are home from school. If I'm honest, I think Monsoon might be a tad sick as well. They all have colds in varying degrees.

Today, I'm bribing them with screen time. If it keeps them all quiet, I'm all for that. at least their mum is only working until lunch time, and then they get to go home, and I can rest.

I have a damn headache. I love my granddaughters, but some days they do my head in; and while they're sick it's one of those days. it also doesn't help that one has ADHD and likes to make weird high-pitched noises.

I'm finding it harder and harder to recover after each visit. But they only have to smile and my heart melts. It's then that I completely forget what little terrors they have been. Because they are my little angels.

I don't get any writing done while they are here. Hurricane and Monsoon always want to help. I've made that mistake before. I've left my current WIP open and one of the girls has either added a heap of gibberish of deleting big chunks of my story that I'll never get back. It's just easier not to have the computer on.

Thursday, 13 February 2025

Day 44: A walking Stick Kind of Day


I managed to get out of bed today. I'm having to use my walking stick to get around, but at least I'm up and moving. I'd spent the last three days sleeping most of the day away. But today I have to go and get some groceries.

I also had get as mobile as possible... making it easier to look after my mum. She still needed to have her food etc cooked. Seeing as I'm her carer it's kind of my full-time job.

I organised to have my paddock slashed. The guy should be out next Monday, unless of course it rains. My luck it's going to freaking rain. It will be good to see all the grass.

I even managed to make a nice lunch, which was good after having three days of freezer meals. I much prefer when I can cook for myself. the food always tastes better.

Wednesday, 12 February 2025

Day 43 Random Thoughts #5

  1. While my back is still sore, I've been forced to have a lazy day. It's throwing my whole day out. So, cleaning out my fridge and freezer out is out for today.
  2. I've been recharging my kindle my kindle so that I can start reading again. It's easier to read of a night than to write... and frankly, I miss it. I miss getting lost in the worlds of all the different characters.
  3. While on back rest. I'm making a list of chores that I need to get done around the house and the yard. I'm going to have to do a little every day if I want to keep on top of things.
  4. I also need some new supplies to get my air fryer and microwave clean. I have a hard time with those two. But come grocery day, I'll get everything I need. I'm going to try Elbow Grease this time around. It's a new product that I haven't tried before.
  5. I did manage to clean out my bedside table drawers. not that they were really messy. but I was looking for a new charger cord. I found two, so I was happy with that.

Tuesday, 11 February 2025

Day 42: I Have Monsoon Today.


Yesterday, my back went out... so I basically ended up sleeping the afternoon away. I could hardly move. I woke up and it's still really tender. So, I won't be doing much again, because I can't sit up for long periods of time.

Though, I did have to get up and take Hurricane and Cyclone to school. I also have Monsoon while Emily is at work this morning. I'm hoping Monsoon is going to just want to have a quite morning watching my phone or TV. Knowing her as I do, she'll want to eat me out of house and home.

I need to sort out the cords behind my TV. They look like a jumbled mess, and It's doing my freaking head in. Yet, that will be a job when I don't have Monsoon here trying to help me.

It looks like we might get some rain today. unless the clouds all disappear on us.

Writing wise: I'm not sure I'm up to getting any done, seeing as I'll have to be lying down mostly for my back. That, and I can't write while Monsoon is here. I have her this morning and again this arvo when Hurricane and Cyclone go swimming.

Monday, 10 February 2025

Day 41: Physio Day


I had physio today... I rate how well I'm doing, by how easy is it to wash my armpits in the shower. I know it sounds stupid; but for some reason it works for me. In the beginning I had so much trouble especially trying to use my left hand to reach under the right armpit. Or to even raise my left arm high enough to wash under it.

Some days are way better than others. I'm in a bit of pain at the moment because Monsoon decided to help me with and exercise and ended up hurting me. Not her fault. She's three and I shouldn't have been doing the exercises while she was here. Lesson learned, and I won't be doing that again.

I was hoping the physio guy, (J), was going to be able to tell that I'm doing the exercises every day. Because I might be a bit slack in marking them off in the App. I can tell him I'm sleeping better. I still can't sleep on that side for long, but at least now my shoulder/ arm isn't aching all night. Now I just have to plod along until my next appointment.

Sunday, 9 February 2025

Day 40: Little Things


Today I need to do all the little things, or rather 5 little chores. The ones I hate doing like:
  1. Cleaning the microwave.
  2. Cleaning the air fryer.
  3. Wiping all the spills off the kitchen cupboards - I thought I got them all yesterday after the kids left, but this morning I realized I had missed a few.
  4. Cleaning the shower glass.
  5. Changing all the bedding.
At least I have all day to get them done. I also have to fold the Laundry today; but I don't mind doing that one.

I don't want to overexert myself, because I don't want to be too sore to go to physio tomorrow.

I also need to try and get a bit of writing done. On that note I will away and get started. Right after I clean up the furball my cat Robson decided to just leave at my feet. Yay, what fun it is to be a pet owner. I'm kidding, I love my cats... most of the time. 

Saturday, 8 February 2025

Day 39: Decluttering & Other Things

 Today I've been decluttering all of my writing files. Making sure that when I'm actually working on something, all the clutter in the files is gone and I'm only left with what I need.

I've been having a bad headache today. Not a blinder, but a slow dull thump. I think I may have forgotten to take my medication this morning.

I finished watching both versions of Ghosts. I liked different characters in both the English and the American versions... Basement ghosts were funny in both.

It was a freaking warm day again today. Yes, I know it's summer, and it's meant to be hot. I must obviously be a winter person; I really do like the cooler weather.

Today I tried to work on Dark Frost 1: Accidentally Yours. It's been good getting to know the characters again. In the end I decided to stop and try again tomorrow. Hard to work on anything when you have two of the granddaughters visiting. Today I had Cyclone and Monsoon... while Hurricane went and got her new glasses.