Thursday, 23 January 2025

Day 23: Soundtrack Day


These are the songs that are on repeat in my head at the moment.
I'll leave it up to you to figure out what they all mean.

Wednesday, 22 January 2025

Day 22: Errand Day


Today's List:

  1. Physio Appointment... Let's just hope I walk out of there without my arm/shoulder hurting too much more than it already is. Though, today I have to ask him for some exercises for my back, because just doing the shoulder/arm ones is making my back hurt worse.
  2. Go and see my real estate... Actually, I'm going to have a chat with the head of the maintenance crew... Hopefully she can help me solve a problem.
  3. Chemist... I have to renew all my mother's medications.
  4. Woolies... I need to pick up a few groceries.
Once I've done all that I can come home and start writing if I'm not too tired. I'll have to write something because I don't want to fall behind on my schedule. there is a certain series I want to get stuck back into, but I have to finish the two I'm currently working on. 

I can do it... I have faith in my ability to hit my own deadline. I find I work better when I have a deadline. It just doesn't help that both current series don't have any synopsis for me to follow... I'm just winging it as I go. 

Okay, I'll catch you all on the flipside... Peace out.

Tuesday, 21 January 2025

Day 21: Bad Day & It's Only Just Begun.


Swear to God:

1. I'm the type of person who aims for the middle of the doorway... and the wall jumps out to hit me. 

2. I'm the type of person who counts all the stairs... and then falls because I miss a step completely. 

3. I'm the type of person who sees the car door open... and then smacks my head on the roof or sun visor getting in.

Yeah, that's how my day started out... let's hope it gets better from here.

The good news side of things:

1. I took my almost 93-year-old mother for her Podiatry appointment. So that is out of the way for another 10 weeks. All I can say is thank God my physio is tomorrow.

2. I'm on track for finishing book two on time... though I've decided on another series change name. Because the more I write, the more I realize it needs to be called Elsewhere Realms... so just so we're all up to date. E.P.I.C. changed to The Halloways... and has now become Elsewhere Realms.

Okay, I now have my coffee. It's time to be off of here and conquer at least one of the worlds inside my headspace... wish me luck.

Monday, 20 January 2025

Day 20: Random Thoughts #2 (On Writing)

I'm kind of feeling like I can finally accomplish my goals this year. maybe that's because I'm laid up and can't exactly go anywhere and I have time to write. My next part of the goal is betting my typing back up to speed, and to stop myself from getting distracted (it's been known to happen).

I've made a loose writing plan for the year, I've decided not to announce it and set it in stone, because you know I'll probably end up changing it all around at some point. But for right now these are the ones that feel right for me.

I'm only concentrating this year on writing, and next year on publishing. because when I send my stuff to a publisher, I want to already have the series finished; or mostly finished. I don't want there to be long waits between books. even though that may come with the editing.

Right now, I'm just looking at it like: I just need to get some of these stories out of my head to make room for the new stuff. Even my muse Vlad has gone on a permanent vacation until I do a major declutter. The bastard could have at least tidied up in there before he left. He knows I don't like a mess.

So, I've decided to go with the flow and write whatever takes my fancy. Whether it's, shifters, vampires, ranchers, bikers, ghost hunters, or other. I'm letting my inner author shine and waiting to see what emerges at the other end. Let's all hope it's something someone wants to read.

On that note I am out of here, because I have a pain pill to take and words to write.

Sunday, 19 January 2025

Day 19: Cleaning Day


Today I am deep cleaning my room. Well, as much as mu shoulder allows me to. I swapped out my wardrobe for a set of chest of drawers. I realised I only had three things that needed hanging, the rest could be folded. So, I pulled out my inner Marie Kondo and folded the shit out of everything and it all fit into the drawers and looks much tidier.

The other win is now my three-year-old granddaughter (Monsoon) won't be climbing the open-faced wardrobe like her very own jungle gym anymore.

I still have a couple of things to find homes for tomorrow, but I need to actually get my writing in today if I want to stay on track of having three books finished by my birthday (Feb 2). As long as I don't let Miss Marple distract me on Brit Box I should be okay. Okay, I'll talk to you all tomorrow.

Saturday, 18 January 2025

Day 18: So Damn Hot

 It's been that bloody hot here lately. I had to invest in one of these stands just so my laptop is sitting flat on the tabletop and overheating. So far it seems to be working. Everything else I wanted to buy yesterday was unavailable.

1) Air fryer: Out of stock.
2) HDMI Splitter: Now = On-line only.
3) Pens: No longer make them.
4) Laptop Stand: They didn't have the one I wanted so I had to buy one that was three times the price.
5) Large Handbag: Couldn't find one.

The good news is that I didn't need glasses, though they were confused as to why I was called in for testing. Seeing as I was only there a year ago. I couldn't enlighten them any, I was just happy I didn't have to spend a fortune on glasses.

Now that I have that over and done with, I'm getting stuck back into my writing. I have a game plan set in place, and I'm going to make sure it works. I'm hoping to finish the next two books by Feb 2nd.

Friday, 17 January 2025

Day 17: Eye Test


I'm actually hoping that I don't need a new set of glasses. I like the ones I have now. At least they give you the option if there isn't a huge difference you can stay with what you have until the next testing cycle rolls around. I'll let you know the outcome tomorrow.

My shoulder is feeling a little better today, not as tender. Mind you, I'm being very careful of the damn doorways and walls in the house. I swear to God, sometimes, they just move and jump right out in front of me. I really can't be that much of a klutz... can I? Stop laughing. I know you are.

I'm probably not going to make my required wordage by the time I get home today. It might be another day where I end off handwriting and then typing it all up in the morning; and I'm okay with that. 

Okay, I better go, my daughter will be here to pick me up soon, and we'll be heading off. talk to you all tomorrow.