I have to write this all out because seriously my day has been weird and a little bit hectic.
1) I have a sore back─basically because I still have the last minute things to unpack and find homes for. A lot of my gently used stuff found it's way to other people via our disabled facility they sell it for money for their causes.
2) I had to take my mother to get her hearing tested, after my brother and I have tried explaining that she needs to wear them every day and her telling us she doesn't. The hearing doctor agreed with me and now mum has finally worn the damn aids all day and I haven't had to repeat myself, and the TV doesn't have to be on high.
3) Hoping this is the week Emily takes the last of her stuff to her house and gets it out from under my feet. I'm sick of tripping over crap that isn't mine. then it will only be her books to go.
4) It's all overcast and it looks like we may be in for another storm. Thank God my washing no longer gets hung outside it might take longer to dry, but at least it does... we are supposed to get a few decent storms in the next couple of weeks.
5) Emily went on a picnic and took my car instead of her own. I hate driving other people's cars, because I never want to fix them if they break.
6) I had to book my car in to get the rear tyres changed (Friday 9 am).

8) My cats are acting sookie and acting all cuddly. Driving me nuts but I love them both to death. So naturally I'm letting them climb all over me rule the roost.
9) I couldn't find any of my grocery reusable shopping bags, so I've had to buy more... only to realise Emily has them all with her stuff packed in them. I will be glad when she brings them all back to me. I don't like using plastic bags. They always seem to tear.
10) Also been trying to figure out how to place my pictures on the wall. They are ones I've collected, I've drawn, or were given to me over the years. I can't wait to see it all done.