I tried to get a little bit of whipper snipping done, because it's too long to mow the house yards. My shoulder/arm wasn't too happy about it. I've decided that I'll just have to take it slowly and just do a little bit every day. It'll all get done eventually.
My eldest sister Saff, and her second youngest daughter (who's a grown woman in her own right); came around and brought Mum Chinese for a belated lunch. I made myself fish and salad. because I knew what was in it.
I was freezing today, which is weird in itself seeing as that we're still in the hot months of our year. Everyone else was all dressed for the summer months while I was all rugged up. I hope I'm not coming down with the same cold my granddaughter's all have.
I had both Hurricane and Monsoon today, while Cyclone went for her swimming lesson. So, today we watch Rise of the Guardians... twice.
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