Wednesday, 4 January 2017

My Day Today...

I have to write this all out because seriously my day has been weird and a little bit hectic.

1) I have a sore backbasically because I still have the last minute things to unpack and find homes for. A lot of my gently used stuff found it's way to other people via our disabled facility they sell it for money for their causes.

2) I had to take my mother to get her hearing tested, after my brother and I have tried explaining that she needs to wear them every day and her telling us she doesn't. The hearing doctor agreed with me and now mum has finally worn the damn aids all day and I haven't had to repeat myself, and the TV doesn't have to be on high.

3) Hoping this is the week Emily takes the last of her stuff to her house and gets it out from under my feet. I'm sick of tripping over crap that isn't mine. then it will only be her books to go.

4) It's all overcast and it looks like we may be in for another storm. Thank God my washing no longer gets hung outside it might take longer to dry, but at least it does... we are supposed to get a few decent storms in the next couple of weeks.

5) Emily went on a picnic and took my car instead of her own. I hate driving other people's cars, because I never want to fix them if they break.

6) I had to book my car in to get the rear tyres changed (Friday 9 am).

7) Shopping this morning, but had to get home in time to watch the 3rd  cricket test match between Australia & Pakistan... we've won the series, but it's always good to watch regardless. tomorrow is Jane McGrath breast cancer day at the cricket so it will be a sea of pink. Always awesome to see.

8) My cats are acting sookie and acting all cuddly. Driving me nuts but I love them both to death. So naturally I'm letting them climb all over me rule the roost.

9) I couldn't find any of my grocery reusable shopping bags, so I've had to buy more... only to realise Emily has them all with her stuff packed in them. I will be glad when she brings them all back to me. I don't like using plastic bags. They always seem to tear.

10) Also been trying to figure out how to place my pictures on the wall. They are ones I've collected, I've drawn, or were given to me over the years. I can't wait to see it all done.

Tuesday, 3 January 2017

Tuesday's Thoughts...

Today I'm back to writing, but before I start I want to update my blogs to make sure they are current... I don't mean colours as I like them the way they are. I'm more along the lines of changing out the pictures and getting ready for anything that is released this year.

I'm not going to have word counters for each book... Instead I'll only have a wordage metre for the words I plan on writing 1,560,000─ a little over the Penny Brandon Challenge which is still in progress... I will have a counter for that as well... 

I'm tying to look ahead for the whole year─as you can tell by the list I blogged on January 1st. You'll notice that I already have 63 K in my total wordage for 2017─that's because I added up all the bits of stories in the list that I have already done. Mind you most will be reviewed and re-written. but I wanted to be honest with you all from the very start & hopefully you all can kick my arse and keep me on track.

So who out there made New Years Resolutions? I think I might have already told you that I didn't make any this year. I just figured that this year I'm only concentrating on family & my writing. Speaking of: I have only one room left to finish putting together. but that can't happen until I buy some more storage (drawers & wardrobe/linen closet)─This is for the spare room. I also have to  move my spare bed & trundle in (at the moment they are at my brother & sister in-laws place). I can't wait for it all to be done.

For now I'm working on:

The Lines of Marsden 4: The Trail of Red Roses
Wardens of the Guild 2: All that Shimmers
Moon Runners 2: I Won't Let You Go

Catch you all in the next couple of days

Sunday, 1 January 2017

Happy New Year

Happy New Year.
Breathe in—breathe out… I’ve made it to another year and I’m so grateful to be alive… Not that I was dying last year—it only felt like I was. I survived to get my life back on track…
I don’t have any New Year’s resolutions… I guess I know I wouldn’t stick to them…LOL. But I've been thinking a lot about writing, and this is what I’ve come up with:
If I write 6K a day 5 days a week I can write 36 books 34 novellas and 2 novels: 365 (w-days) – 105 (days) X 6K (per day) – 200K (2 novels) ÷ 40K Novellas = 34. But I'll be happy just to make the 22 needed for the PB Challenge. The following lists aren't written in any particular writing order─more just what I plan on working. I'll let you know daily/weekly how I'm doing on my wordage.

Fireborn Publishing: 11 (all 40K)
·      Hidden Hearts 3: Going By the Book
·      Hidden Hearts 4: Couples Cover
·      Moon Runners 2: I won’t Let You Go
·      Moon Runners 3: Something That You Said
·      The Diamond Rose 2: So Pretty On The Outside
·      The Diamond Rose 3: Sometimes it Hurts
·      The Diamond Rose 4: Monsters Like Me
·      The Freedomers 2: Craine’s Everlasting Faith M/F
·      The Freedomers 3: Drake’s Broken Prophecy
·      The Freedomers 4: Finding Arotol’s Destiny M/F
·      The Freedomers 5: Maven’s Guardian Angel

MLRPress: 13 (1 x 100K/12 x 40K)
·       Experimentals 3: Messages from the Dead
·       Experimentals  4: Movements in the Dark
·       Intended Mates 2: Dancing to the Sounds of Madness
·       Lancaster's Way 3: Pre-loved
·       Lancaster's Way 4: Riding Fences
·       Lancaster's Way 5: A Stuart Family Christmas
·       Sons Of Evenmore 3: Fear the Scarlet Moon
·       Sons Of Evenmore 4: Pieces of You
·       Sons Of Evenmore 5: Always Been Yours
·       The Lines Of Marsden 4: The Trail of Red Roses
·       The Lines Of Marsden 4.5: On the 12th Day
·       Toowoomba Boys 4: Securing the Heart
·       Toowoomba Boys 5: Bending the Law

Pride Publishing: 6 (1 x 100K/ 5 x 40K)
·       Wardens Of The Guild 2: All That Shimmers
·       Wardens Of The Guild 3: Heart Strings
·       Wardens Of The Guild 4: Gilded Cages
·       The Connelly Chronicles 3: Because of You
·       House Of Destiny 1: Saving Shane
·       House Of Destiny 2: Needing Norman

Not Yet Decided: 6 (all 40 K)
·       Quaide's Crossing 1: Meghan’s Way M/F
·       Taking Chances 1: Lie To Me
·       SPAM Inc. 1: Claiming Roxby’s Heart
·       Mountain Made 1: Jessup’s Retreat
·       Admetus Gaea 1: The Gaean Prophecy
·       Guardians Of The Dragon Born 1: Cullen Arianan

Saturday, 31 December 2016

End Of Year Speech/Ramble

I have never been so grateful for a year to be over. This year has probably been one of the hardest in my life. For the last month I have really been thinking about my future and where the hell I’m heading. Every time I think that I have it sorted out something crops up to throw my plans all out of whack.
My family fell apart and went their separate ways (but I won’t get into that—as no one wants me to re hash it)... Let's just say that in 2017 I'll still have to go to court for separation/divorce and that’s something I’m really not looking forward to, but know it has to be done for me to close one chapter in my life for the next to begin... But let's not dwell on the past.
I never got to accomplish everything I wanted to do. I also had to postpone some things until next year… Like the Penny Brandon Writing Challenge (22 books… 2 (90/100K) Novels and 20 (30/40K) Novellas)… I know I can get it done, and after the shitty year I’ve just lived through I deserve to be able to take some time to devote specifically to my writing.
I sat down and figured out which series has waited the longest to get their next books written… if you have a thought on the matter let me know, before I get side-tracked again by other stories, which let’s face it is more than likely to happen.
I have to say along with the bad that has happened this year ─ some good things have happened as well. Okay, maybe they’re only good to me.
1) The house sold fairly quickly—so I was able to move on and start the next journey in my life.
2) Hidden Hearts 2: One Last Kiss Goodbye was released with Fireborn Publishing.
3) The Freedomers 1: Zephania’s Chance was released with Fireborn Publishing.
4) Intended mates 1: Lay Your Body Down was released with MLRPress as part of the Seasons of Murder anthology.
5) Wardens of the Guild 1: The Real You was released with Pride Publishing.
6) The Connelly Chronicles 2: Beautiful Goodbyes was released with Pride Publishing
7) No one died in the family except our beautiful cat Toby… though 15 years was a grand old age for him. He will be missed very much.
I have spent the last three weeks unpacking my house and trying to set up my rooms. I promise to post pictures in the new year when it's finally finished. On that note I'll away and get ready for the New Year... catch you all tomorrow.

Thursday, 15 December 2016

Playing Catch-Up...

I've been in the new house for 2 days and I've already flooded the laundry. I knocked the stupid plug into the sick while washing, and just my luck it landed in the drain and hence the flooding─it could only happen to me.

I have ¾ of the place unpacked, which is good, but I can't wait until it's done. My cats are still adjusting to moving. Though sadly we lost one (Toby) the Saturday before we moved in. he had another stroke and ended up paralysed in his back legs. His heart gave out and he died─He will be missed by all.

I'll take until the end of the year to get everything in order before I can sit down and start writing again. and then I'll finally feel like myself again.

Today I'm taking it easy while I have the day to myself. so I'm watching some movies as I still haven't gotten the TV hooked up─I apparently need a booster box, or some such and the electrician isn't coming around next Tuesday.

It's been so fricken hot here of late. I hate that I had to move in summer. But I suppose all things happen for a reason and this has got to be for something. I hope it's for something better. I'd like to once and for all leave my shitty last two years behind... Okay enough negativity from me.

Time: there seems to be so much of it and yet not enough all at the same time. I hope when I finally do get back into writing that my brain is functioning. I've had so much time off that I need to get back into the swing of things. It drives me nuts not being able to sit right down and start. Okay I'll check in again soon.

Thursday, 1 December 2016

11 Days To Go

Eleven days to go  until I'm fully moved in to the new place. I really can't wait. A fresh start. we have had an horrendous year this year so many things have gone wrong... but in the end they have been for the best and life can only get better. Also recently found out that Emily has something wrong with her heart─it's dehydrating. She goes back for more tests on Tuesday hopefully it will be an easy fix. Well, I'm hoping all it requires is a change of diet and medication... Today she is off to dye her hair pink. I suppose to each their own.

I've been slowly getting the new place set up and it's coming together nicely. I've decided to start fresh all over and make the new house more ZEN... okay, maybe just more relaxing for Mum and myself. At least the most important room is done (well almost)my bedroom. I still have to put away a few things that I need to find homes for. I also still have a bit of rearranging to get done.

I had to give away some of my books, and here are a few that are on display. I also have some in the spare room and in the office area. I will share those pictures later.

My brother, my nephew, and myself have been  busily building a new cat enclosure/greenhouse/pergola at the new house and fingers crossed it gets done before we move.

My poor cats are stressing more and more each day as my old house empties out. Hell, Droogie even climbed into the car as I was packing it up to move another load. I think I have two loads myself to take before the movers take the rest... Mind you I think they only have about 14 things to move for me because they are too heavy for me to move myself.

Some day soon I'll get one here and tell you that I'm finally back to writing. It'll have been a long time in coming, and honestly, I can't bloody wait. Between now and the end of the year I'll be making myself a big list of all the next books in my series and one off books that I need to get done. Plus I need to figure out which books to get done for the Penny Brandon Writing Challenge that I had to put on hold this year. I'm determined to get it done in 2017.