Friday, 21 February 2025
Day 52: Yard Work Again
Thursday, 20 February 2025
Day 51: Today I...
Today, I... am so sore from doing yard work that I think I'll take tomorrow off.
Today, I... went to walk through a doorway, and then walked straight into the doorjamb> it was like it just jumped oy and bit me.
Today, I... left the laundry door open and Oliver (my elderly cat) jumped up on the washing machine and pressed a button to start a cycle... scared the shit out of the poor cat.
Today, I... finally worked out what the weird tapping noise in my bedroom every time I turn on the fan... turns out the decorative cross I got from a gift shop at a Melbourne church.
Today, I... Tweaked my back again, so I'm hoping it doesn't go out completely again.
In conclusion: I've decided that I really am a freaking klutz. Especially with all the weird shit that happens to me on a daily basis. I'm just lucky I wake up each day still breathing.
Wednesday, 19 February 2025
Day 50: Sick
Tuesday, 18 February 2025
Day 49: Yard Work
Monday, 17 February 2025
Day 48: Happy Birthday Mum & Other Stuff
- My wonderful mother turns 93 today. It's her day to be spoiled so whatever she wants for lunch that is what I'm making her... Apparently, its honey, soy, and garlic chicken.
- At 7:30 am they started slashing our paddock. the guy says it will take three hours... but it only ended up taking two.
- Telstra is working on some tower in our area, so I have no internet; and I won't have for the next five days. I'll have to write the posts out in a notebook so I can type them up once I get back online.
- I had Hurricane while Cyclone was at dance practice. Hurricane is so congested it's not funny. Monsoon is spending the arvo with her favourite Aunty (second cousin). So at least there won't be any fighting.
- I have a mad headache today. I'm trying to do as little as possible. At least my back is almost back to normal. It's only twinging every now and then, now.
- Today's big chore was untangling all the wire behind the TV... Zip ties are a wonderous invention. At least I have no worries about Robson (youngest cat) won't get all tripped up as he's going through the space between the TV and the wall.
Sunday, 16 February 2025
Day 47: Bad Dreams