This is how my last month has been going for me... I need a constant supply of coffee to keep me going. But, in saying that, in the past month we have done a lot on the renovation scene... Once I'm done I'll post some pictures to show you what I'm talking about... Though, I can tell you I'm sick to death of painting and I have about another 3 months worth to go (I'm painting the existing guttering black to match the new handrails)... 3 months because I'm taking my time in doing it all = less stress for me.
The Ex goes back to NZ this weekend, and as much as I like the guy, even love him some days... I'll be glad to have my house back to normal... it is weird how much extra work there is in having another body in the house.
In between doing renos it is the dreaded tax time again... I absolutely hate tax time... It drives me nuts as all I ever seem to do is pay out money... and this year I'm hoping like hell that I don't have a heap to pay out... so keep you crossables crossed for me.
It's been promising to rain here, and I hope it holds off until after I the guys come back next Wednesday and pick up the skip bin... finally getting rid of all the crap that we have stashed in the sheds... I can't wait for it to finally be done.
Mostly the Ex, but I did help out on a fair bit of it.
- Finish the front ramp rails... and paint
- Covercrete the sides of the ramp in a blue to match the roof and railings
- Replace the back veranda hand & step rails... and paint
- Finish off the front veranda wall
- Finish front veranda arcatrave
- Replace existing bolt casing on my front gate (front veranda gate-- it's s huge wooden thing with a dragon head door knocker... I love it, but when the house moves the bolt get's stuck so I needed slightly bigger housing to keep it running smoothly
- Put up new house numbers on the front fence... red numbers on a black board
- Put capping on the front fence
- Paint mail box red & the pole black
- Paint wrought iron chairs red
- Paint terracotta pot red & black (my favourite colours are shining through)
- Paint old stools red
- Finish closing in the front shed
- Clean out front shed
- Clean out garage shed
- Finish the truck carport roof
- Cut to size facing for my library shelves... when I install these the hardest part will be removing and putting back all the fricken books... maybe it will be a good time to cull some of them... or not... I hate getting rid of books.
- Cut and install two missing pieces from the office desk
- Clear out the gully in the back yard
- Store all of the Ex's gear in the front shed... yes, even the ugly orange ute
- Clean up some of the construction gear in the back yard
- Sell some of the construction gear
- Sell the tipper truck
- Sell the ute
- Sell the container (construction storage)
- Remove broken aircon unit... (This is happening next week)
- Replace sensor lights for switch version flood lights (also happening next week) We have too much wild life for just sensor lights.
- Replace the existing shower heads in our two bathrooms.
- Wash undersides of window coverings (on the outside of the house)
- Fix leaking kitchen taps
- Replace water filter
- Fix tank over flow pipes (6 tanks)
- Fix the hole in the town water (to house) pipe... it was under the concrete in the garage carport so it had to be dug up and fixed and the re concreted.
- Fix backing on laundry sink tap
- Move wall mounted TV from spare room to my room
- Get pantry doors built and installed
- Finish off pantry shelves trim
- Replace kitchen cupboard handles (30)
- Replace laundry cupboard handles (2)
- Clean up around the dam area of yard
- Clean up the burn up bin area
Some will be done by me, but others will have to wait for the Ex to get back to Australia.
- Wash the solar panels... building myself up to climb up on the roof in the next couple of days to attempt this... did I mention that I'm terrified of heights?
- Finish pulling off wood slats around from underside of house (next time the Ex is over we'll be covering it in with colour bond corrugated iron to match the hand rails and the roof)
- Paint the iron of the truck carport
- Paintt the guttering around the house black
- Paint around the door arcatraves
- Build a latticework fence to separate the driveway from the house and garden.
- Concrete the main part of the driveway and truck carport
- Build gates for front fence
- Finish the fence
- Finish the concrete path around the house