Friday, 21 February 2025

Day 52: Yard Work Again


I managed to whipper snip one of my yard patches. I still need to mow over it, now that it's low enough. I'm trying not to overextend myself. I'm just happy I'm getting all caught up on everything.

I doctored my push mower. I hat using the grass catcher, so I drilled holes in it and tied it open. much better. Seeing as all my stuff is battery operated. I'm trying to do one whipper snipper battery, and one Mower battery worth of work each day.

I'm still sneezing and coughing, I'm not sure whether it's still the cold, or if it's allergies from all the grass. Probably, a little bit of both.

I also started writing out the story for bad dream I had last week. It's turning out a lot better than I thought it was going to be. I will write a bit more of them in long hand before I type it all up. I'm enjoying it. I'll continue writing until I decide if it's a keeper or not.

I didn't have to babysit today, because My daughter is off work sick> double ear infection. So, it wasn't going to be good if she got into pool. I'm happy for the day off.

Thursday, 20 February 2025

Day 51: Today I...


Today, I... am so sore from doing yard work that I think I'll take tomorrow off.

Today, I... went to walk through a doorway, and then walked straight into the doorjamb> it was like it just jumped oy and bit me.

Today, I... left the laundry door open and Oliver (my elderly cat) jumped up on the washing machine and pressed a button to start a cycle... scared the shit out of the poor cat.

Today, I... finally worked out what the weird tapping noise in my bedroom every time I turn on the fan... turns out the decorative cross I got from a gift shop at a Melbourne church.

Today, I... Tweaked my back again, so I'm hoping it doesn't go out completely again.

In conclusion: I've decided that I really am a freaking klutz. Especially with all the weird shit that happens to me on a daily basis. I'm just lucky I wake up each day still breathing.

Wednesday, 19 February 2025

Day 50: Sick


I definitely woke up sick this morning. I've sneezed so much, that I thought I dislodged half my brain. I thought I had hay fever, but as the day wore on, I'm more believing it's a freaking dreaded cold. Inevitably, I always catch whatever the granddaughters come down with.

 As per usual it comes along with a damn migraine. luckily, for me this time it was just a rainbow kind. One that I can at least treat with medication and don't have to lock myself away in a dark room for hours.

Sadly, for me, I still had to get up and look after my mum. all the while trying not to get too close, because I don't want to make mum sick.

Today, I started watching: The Librarians. I wanted to watch something that I like, but didn't have to concentrate on. Meaning it wouldn't matter if I doze off. That, and I have it on DVD because with the internet still out; I can't watch TV which needs the internet to work.

I also managed to get my big chore done, which was do the washing. I was buggered by the end of it, but at least I can hang it all inside. The smell of the washing liquid was so overpowering it was making me nauseous. It sounded super sweet.

Tuesday, 18 February 2025

Day 49: Yard Work


I tried to get a little bit of whipper snipping done, because it's too long to mow the house yards. My shoulder/arm wasn't too happy about it. I've decided that I'll just have to take it slowly and just do a little bit every day. It'll all get done eventually.

My eldest sister Saff, and her second youngest daughter (who's a grown woman in her own right); came around and brought Mum Chinese for a belated lunch. I made myself fish and salad. because I knew what was in it.

I was freezing today, which is weird in itself seeing as that we're still in the hot months of our year. Everyone else was all dressed for the summer months while I was all rugged up. I hope I'm not coming down with the same cold my granddaughter's all have.

I had both Hurricane and Monsoon today, while Cyclone went for her swimming lesson. So, today we watch Rise of the Guardians... twice.

Monday, 17 February 2025

Day 48: Happy Birthday Mum & Other Stuff


  1.  My wonderful mother turns 93 today. It's her day to be spoiled so whatever she wants for lunch that is what I'm making her... Apparently, its honey, soy, and garlic chicken.
  2. At 7:30 am they started slashing our paddock. the guy says it will take three hours... but it only ended up taking two.
  3. Telstra is working on some tower in our area, so I have no internet; and I won't have for the next five days. I'll have to write the posts out in a notebook so I can type them up once I get back online.
  4. I had Hurricane while Cyclone was at dance practice. Hurricane is so congested it's not funny. Monsoon is spending the arvo with her favourite Aunty (second cousin). So at least there won't be any fighting.
  5. I have a mad headache today. I'm trying to do as little as possible. At least my back is almost back to normal. It's only twinging every now and then, now.
  6. Today's big chore was untangling all the wire behind the TV... Zip ties are a wonderous invention. At least I have no worries about Robson (youngest cat) won't get all tripped up as he's going through the space between the TV and the wall.

Sunday, 16 February 2025

Day 47: Bad Dreams


I woke up this morning around 3:30am and knew I had been having a dream. I only class it as a bad dream because when I woke it was to the remnants of some man screaming and yelling inside my head. the voice was deep so I can only assume it is a male. It sounded so realistic that in the first few minutes of wakefulness, I thought the person was standing in my bedroom next to my bed. 

As I lay there; now wide awake; I came to terms with the fact that it had to be a dream. because there definitely wasn't an angry man standing in my room beside my bed. I got the sense that my dream man was being tortured. That's when I realized I must have been dreaming up a new story line. I'm not sure for which series, but at least now I have the gist of the plot.

I'm thinking it will fit nicely into one of my MC series. Now I have to work out who the main couple are going to be (though the names Mabel Jones and Stone Jacobs jump immediately to mind). I don't get the feeling that it's Stone getting tortured but maybe someone close to him: and that guy projects his pain into Mabel's dreams.

No one believes Mabel so she decides to track down the MC on her own and get them to help her find the dream guy. Everyone thinks she's a little nuts, but at least the MC decide to help her. especially if it brings home their missing club member.

Saturday, 15 February 2025

Day 46: Reading Now> RJ Kane

The Underworld Series:

Vol 1: Rise of the King
Vol 2: Rise of the King
Vol 3: Rise of the Queen

I can tell you; I've been reading this series and loving it. I love all the characters. I loved how they all interacted with each other. Both the baddies and the goodies.

I'm not usually into mafia books; but this series might very well have changed my mind. I'm not going to give any spoilers away because I really think you should all read it. 'Pinky swear' you'll love it.

If I have one negativity about the series is that I have to wait for the next book. But that's okay, being a writer myself I know it takes time to get the story right. It just means I can re-read these volumes and find all the parts I didn't see the first time around.

This series has definitely become part of my favourites list. and to think I only found it because of a snippet I saw on Facebook.