Friday 13 May 2022

Short & Sweet> Update...

 So I have my friend Vona Logan to thank for finally kicking my arse into writing mode again. We have come up with a plan to help each other through the tough times when we have doubts we are writing for no good reason. So today, I'm pulling my head out of the sand (so to speak) and getting things back to where they should be.

I have been slack this year. I'll be the first to admit it.  I've had a rough first half of the year (mainly due to illness) but I'm slowly getting better.

I'll keep you all updated on how Vona and I are going. Feel free to also contact me and let me know if you are waiting on a story.

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy to hear that you will start writing again. I knew you were having some issues and figured if you could get back to writing I be happy. Cinders (Cynthia)
