Friday, 9 February 2024

Dang It!


I feel like I'm losing my mind. I may have been out of the game for a year, but when did everything change so drastically? I just tried to send yesterday's post to Twitter, which is somehow now X. I totally missed that change of name. Sad to say I'm too scared to even open my WordPress blog to see how much that has changed on me. I think this may take me a little bit to figure out how everything all works now.

Other than that, I'm still going through and decluttering my Dropbox. I'm getting ready to add all the new stuff I've been contemplating about, and working on. I want to make it easy to touch and be accessible. So when I want it, I'll know exactly where it is.

It's been fun rereading all the bits of stories that I have there, and deciding whether to keep them or to put them aside. Some I've decided to meld into other stories. Others will go on the back burner for a little bit. I'll never discard anything fully until I have absolutely no further use for it.

I'm actually trying to figure out a writing list. One that will actually work. I think once my Dropbox is clear then I'll have a better view and be able to see what's right in front of me━so to speak. Wish me luck.

Thursday, 8 February 2024

Holy Shyte!!!


Let me start by saying I've lived through a year of hell. That would be the best way to begin, but then, it wouldn't be quite accurate. The truth is... I've had a year of being worn the hell out. My whole body was out of sync or something. I've been going to my GP, and he has been helping me get back on track. I'm working on making 2024 the year of me. The one where I get my health up to par, and I don't feel like my body wants to shut down every other week. I know I'm not the only one out there suffering. Hell, I know I'm not even the worst off. Plenty of other people are going through much more than I am.

Although I haven't been on here for the past year, it doesn't mean I haven't been doing some writing. Not a lot, but some. Mostly, I have been outlining new stories. This time around when I start writing. I want to have all my synopsis within reach. I might not always follow said synopsis to the (T), but they are a basic guideline of where I need the story to go, and definitely where I need it to end up, especially if it is part of a series.

The other thing I am in the process of doing is updating this blog and my WordPress one. so eventually you'll start to see changes... I'm also cleaning out my Dropbox. I feel like it is so cluttered. I just want the stuff on there that I'm actually working on. That way when I'm looking for something in a hurry, I don't have to search through everything.

I also have visitors at the moment, so it makes it hard to work when I feel like I need to talk to them. Actually, it's just my sister, and she really wouldn't care if I was in my room working on my computer. but, I look after my three granddaughters while their mum works 2, 3, and almost 6...  They are such a handful, only listen when they want to and I wouldn't trade them for all the quiet in the world. 

Other than that, I still have my bad back. I still have my atrocious migraines. I still have my thyroid condition. I still have horrendous ringing in my ears. I still have arthritis in my hands. I still suffer from cramps all over my body (mostly arms and legs). I still have really sore feet. I'm still overweight (but I've lost 5kg).... On a good note: I still love listening to David Bowie. I still love reading and writing. I really love my new multi-function cooker that I just bought from Aldi. 

And on that note: I will bid you all good night and I will talk to you all again next week, or even in a couple of days, and give you an update on all my decluttering is going on the computer.

Sunday, 29 January 2023

Week Four > It could only happen to me...


Sitting here minding my own business, eating my lunch like any other day, and what should happen? A freaking chunk of one of my teeth breaks off. I swear to God, someone out there, has a voodoo doll with my name on it. So I've made a dental appointment. the earliest I can get in is February 1st. Luckily I'm not in any pain. Like I said... It could only happen to me.

On another note, my eldest granddaughter who is 4 (turns 5 in March) started Prep this year. She looks so damn small. I swear to God, her backpack is almost half her size. might have to look into getting her something smaller and put this one up for next year... or the year after.

I've changed the last part of the month's writing plan and concentrated on just Woden's Wolves and The Connelly Chronicles. So this week my writing was 22K and was thus:

Woden's Wolves 1: Rescue Me > added 14K (25K)
The Connelly Chronicles 3: Because of You > added 8K (72K)

On a brighter note: my foot isn't hurting as much. It still aches, but at least I can walk on it now without limping as often. Also, my daughter is now partway through her training to become a swimming instructor. I'll be glad when she'd finally done and we know her permanent hours.

On that note I will catch you all next week
Later Gaters.

Sunday, 22 January 2023

Week Three> Week Off


Okay, I'm not going to look at it as I've wasted the week by not writing. I've had doctor appointments out of the wazoo this week. From normal our normal GP appointments, to dietician appointments with my granddaughter Grace, and Podiatry appointments with my almost 91-year-old mother. Okay, By tons I may mean four, but they were all at off times, so by the time I either left or returned home I didn't feel like getting on the computer to write... Instead, I watched Netflix: Ghost Wars, Instant Dream Home, Wednesday, & Get Organized with The Home Edit... But if the granddaughters were here, it was usually Boss Baby, The Wiggles, & We Can Be Heroes.

Above is how I keep track of my writing world. It basically tells me what I need to be working on each day. I've planned out the first six months of the year. The list, even though it is numbered; doesn't mean I'm specifically writing them in that order... this planning thing seems to be working so I've decided to do it in my real life as well. Considering I keep track of 7 people's appointments... It really gets tiring.

Here is a little snippet of what just January looks like for me and my lot... And yes, I colour code everything. Much easier for me when I'm trying to find things in a hurry. Trust me, I quite often have to go back through months looking for particular dates of events.

Updates: My foot > is still sore. The doctor doesn't think it isn't too serious. Though, I will have to buy some new shoes with better arch support. I'll have to look until I find a pair I like. As I don't like wearing shoes that velcro up. 

My headaches > well, they are still hanging around, but lately, they have been kind of mild. Though I did have one doozy this past week. The kind where it felt like my vision was swirling, and going in and out of focus.

My Back > Has been good, only a little tender down around the base of my spine. In truth, I've been having more pain with my arms than anything they are aching... not sure what from.

I think I've rambled on enough for one post I'll leave you with a song that has been rattling around inside my head for the last couple of days. Mind yu the first time I heard this guy sing... This is not what I pictured him to look like... But he did bring to life my Doyle Kerwin from my The Lines of Marsden Series.

On that note, I will away for now.
Later Gaters & Catch you all next week.

Sunday, 15 January 2023

Week Two: I Have Ouchies...


This week I've somehow managed to hurt my damn foot. No clue how I did it, but it hurts like a bitch. I told you I would give you an update on my specialist appointment... Let's just say they must have had a temp working the day they rescheduled me. I was sent to the wrong hospital, (okay, I could manage that). They changed my appointment date when I was almost at the said hospital (now that I had a problem with - I told them they couldn't do that without informing me first. Especially when I didn't live in the same city as the hospital). Then I find out they booked me in on a day when she was only doing diabetic consultations and I was going for my thyroid. (That one I was a little confused about). Turns out the Dr. was in surgery anyway, but at least I wasn't on my lonesome. Three other patients went through the same drama I did... my new scheduled appointment is February 17th at 9:45 am. Which just happens to be my mother's 91st birthday. Let's hope next time it runs smoothly.

Okay onto my weekly writing schedule:-
  1. Cotter Girls 1: TASH 45.2K > added another 3K (DONE)
  2. Cotter Girls 2: RAINE 2K > started on this one
  3. Misty River 1: Calm to my Storm 51.2K > added 5.2K (DONE)
  4. Woden's Wolves MC 1: Rescue Me 9K > started on this one
  5. The Connelly Chronicles 3: Because of You 65K > added 2K
  6. Quaide's Crossing 1: Saving Grace 17K > added 3K
24.2K all up for the week. It's been a hard week for me, but I don't want to fall behind if I can help it. I'll catch you all next week and fill you in on what's been going on.

Later Gaters.

Sunday, 8 January 2023

Week One> Update...


Well, I started off the week by writing 1K a day on each of the  4 stories I'm currently working on... Yeah, that lasted until Tuesday night. I was managing it okay, but it was a little tough jumping from one storyline to another without stuffing up. So on Wednesday, I decided to work on one story each day, and just alternate them. This is working out much better for me. I have one more read-through of Cotter Girls 1:TASH to see if I have to add to the story anywhere, but I think that one is actually done. It came in just under the wordage I had planned for it. After that, it's just writing up the synopsis and blurbs and submitting it somewhere.

You'll be happy to know I have also stuck to u budget... probably because the grocery shops have stuff all in them...  but that's okay. I'm about to start up my veggie patch again, but this time, I'm doing it all in pots... the hillside was hazardous to my health. I can't count the number of times I fell down that thing. Luckily, there was a fence to stop me at the bottom. 

The weather is stinking hot here. I hate saying it, but God, I wish it was winter already. Though, I'd probably only complain about it being too cold if it were. At least it's good clothes-drying weather. No. I don't have a drier. I depend on the sun to do it for me. Just like the only dishwasher I have is called my hands.

Before I talk to you again, I'll have gone to my thyroid specialist appointment. I'll have to let you all know next week how it panned out. Here's hoping they give me the correct medication and my health can get back on track. 

Later people, take care and see you all next week.

Sunday, 1 January 2023


 ...WELCOME 2023...

I'd like to start off by saying Happy New Year to everyone. May the year ahead be kinder than the year we just lived through.

This year I'm going to try and think more positive thoughts... and set myself realistic goals... I don't want to be causing myself stress needlessly. So for the last month while I've been out sick I have been working on this year's budget (loose) to keep me headed in the right direction. I've already been sharing some of the other things (monthly planner - to keep track of 6 people 7 pets and two houses)... Yes, I'm my daughter's backup appointment keeper.

My Goals:

1) Finish writing 6 books.
2) Read 10 books off my TBR list.
3) Stick to my budget.
4) Try and be more organized.
5) check in on my blogs more frequently.

Working on now:

1) The Connelly Chronicles 3: Because of You (starting at 55K/100K)
2) Misty River 1: Calm to My Storm (Starting at 35K/50K)
3) Quaide's Crossing 1: Saving Grace (Starting at 5K/50K)
4) Cotter Girls 1: TASH (40K/45K)