I have to look after my granddaughters again, while their mum is working. Both Hurricane and Cyclone are ill, so they are home from school. If I'm honest, I think Monsoon might be a tad sick as well. They all have colds in varying degrees.
Today, I'm bribing them with screen time. If it keeps them all quiet, I'm all for that. at least their mum is only working until lunch time, and then they get to go home, and I can rest.
I have a damn headache. I love my granddaughters, but some days they do my head in; and while they're sick it's one of those days. it also doesn't help that one has ADHD and likes to make weird high-pitched noises.
I'm finding it harder and harder to recover after each visit. But they only have to smile and my heart melts. It's then that I completely forget what little terrors they have been. Because they are my little angels.
I don't get any writing done while they are here. Hurricane and Monsoon always want to help. I've made that mistake before. I've left my current WIP open and one of the girls has either added a heap of gibberish of deleting big chunks of my story that I'll never get back. It's just easier not to have the computer on.
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