Saturday 22 January 2022

Randomness of Me


I've slowly been working on The Connelly Chronicle 3: Because of You... It's taken a turn I didn't see coming. So now I have to figure out where the hell I'm going and try and get back to the ending I need for the next book.

I've also been unwell for the last little bit (not Covid related). More my ears, my back, my legs, and my migraines. So I've been trying to take it easy for the last month. Trying not to go anywhere or do anything if I don't have to. So instead I've been slowly setting up the new place, and moving things around so they are easier for my mum.

Also, have a lot of maintenance stuff happening through the real estate, So I've had to be home for that. Been watching the wildlife a lot, and trying to find my whipper snipper cord... yeah, I have no clue where I put it. I'll find it when I'm not looking for it at all.

We've had a bit of rain here over the last couple of weeks, mainly just drizzle, but a couple of good sowers in between. I love the rain, it always makes everything smell so clean and fresh. My cats love sitting on the verandah and watching the rain.

Weirdly since being here, I have found I love mopping the floor. each time it seems to get a little shinier. It'll never be perfect as it is scratched all over from previous tenants, and has like weird light white footprints. I assume someone stepped in paint and couldn't quite clean it up properly or something as they are perfectly formed but they don't exactly look like paint either on the floor in random spots throughout the house. I'm just going to tell people a ghost left them there━better than I have no clue how they got there; they were here when I moved in. Though, the way my cat stares at the wall. I'm starting to believe there are ghosts here.

I have to buy some curtains for my bedroom before winter gets here or else I'll freeze. So that's the next thing on my shopping list. I just made a list of things I need to buy and mark them off as I get them. Seems the simplest way to do it to me.

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